The Letter: Bakugou Katsuki

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It was just days before Winter break, most people had gone home but some stayed behind. Nobody was really wanting to be with one another besides maybe the Truth or Dare game going on in the living room with the loud noises happening every five seconds and Kirishima busting into her room occasionally. (F/N) had planned to just stay in her room the whole time for the break until he came that night.

Bakugou busted into (F/N)'s room completely shirtless at about two in the morning. "Hey" The blonde said completely out of breath which shocked the girl. "Hey?" (F/N) said, her (H/C) hair messy and all over, she was completely drowsy and out of it. Bakugou sat on the side on the bed gathering his breath. "So" She started but Bakugou stopped her by getting close enough to kiss her, she could feel the heat of his breath on her face and his chest didn't look too bad either. His six pack completely on show and inches from her chest. (F/N) was so confused and had finally gotten out of her tired state. "W-What are you doing Bakugou?" (F/N) stuttered as a bright pink blush was splashed heavily on her cheeks. "Shut up," Katsuki said as he stared at the girl closer. His hand lifted to her face and brushed away a piece of stray hair that was in (F/N)'s face. She was too nervous to even speak and her blush was only getting worse until Katsuki started laughing in her face. "You really are fucking adorable" The blonde cackled as he slowly moved away from (F/N). She looked at the boy in confusion but he kept cackling. When he finally died down, he plotted himself right next to her staring at the ceiling. Silence gathered over the two for a while until Bakugou swiftly moved (F/N) closer so she'd be laying her head on his chest. "Don't be so fucking nervous, Dummy. You wanna see something fucking awesome?" (F/N)'s blush started to come back as she slowly nodded. Bakugou lifted his hands and (F/N) flinched in fear worrying that he'd blast her which Bakugou just 'Tsh'd' at as he starred to make little explosions that looked like stars. (F/N) looked at the boy's calloused hands in joy and surprise as the small stars continued, noticing the wonder on the girl's face Bakugou smirked lightly. "Fucking cute" He mumbled but (F/N) brushed it off knowing Bakugou would never compliment her. (F/N) looked up at the spiky blonde and got close enough to kiss him but started to chicken out. Bakugou noticed this and grabbed her face and kissed her. The two had no idea how long they kissed for but it felt amazing. The two separated breathless and their eyes huge. Bakugou wiped his lips and wouldn't make eye contact with (F/N). She quickly grabbed him and kissed him before ending up on top of him. She finally noticed what had happened as she looked down at Bakugou who had a light pink blush brushed on his cheeks. She covered her face with her hands out of embarrassment, Bakugou chuckled as he grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. The two fell asleep like that, his arms wrapped around (F/N) as she was laying on top of him. The next morning Bakugou was gone and acted as nothing happened. You brushed it off and continued with your week.

This happened for a week. Every night he'd come in, jump in bed with you and cuddle. You could tell you were falling for him, of course during the day you would act like everything was normal, he was just the asshole everyone hated but at night you knew a completely different side.

One night Bakugou showed up on time, shirtless but not out of breath, something was just different. "Hey" The blonde said as you looked up at him over your glasses. Bakugou searched around the room for something trying to act casual, not drawing attention but you definitely noticed. "What are you looking for?" You asked curiously, Bakugou looked up at you in shock for a second and acted like it was nothing, he just walked up towards you and jumped into the bed beside you. You looked at him suspiciously but brushed it off laying back to stare at the ceiling. "Why do you come in here?" You ask not to meet Bakugou's gaze which was burning in your with slight sorrow. "You wouldn't believe me if I said anything. Just don't worry about it and come here" Bakugou pulls you closer, you rest your head on his chest curious about what he meant. You couldn't stop yourself from worrying but just try and act normally eventually falling asleep with his wrapped around you.

It was like a cycle when Bakugou came at night. You were sick of how he was completely different during the day and night so you came up with a plan to confront him. You'll act like you're asleep when he comes or maybe act like you're not there, you couldn't decide but you had an idea and that's all that matters.

You had finally decided and waited for Bakugou to come, pretending to sleep while the two of you cuddled so he wouldn't be suspicious. When you seemed asleep enough you felt Bakugou slide his body from under you and whisper "I love you but I can't. I have to find it." You kept your eyes closed as he heard him shuffle through your things. You heard a soft chuckle escape him, you peeked opening one of your eyes slightly to see him holding a picture of you, Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kirishima that you kept on your desk. His expression of joy turned sour quickly as you watched him "Shitty hair said you found the letter. Where the fuck are you keeping it" Bakugou whispered as he looked over at you over his shoulder. You shut your eyes quickly hoping he didn't see you, your heart raced as you wondered if he did listening closely to everything. His footsteps grew closer to you and soon you felt a weight on top of you. "I know you're awake," Bakugou spoke as he moved to besides you. You opened your eyes and felt a small blush on your face as you looked into his eyes, which had a sympathetic and annoyed look. "So..." You said awkwardly before being cut off with Bakugou kissing you. Your face heated up even more as you knew he was trying to distract you. You pushed him off with a bitter feeling. "Just tell me what you're looking for." You pressured thinking he would respond but he didn't, he just stood up and left leaving you both confused and hurt.

The next morning whenever Bakugou saw you, he ignored you going the other way or not even looking at you. Your chest tightened every time with a sense of anger and disappointment, but you brushed it off not letting anyone notice how upset you were. As soon as you go to your dorm you threw down your bag and plopped on the bed sliding under the covers and covering yourself with them and letting every emotion that you held throughout the day out slowly falling asleep as you cried.

What felt like hours later you heard knocking on the door, you groggily opened your eyes and trudged over to the door wrapping a blanket around yourself. When you were halfway to the door you noticed your door forcibly open, you were confused but didn't think too much of it until you saw who was behind the door, Bakugou Katsuki. The blonde brushed through his hair as he looked at you almost sympathetically, your eyes widened snapping you out of your grogginess and into a bitter mood. "What do you want?" You ask, angry dressing your words while Bakugou just chuckles softly trying to find words to say he takes a deep breath, getting ahold onto your shoulders and moving you to your bed. "I'm sorry and you better hold onto that because you're never going to hear that from me again." Bakugou laughs but you're still not buying it. "What's with the bullshit?" You pressure him and it's completely silent for a second until he snaps "SHITTY HAIR FOUND A LETTER I WROTE AND PUT IT IN YOUR ROOM HAPPY??" The blonde screams, you take a deep breath knowing that this is normal Bakugou. "I didn't get a letter. So..You just didn't want to be with me every night?" You trail off and Bakugou goes back to having a sympathetic look, he touches under your eyes gently "You've been crying... Listen, I wanted to be with you. That letter I'm looking for is because I lost a bet to Shitty Hair saying I would write to who I liked, that just happened to be you."

Bakugou looks down at the floor while your face is lit up with both surprise and curiosity.

"Well... Bakugou Katsuki. I just might like you too.." You giggle when you come back to your senses. Bakugou looks up at you and kisses you harshly pressing you down on the bed.

A moment of adventure all started by a letter.

Hey Guys!

I know I'm behind on the breaks but I wrote this a while back, finally being able to finish it. I just hope that you guys liked it and if you have any suggestions just tell me them and I'll try to fit them in -u-'

See ya next week!

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