Beginnings: Izuku Midoriya

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I meant Izuku Midoriya as a villain -u-

You were a misfit to most and a mistake too many others. People taunted you claiming you'd be a villain and it seemed that you were going that way, there was only one person that had real faith in you. His name was Kirishima Elijiro, a fake redhead with a heart of gold and the body of an athlete. You'd known Kirishima since you were young, the two of you were best friends but that seemed to change when you met someone new. 

His name was Izuku, he was almost always dressed in a suit and had enticing eyes, that's what drew you in at first. The two of you met late at night when you were finished sneaking out to go see a concert. His green hair caught your eye, you followed the green hair until it stopped, sneaking behind another wall. You looked around to see the green hair disappear in the darkness.

You went to the same spot every night, meeting the green haired boy and learning about him slowly. Izuku was a villain, born and raised, with a mind of a genius and the quirk of a broken hero he seemed to be curious about you, getting closer to you just to find out more. 

One day he asked you something you thought you could never do. Kill. "I just need to see if you are capable of doing anything for me. It's just a game simulation (F/N)" That's what he told you so you agreed. 

You put the headset on and were told to kill anyone you saw. You laughed as you watched everyone die in front of you. It wasn't until you started realizing the similarities between your life and the game. You tried to remove the headset but it was stuck, almost glued onto your head. You saw your best friend Kirishima smile as he noticed you, you rushed up at him stabbing him in the stomach. 

You felt tears glide down your cheeks as you watched the life drain from Kirishima's eyes and the smile drop from his face. Izuku smiled devilishly at you as he placed his hand on your shoulder. 

"Welcome to the team."

Hey guys, I sent this chapter out to only to find out it didn't publish...

I'm sorry -u- especially since this chapter is so short but time is an issue recently -u-'

If you want to recommend something or a second part just tell me -u-

I'll see you next week!

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