Sparks (Kaminari x Reader)

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Denki Kaminari x Reader

(F/C) = Favourite Color 

(F/N) = First Name

You looked over at Kaminari with hearts in your eyes. You were always seeming to enjoy his flirtatious jokes and faces from across the room but he would never come up to you and directly try. 

"Eyes Forward" You heard Mina giggle from behind you as you quickly snapped out of your starring. "Man, I can't believe this isn't shocking (F/N) you've had your eyes on him since the beginning of the lecture." You rolled your eyes at Mina's comment as you focus on the lesson. 

After class you waited for Mina who was being followed out by Sero and Kaminari. "So I'm thinking, what if we all go to the Summer Festival coming up. Everyone has fun and watches fireworks. Maybe we'll even feel that spark of electricity." Mina winks at you as you join the small group behind her. 

A few days later the summer festival was upon you. You and Mina dressed up in Yukatas and met the two other boys at the entrance. "Ladies" Kaminari said slyly putting his arm around the two of you. "I think it's time we got to know each other a little better" You couldn't help but laugh as you watched Mina pull away from Kaminari. He had a sad look on his face and looked at you. "Won't you be the light of my life?" You blushed as he came close to your face and awkwardly laughed trying not to be noticed. Mina grabbed your arm pulling you away from Denki. "Let's just go losers" Mina said already walking away with you tailing her. 

She stopped at a booth that said "WIN FOR THAT SPECIAL GIRL" She looked over at Denki who instantly lined up. When he was at the front he winked at you causing a blush. "ALL RIGHT YOUNG MAN! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS CHARGE THAT LIGHT IF YOU CAN DO THAT THEN YOU WIN!" The man running the booth said.  Kaminari looked so fired up you couldn't help but smile. "1000 watts!" He points his finger at the light, it takes a minute but you start to see the light shine. The man looked at Denki surprised as he coughs and goes back to her demeanor. 

"Alright Young Man! Tell me what prize you want!" The man smiles pointing at  Kaminari looks over at me and smiles "Give me the cutest bear to match that girl right there." He smiles at the man pointing at you. You watch the man looking through a pile of bears and dolls and occasionally catch his glance. You feel your face heat up as the man comes back with a teddy bear in (F/C) bows on it's ears and a yukata matching yours. Denki hands it to smiling, he puts his arm around your shoulders. His body is warm kind of heavy but you couldn't help but leaving him there.

A couple hours passed and it began to get dark. The night so far was pretty good with Denki calling on some girls like usual but everyone was still having a good time laughing, playing game and eating whatever they could. The fireworks were about to start so the four of you picked a spot far from most other people and seemingly the best spot to look over and see the fireworks. You were all laughing and hanging out but you were surprised when Mina stepped close to Sero.

 "Hey Guys, Sero and I are gonna go you and Kaminari can stay (F/N)" Mina said wrapping her arm around Sero as he obviously protested, you could see Mina wink at you. As the two left there was awkward silence until you both spoke simultaneously with Denki cracking a pickup line at you and you laughing. 

"Hey (F/N)" Denki asked looking off at the barron sky. "Do you ever think I'll have a girlfriend?" You surprised by his words. "Of course you will." You say looking at him with surprise, he looks over at you with a soft smile. "You're great Denki. You're funny and flirty.... You'll eat like a pig and you even won me a little bear!" You hold up the gift from earlier you feel yourself smile and look up at the starry sky. "I can't believe you'd even try to say that." The fireworks begin as Denki grabs your face and you're caught off guard by him passionately kissing you. The two of you seperate to catch your breath. He leans close to your ear and whispers. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Hey Guys!

Hope you enjoyed!

It's literally 11:59 when I'm finishing hoping I can get this in on time but OH WELL KIDS!


Thanks for reading! 

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