Midoriya Izuku x Reader: Soulmates

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"Soulmates?" You cackled at your friend, Ochako as she examined the strange new marking on your hand. 

"Yeah, what if it's the thing on the news. Even you could get a soulmate sometime." She rolled her eyes at your ridiculous behavior. 

It was true that there was a new revelation about "Soulmates" showing up around recently, in fact, your neighbor just found his soulmate based on a drawing that showed up on his thigh. You remember the man looked everywhere for someone that had the same marking as him, you laughed as you remembered his face the first time he had to ask someone if they had the same tattoo.  That's how he met his husband. 

This seemed strange though, almost different. Your new  sudden marking was a deep green image looking similar to the hero "All-might" on your palm. 

"It can't be just a random bed marking" Ochako says looking around your body to see if the marking shows up somewhere else. "Do you realise that you have a hint about your soulmate on your palm." The brunette says obviously annoyed by your nonchalant attitude. 

You shrugged hoping she'd leave you alone but she simply continued. 

"I heard that if you draw on your arm it would appear on your soul mate!" Her eyes glistened and tone changed suddenly to excitement as she brought you a (F/C) sharpie. 

"Come on (F/N), you have to see if it's true. Aren't you at least interested if the whole soulmate idea is real?" She eagerly handed you the sharpie and you reluctantly took it trying to just get it over with. 

You uncapped it writing "Hey there, does this work?" on the top of your palm. 

You stared at the writing for a minute getting no response, then looked up at Ochako who was completely unsatisfied with the result. 

"See I told you, this whole "Soulmate" idea is-" You stopped talking as you began to notice writing show up on your left forearm.  

"Yes?" was what was written on your arm. The handwriting was shaky and it seemed to be written in a rush with black ink. 

You looked up gobsmacked by the writing. Ochako looked smug but happy for you. "I told you it was real." She joyously smiles. "Write back! HURRY!" She urged you snapping you out of your surprise. 

You took the sharpie and started writing back to the person on the other end. 

"Hey, who are you?"  

"My name is Izuku Midoriya, you seem to be my soulmate. What about you?"

"My name is (F/N) (L/N), it seems so" 

"Tell me about yourself?" 

You were very weary of this person and didn't give out every single thing about you, though every single time you'd write it didn't seem long before you'd get a response and the writing seemed to improve as the conversation continued. The conversation between you two eventually turned into plans. 

"Would you like to meet somewhere now?"  Izuku wrote back

You looked up at Ochako who had been sitting there reading your conversation with him. "Say yes!" She urged grinning. You were worried but you couldn't let that stop you. 

"Sure, where do you want to go?" 

"Depends, do you know the Plus Ultra Cafe?" 

 You were shocked. That was your absolute favourite cafe to go to, you were known there as a local as you would come so often that occasionally the owner would teach you how to make coffee. Questions popped in your head as you fantasized about what this new person who was supposed to be like. 

"I'll be there if you want to meet now"

 "See you there then :3"

You looked at Ochako who had a smile across her face. "My turn!" She announced as she grabs her makeup bag, she puts product after product on your face. As soon as she's done you rush out the door not even giving yourself time to look in the mirror. 

 When you're finally at the doors of the cafe you take out a pen and ask if Izuku is there.

"Just come inside."

You follow instructions and see a boy with messy, curly green hair smiling at you and sitting at a table. 

"You're so beautiful" He says smiling with his freckled face cascading a bright defining shade of red.

You couldn't help but admit that he didn't look too bad himself. 

"So... What should we do?" You asked awkwardly looking down at the floor.

Unsure by what to do you looked up to see Izuku staring at you with a shiny yet dreamy look in his eyes. You started a conversation soon after about how his look reminded you of All Might who had just happened to be his favourite hero. 

The two of you talked for hours on end until the cafe closed. The two of you laughed as you were awkwardly kicked out by a staff member. 

"I don't think I'll ever be able to forget this" Midoriya said getting close to you.

"I don't think I will either." 

The two of you kissed a passionate but sweet kiss letting loving emotions harbor and leaving happy memories to manifest. 

That is how you met your soulmate, Midoriya Izuku.

Hey Guys! 

Thanks for reading my crappy work and I hope you enjoyed me trying a different style of my writing, if you guys want me to keep it this way then comment down below!

Anyways, I'll see you on Friday.

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