Smile Part 2: Midoriya Izuku

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The boy disappeared without a trace. Midoriya Izuku, the only boy who you connected with disappeared or so you believed until when you received a text from an unknown number. 

                             "So, the deaf girl wants her green-haired hero?"

Thinking it was simply a prank from Lord Explosion Murder himself you ignored it until you noticed your phone wouldn't stop buzzing and Aizawa had finally sent you out because of it.

                                   "Do you want to ignore me?"

                                   "Didn't you just love this boy's smile?"

The messages flooded your phone, your fingers scrolled through each message quickly skimming through them until you noticed a video that was sent. It started crumpled, messy almost as if the person recording was messing with their phone trying to get the angle just right before flipping the camera up to a disheveled Izuku chained to a wall, the person inched closer, heavy breathing lining behind the phone. The person extended his arm, waving a knife outstretched towards the green-haired boy grabbing the freckled cheeks of the boy who squirmed with a disgusted look spiraled across his face. "Let's smile" the voice scowled as he stretched Izuku's face, carving his once happy face into a makeshift smile reaching up to his cheeks. The screams of pain echoed through your brain making your eyes well up with tears. Izuku weakly looked up to the camera and weakly spoke, "D...Don't" before the video cut to black. 

                                            "Come and get him" 

You felt your chest tighten with fear as the last message was simply an address with an emoji of a hand. The bell rang, the classroom crawled out of the room rapidly like a flood, none noticing you against the wall except for Bakugou who slipped you a piece of paper with disgust almost trying not to show his true emotions from his natural guise.  You softly smiled over at him as you knew he'd probably be asking you what's wrong considering he's able to pick up on a shift in a person's mood. You pulled out your notepad and carefully scribbled down a smile with 'nothing' next to it before staring at the page for a minute and tearing it out and sliding Bakugou your phone in a moment of defeat. You wouldn't be able to hide something like this from anyone, what good would that do? You rested your head against the desk as the blonde scrolled through each message carefully before sliding your phone back. Bakugou slowly signed to you that Izuku was a shitty nerd and we had to go get him at some point but we wouldn't know what we would be dealing with. 

The two of you sat together for a while concocting a plan of what you would do, you watched Bakugou scribble down each detail carefully until your phone vibrated again. Your chest tightened with fear as you reached over to read. 

                                  "Don't dare to bring a friend:), midnight sharp!" 

It felt like a bottle of acid had been poured onto your plan. You glanced over at Bakugou who still wrote detailed plans, his eyes scaling each word with such intensity, a drastic change from his everyday hot-headed attitude, you tapped on the table to get his attention, sliding the phone towards him. Bakugou scowled as he read the message, putting his pen down finally and handing you a pile of napkins which had a small poorly drawn scetch of an angry bakugou hiding behind a wall and you approaching them, the next had Bakugou blowing up the wall and you using your telekinesis to attack 'Hand-job' as Bakugou called him. You smiled as you instantly started to get prepared, packing your body with power reflective gear knowing that you'd soon be able to save Izuku and that he wouldn't be tortured any longer. 

That night, the two of you stood in front of the building ensuring it would look like you were holding nothing, you looked over at Bakugou who's face was stern until he looked over at you. It softened in a way, a smile crept up as he signed "Let's go get this dumb ass" to you which made you laugh. Bakugou disappeared into the shadows as you walked towards the entrance, your feet felt heavier and heavier with each step as you thought about every single scenario which might happen. You took a deep breath and knocked on the large metal door, the vibrations ran against your hand as the door swung open and you were pulled inside, instantly blindfolded, cuffed and gagged before being thrown to the ground which stunk like blood.

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