Saved: Shouto Todoroki

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Your quirk is Telekinesis

You began running as quickly as you could with a villian following closely behind your footsteps. You tried to get him off your tail by changing paths, curves, sharp turns, but nothing seemed to work. You raced down a street only to be pulled into an alleyway by a boy with two toned hair. You immediately tried to get away but the boy pressed you against the wall hoping you wouldn't attract the enemy following you with your frantic movements. His eyes darted around the corner trying to see if someone would come . "If you're quiet we'll get out of this easier." He said dully, his Heterochromic eyes not focusing on you.

You worried about what would happen next. You could feel his chest move up and down gently and his surprisingly cold breath on you. Footsteps rapidly approached down the alleyway. You felt your chest tighten as panic grew all over your body. You didn't have time to think and immediately started to squirm against the boy holding you down. He looked at you confused noticing the panic written all over your face, he covered your mouth hoping you wouldn't scream. You realised the boy was only trying to help calming your nerves slightly but worrying about what he would do next. The footsteps only got closer and closer, when they seemed right next to you, the boy moved his hand suddenly and replaced it with his lips.

His kiss was forceful with his tongue tangling with yours. You felt him pinch your leg seemingly to tell you to act natural. You closed your eyes hoping to have the foe pass right by you. You start to feel yourself fall so deep into the kiss you don't even notice the footsteps run pass you until the boy quickly distant himself pulling away from you. "Sorry, we needed to act natural." He says looking over the corner to ensure the villain passed the two of you. He lets you have space by moving to the side slightly and you squeeze over. There seems to be an awkward tension wavering above the two of you so heavy that it seems to choke you.

You feel that you have to find a way to lighten the mood. "My name's (F/N) (L/N), just so you know" The boy nods and looks over at you. "Todoroki" He says quietly, you notice his body slowly untense itself slightly as he leans next to you. "I was given this assignment for my internship with my dad" You curiously looked at him. "Who's your-" "Endeavor" He knew what you were going to ask. You leaned against the wall and slumped down. "That's cool" You blatantly said not looking up at him but you could feel his eyes burning into you. "How long are you going to be out here?" You asked trying some information. "Why are you so curious?" "Why not?" "I'm going to be out here til 5" "Good" You stood up brushing off the dirt collected in the alley. You looked at him directly. "I'll be back with food so you don't starve around..." You checked your watch which read 10:45 am "12:30" you finished "You'll still be around here right Todo?"

He looked surprised by your sudden plan but he smiled. "Yeah I'll be here (F/N)" You started to walk away acting cool incase he was still watching but as soon as you turned a corner you could help but do a little happy dance. You never felt that confident to get a date like that. "Hell yeah" You whispered to yourself as you skipped over to your nearby apartment.

When the time came you dressed up just a little for the boy that you just met. You stopped by your favorite place to eat, a pizza place owned by one of your friend's parents and you would even help out whenever you got the chance so you would always feel welcome and get a little discount on the side. You ordered a small cheese pizza for you and Todoroki to share, you couldn't help but feel the excitement boil in you. You walked down the alley cautiously prepared to Todoroki being stoic looking out doing his job, what you weren't prepared for was to see him being strangled by a villian. The boy's face was starting to lose it's color, you were glad you hadn't been noticed. You looked at the villain and forcefully had him let go of Todoroki and put him in the air. Both the enemy and Todoroki looked shocked as you started making a small jail out of metals while still holding the villain in the air. When you were finished you placed the evil doer in the self made cell ensuring you bolted it down enough so he wouldn't escape. You looked over at Todoroki with a smile. "Call back up. They'll come get this guy, but in the meantime I got pizza." A shocked expression still graced Todoroki's face but you watched carefully as he texted his backup.

"Um thanks" Is all the two-toned haired kid could say, he stepped closer to you smiling and taking the pizza you were holding. "I never thought I'd be the one to be saved by you"

That smile was ingrained in your mind, it was one of the first things you remember about Todoroki. You continued to see Todoroki after that, you learned all about him, his broken family, his inner demons.

You guessed that's just how you fell in love with him.

Hey guys,

Thank you for reading this chapter ^-^

PS. There's been a couple situations at my school (Threats,Fights etc.). I'm fine but this might mean that a chapter might come out late. I apologise if it does.

See ya next week

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