Accidents Happen (Lida x Reader)

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Lida Tenya x Reader

"ARE YOU SURE THAT WE CAN DO THIS?!" You heard in the behind you. You swivelled around to see your childhood friend Lida Tenya waving his hands in the air furiously. "Oh come on Lida.. It's not like it's that illegal" you giggled grabbing his arm as you run furiously to a tall abandoned building overlooking a villian attack in process. "WE SHOULD NOT BE DOING THIS!" Lida protested loudly trying to get out of your grasp. You pulled Lida towards you with all your strength, his face inches from yours. You looked him dead in the eyes. "Be quiet or we're going to get caught again. You wouldn't want Tensei to find out that you're hanging out with me again." Lida looked panicked as he came to the realisation. Lida's brother always hated that you didn't play by the rules and usually brought Lida down with you into your "adventures" as you would call them but you couldn't help yourself. You had to get this perfect prep out of his mold somehow. Lida stepped back from you taking a deep breath and seemingly giving into what you wanted. In a hushed whisper he began to speak, "Who's fighting today?" You looked at him and winked happy with his decision to follow you. "Based on the police report on my dad's old radio it's a giant monster looking for blood being fought by Endeavor and Mt. Lady so far but maybe more joined them. We just have to get the roof of this building to get a perfect view from what I could tell. I've been planning on using this spot for weeks!" Your eyes seemed to shine as you smiled and looked over at Lida who had a small blush cascading across his face. "Does it really mean that much to you?" He asked nervously peeking around every corner you passed. "THIS MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME!" You shouted picking up the pace as you began to hear the roaring of a monster villain nearby. You stopped at an alleyway. This was your way up because the entrance was guarded by policemen. Lida stopped behind you. "Can you hold on well (M/C)?" You just nodded at his question as you jumped on his back holding on by wrapping your arms and legs around his body. Lida took a deep breath and you can feel the heat from his engines behind you. Lida jumped side to side off the wall and when he finally got to his last jump there was a pause, you duck and rolled onto the roof and there the boy was holding onto the side. 

You helped him up and stepped back. It was the perfect view of the fight. Not only had Kamui Woods joined the fight but Lida's own brother was there fighting against this creature that was ten times bigger than him. You and him never got along too well but you always admired his bravery and loyalty. You would know, he's saved your ass more times than you could count. "He's really cool when he fights" Lida said his eyes sparkling as he watched the heroes race around. "Man, I wish I could be like them.." You said sitting so your legs swung over the edge. "I mean you could. You just have to get your act together pretty much. It's like my brother always says... Even you deserve a second chance." You put your hand over your heart "He really hates me doesn't he?" You could hear Lida laugh. "Yeah, I think so at least. He always says your bad news but I don't think so." You look at his side profile "Well what do you think, Honor Student?" He looks directly at you with no fear in his expression. "I think..." A pause overcomes him as he inches closer pondering what to say. "I think that you are an amazing person. Your quirk is amazing and even had you feared by people for the longest time. I think you just need to be tutored." His face gets close to yours. Not even inches away. You gain a large pink blush across your face, he notices and stands up. "I MEAN YOU NEED TO BECOME MORE SKILLED IN THE ACT OF STUDYING!" His hands begin to wave wildly once again. "Yeah.. Nothing else." You mentally begin to sulk thinking of what it would be like if you had kissed Lida. "(M/C) YOUR FACE SEEMS SAD WHAT IS WRONG?! DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING IN YOUR EYE?!" He says loudly enough for the guards to hear. "What's that?!" You hear from below. You grab Lida's tie. "You got us caught." is all you say with a disgusted look on your face. "Use your quirk to go across to the other roof and I'll meet you somewhere." You say trying to think of a plan. Your quirk was nonexistent due to being petrified by fear. You stepped towards Lida looking up at him. "Trust me. Wait at the bottom of the alley and go when I say." You said with a stern voice and no fear. Lida obviously trusted you because you showed him a new side of the world. He nodded and you watched as he slid down the side of the alley. You sat at the edge and waited for the Policemen to burst in. "YOU THERE! HANDS UP!"  They yelled at you. You complied and smiled as you turned to face them. "No problem Officers." They inched closer stopping after two steps "Are you alone?" They questioned. "Yes" "Do you understand that you will be arrested for trespassing?" "Yes" "Sweetheart, what are you doing?" You didn't respond and  they got closer. Once they got close enough you took one step back causing you to free fall backwards. "See ya!"

 You laughed as you watched the officers look over the edge. You landed in Lida's arms and he began to book it to his place. You then got to his house and he put you down once you got inside. You could see the sweat on his body. You looked laughing "That was fun wasn't it?" No response from Lida. "Come on. It wasn't that -" You are cut off by Lida pushing you against the wall and kissing you. "Do you realise how scared I was." You were too surprised to say anything. You tried to move against Lida but it was no use. "I'm Sorry Lida." You said softly looking up at him. He grabbed your wrists and put them above your head. "Remember how I said that you needed to be tutored? This is what I really had in mind."  

 A- Hey Guys, 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry I changed Lida quite a bit.. I just saw a post of a sadistic Lida and I couldn't help myself. 

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