Boom (Bakugo x Reader Lemon)

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Bakugo Katuski x Reader

Sexual Content in this chapter

"(Y/N)" You heard your name echo as you slowly opened your eyes to see Bakugo Katsuki staring at you, the one and only person you wanted to see. You two had been dating since you were in your first year of middle school and he sure as hell protected you from anything, not like you really needed it though. 

You blinked a few times before realising you were in Katsuki's bedroom back at home and you had slept over that night hoping to get time between just you and him but that was impossible with his mom hovering over you two constantly. She didn't hate you two together at all and she even bought condoms a couple of times but every time things would get intimate with Bakugo she would bust in or knock on the door, it was completely embarrassing to watch her happily but nervously back away and apologise then awkwardly question you and Katsuki the day after. "We didn't do anything." You pouted looking at Bakugo unhappily. He laughed at you and flicked you on the forehead. "Don't look like that stupid. Just remember later today my parents go away on their Hawaii vacation so they'll be about 4..." You watched as he took a second to calculate "4,108 miles away from you and me" He said proud of his quick intelligence. He'd always been like this. Plotting and calculating using his intellect to help him in anyway possible, a couple times it was even used to sneak into your room or sneak you into his. You began to zone out happily staring at his blood red eyes. He kissed gently. "Get up, Dumbass" He said playfully as he threw your school uniform at you putting on his own.

 You began to undress only to feel Bakugo's lustful eyes watching you carefully noticing your every move. You stopped and did what any woman would do. Tease. You stood up and slowly walked over to him wrapping your arms around him and feeling up his body, going over his six pack.

 You took off the shirt you had borrowed from him for the night and stood in front of him looking up. A blush cascaded his face, he wouldn't look at you directly. "Don't do this to me, (F/N)" He said as his voice quivered. You trailed your fingers on his boxers look up every so often. You could feel his gaze as you moved to your knees, him standing on top of you. "We can't do this now, (F/N)" He begged.  You stood up pressing your body against him grinding gently. He moved his head close to your ear. "If you keep doing this I won't be able to control myself and you'll have a big problem for you to deal with." He whispered as he began to kiss your neck, biting every so often. You can feel his breath get heavier and heavier as his hands traced your body. He stopped for a moment and went to the door slightly opening it. "OLD HAG! DON'T BOTHER US AND CALL IN TO UA FOR US" He screams through his house waiting a couple seconds for his mom's response. "BE A MAN SON!" Mitsuki yelled. You could imagine her excitedly calling the school finding a reason to cover for you both. 

Bakugo turned to you closing the door behind himself. You couldn't help but stare when he turned showing his bulge trapped in his thin boxers. He took no time at all to kiss you passionately and have you wrap yourself around him. One of his hands grabbing your boobs while the other held one of your thighs to keep you supported. You could feel as his bulge grazed you multiple times and you couldn't help yourself any more. You separated from the kiss surprising  Katsuki enough to let go of you. You pushed him on the bed and removed your panties giving the blonde a nice good look at your body. You toyed with the waistband of his boxers and slowly pulled them down to show the large member he was hiding. You put your lips on it gently sucking watching Katsuki moan from delight. You crawled on top of him only to have him flip so he was top now. You noticed the fire in his eyes as he lustfully put his face close to your lower regions gently licking your clit you moaned as his licks became more rough. One of his hands held your wrists above your head as he stood up and inserted himself inside of you. He held no mercy as he thrashed inside you making you pant and moan his name loudly. "You're so tight" He moaned biting his lip. His hands began to move down from holding your wrists to wrapping around your neck pushing the sides so you lost air. He sadistically watched as you were overcome with breathless pleasure. You began to feel yourself tighten around him, you begged him looking at him. "No" He said simply knowing what you wanted. You knew that meant you weren't allowed to release. You bit your lower lip moaning, begging for him. He pulled out.

You hoped it hadn't finished and you were right. He turned you so you were in the doggystyle position. You could feel as he ruthlessly began to thrust into you. You begged louder. "Please Katsuki Please!" He laughed at you cruelly. "Fine" You tightened around him out of breath and you could feel as he  pulled out grabbing your hair and forcing you to your knees. He stood above you and you could feel everything he was holding in drip on you stickily. You giddily licked off what you could eventually going to the restroom to clean off the rest. 

When you got back there layed Katsuki on his bed under the covers waiting for you. You smiled and got in besides him relaxing your head on his chest. 

"I love you" Was all that was said after before you both passed out in each other's arms. 


I couldn't help but post this even though it's 2 am right now messing up the entire schedule that I had planned and who cares. 

I hope you enjoyed!

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