The Bath (Izuku/Bakugou x Reader Lemon)

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Just so you know, Bakugo and MC are together because I couldn't write for Izuku. Sowwies

You thought nobody was outside in the bath. 

You thought it would be fine. 

You were wrong. 

You had been planning for the perfect time to enjoy the hot bath to yourself, it would be a waste if you went in with clothes too not being able to feel all the on your body and the heat that came along with the water. After all, you wouldn't be able to have time to yourself like that for a while. You had made sure every single girl was busy at least knew not to be in the area of the bath. You were excited as you walked out alone nude to the bath. Only to be mortified to see Bakugou and Izuku staring at you, both their faces blushing and full of both confusion and surprise. You quickly tried to cover yourself embarrassed only to give up when Bakugou started to laugh at you so hard it was almost a cackle. 

You were fine with Bakugou being there, after all, you two had been dating for some time but Izuku was the problem, he saw you naked so at this point it would be even worse if you had told him to go away.

"What are you stupid?" Bakugou cruelly smirked as you shamefully waddled into the pool joining the two boys. "A-Are you o-o-okay?" You heard Izuku mumble besides you. You looked over and side smiled apologetically at the green haired boy. You tried to relax leaning your head back and closing your eyes against the wall of the of the bath but couldn't help but feel watched. You peeked at the two boys to see Bakugou staring at your boobs while Izuku was trying not to peek butjust couldn't help himself. You were glad Bakugou hadn't noticed he was staring or there would be a fight full of explosions and you being forced to coax Bakugou back. "Would you like something?" You laughed looking at the two. "Yeah" Bakugou said still staring at your breasts. You rolled your eyes leaning back and relaxing until you feel a grab on your boob. 

You jumped up in shock surprised by what happened. Of course, it was Bakugou groping your boob in his hand and a smirk on his face. You laughed wanting to play along trying to embarrassing him or at least make him somewhat jealous. You grabbed Izuku's shoulders and used him as a shield pretending to be embarrassed by Bakugou. You pushed your body against Izuku's back causing him to stutter, his body burning with embarrassment. "(F-F/N-N) uh c-can you please m-move your b-b-boobs are on my b-back."  You peered around Izuku's shoulders to see Bakugou looking away with a look of disgust dripped on his face, the corner of his lip turned up. Since Bakugou was looking away you felt you had to get his attention. You moved in front of Deku, your back to him. "Izzuuuuukuu Darling, Can you please rub my back." You groaned trying to sound sexy. You grabbed Izuku's rough hands first brushing them briefly on your hips as you dragged them to your shoulders. 

Izuku looked almost as he was about to explode as he gently rubbed your shoulders. You tried to over exaggerate your emotions by letting loud moans escape your lips, you could tell Bakugou was getting jealous because he looked over, his eyes full of envy and rage. Izuku stopped noticing Bakugou's anger seeping into his soul. "I-I'm go-o-oing to go." Izuku said quickly rushing out of the bath. You chuckled watching Deku running inside to the bathroom trying to leave the scene. 

The second you watch Izuku step through those curtains you were forcefully pressed against the wall by Bakugou. You faced him surprised by his expression. It was dripping with anger and you felt like his eyes were burning deeply into you. "You think you can pull that?" He projected. He grabbed your wrists pressing them against the wall. You watched as he slowly got closer, you feared his anger but surprisingly he just aggressively kissed you not giving you time to  understand. He forcefully slid his tongue down your throat. You tried to join in matching his tone but when you started to play along he moved down to your breasts sticking it completely in your mouth lightly sucking, you let a moan escape your lips signalling Bakugou to go rougher, even biting at your nipple. You were too distracted to even realise that Bakugou's hand sliding down your hip until you felt his hand on your genitals. He took no time at all to stick two fingers in between your thighs causing you to moan loudly out of surprise. He continued to press into  you continuously  watching your expressions and listening to your loud moans. His face moved to your shoulder, showing the marks on your boobs. "Ba-Baku-Bakugou" You moaned barely holding yourself back. "I'm about to-" You were cut off by him moving away from you completely, removing his fingers and mouth  from your body. You looked at him in shock, your body still heated from his touch. 

"That is what it felt like to watch you and Izuku together" He said annoyed not meeting your gaze. Your breath was labored from all the moaning but it started to become even slowly. You were furious by Bakugou's ridiculous notions but you couldn't let that spoil your fun. You moved so you could sit on the stairs and spread your legs in front of Bakugou. You gently touched yourself feeling your clit throb by a single touch. You didn't take much to first rub your clit slowly leading to you putting your fingers inside of yourself. Your eyes were on Bakugou with a teasing and a sadistic look sketched across your face. He wouldn't look at you until you began moaning when you were about to finished. You could tell what he wanted to do but was stopping himself. You finished with your climax sliding your cum covered fingers outside of you. You chuckled as you stood up and began to walk out of the pool. When you were just about to get inside you felt Bakugou from behind you pressing you against a wall from behind. 

"You don't get to finish what I started."

Hey Guys, 

I'm sorry for the mislead a little bit but that's all I could think about because I'm more of a fan of Bakugou's personality than Midoriya's but I promise I'll write a Izuku x Reader sooner or later. 

ALSO! I know that I've been changing my schedule a lot. Officially, it's Fridays and Wednesdays so it's faster for me to get chapters out.

Anyways, thanks for reading my work! Hope you stick around!  

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