Hurt: Bakugou Katsuki

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You feel your chest tighten with worry wondering how everyone will react when they see you like this.

Blood trailed down your broken arm, bone poking out of the skin. Your face was pounding, you knew you'd most likely have red marks wrapped around your neck like a stained handprint necklace. You felt so drained as you trudged your way to the dorm rooms, holding your breath hoping that nobody would be there. You peaked in at first to see Bakugou holding himself on his side as he slept on the couch, you walked in a little bit making sure to close the door gently to not make any noise.

You could finally breathe. You slowly made your way to the living bathroom to finally see yourself in the fingerprinted mirror. Staring back at you was something you couldn't recognise as you. Your eyes seemed so dark they looked as if you were a raccoon or let Mina do your makeup again, you had blood on your forehead from a large deep gash. 'Just perfect.' You thought to yourself as you ran water and began scrubbing with your unbroken arm. "What'd you do?" You hear from beside you slightly startling you. You quickly looked over to see Bakugou, wide awake, leaning on the door with his arms crossed, scanning your body obviously checking the damage. (What's your damage, Heather?)

"None of your business" You say defensively as you go back to washing your face brushing him off. You start to hear Bakugou's footsteps leave away from you and rustling from the kitchen, a moment later there he is again, leaning against the door. The only difference this time is that he's holding a small first aid kit in his right hand. "I don't need your help, Katsuki." You turn to the blonde and try to push him away from the door but you're so weak that he overpowers you and gets you to just give in.

"Come to the kitchen" Bakugou tells you, leaving afterwards. You just give up and listen to him, trailing behind him to the kitchen. When the two of you are there, Bakugou turns to you and picks you up placing you carefully on the kitchen. You watch Bakugou closely as he starts to rummage through the kit for something to help you. "You don't have to tell me shit but you look fucking pathetic trying to clean yourself up." Bakugou says abrasively as he starts to rub you down with some alcohol pads he found. You watch Bakugou's muscular figure try as carefully as possible not to hurt you. He slowly but cautiously grabs your broken arm, you wince in pain as he stretches it out to line up the bones. "You try to keep them lined up and I'll give you a shot from recovery girl to help you heal up. First, we need to find something to stiff it up." Bakugou says as he shows you the two rulers that the blonde starts lining up with your arm and connecting them with tape. Your arm looks stupid but supported to say the least.

"Look away" Bakugou instructs "I know you don't like needles like a fucking pussy." He was right. You hated them. You could feel the needle stick in your skin for a few moments before he tells you to look back, you can already feel your arm fixing itself. You look at Bakugou waiting for him to help you more but he turns towards the fridge grabbing ice and throwing it at you. "Those go on your eyes and it'll make the black go away faster. Plus, I bet it hurts like hell for a pussy like you." He presses the ice on your eyes making sure you hold it there.

Bakugou picked you up after and brought you to his room, laying you on the bed. "You need rest. I'll make sure none of those dipshits come and look for you. Don't worry about that." Bakugou says as he starts to leave but you grab his wrist. "Please..." You say weakly feeling yourself falling under the sandman's spell.

"Stay with me.."

You passed out after you said that but you pictured that Bakugou smirked as he got in bed right beside you because when you woke up Bakugou was there with his arms wrapped around you, sleeping soundly.

Hope ya'll liked this chapter and saw a softie Bakubabs.

Also, sorry I'm a little late I'm literally in class posting this lmao •3•

If you want a good BNHA Oneshot to read I suggest @TheRoseProject I really enjoyed their style. Other than that...

If ya'll have suggestion just go wild.

See ya'll next week! ^-^

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