Sensation Part 2: Tamaki Amajiki

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A small recap

You blinked a few times to wipe away the ecstasy when you fully focused there Tamaki was just looking at the floor, his face out of your view and his arms holding you away from him.

The two of you just sat there for a moment as if the world had ultimately stopped moving just for the two of you.

When Tamaki looked up at you, tears were streaming down his face. 

We now continue.

You jolted back at the sight of Tamaki's tears almost instantly feeling regret and a sense of motherliness. You bowed your head "I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. I'm truly sorry." You said spontaneously you raised your head slightly to see Tamaki wiping the tears away and a soft smile come across his face. "Y-You... You're forgiven." He said quietly before starting to laugh quietly at himself. "Why would I cry?" Tamaki questioned to himself as he grabbed the bento he had originally set aside. There was silence mixed with embarrassment hanging over you before Tamaki called you. "(F/N)... You really don't have to worry." 

That was the last thing Tamaki said to you before you started ignoring him. Almost out of embarrassment for yourself, you stopped from going to the roof during lunch and stayed in the classroom. You knew Tamaki wouldn't look for you because he'd be too shy to ask for you specifically it was almost like you'd forced yourself out of his life just because of your embarrassment. 

Days going into weeks and you still never saw Tamaki since the accident, keeping yourself away from him. Something then came to life that you never thought would happen when you met the other two parts of the big three. They came to your class door one day simply asking to talk, then meet you after school, then to finally meeting you at lunch...On the rooftop. You should've known something was fishy but you were too oblivious at the time to really notice. As soon as got onto the roof all you could hear was the slam of the door, by the time you looked back all you could see was the two upperclassmen with grins the size of their faces. You were left alone or so you thought, of course, Tamaki was there with his awkward smile and apologizing eyes which you could barely look at. 

"Listen. (F/N), I'm not mad at you at all. I've even practiced everything I would say to you so I'm not studdering and..." Tamaki trailed off but the awkwardness hung over the two of you. "Do... You... Want to have lunch?" Tamaki asked as your stomach rumbled almost on cue, you nodded as you followed the boy to your usual spot. Tamaki handed you a small bento haphazardly thrown together but it still seemed amazing to you that he would do this for you after you'd been so cold to him specifically. It was almost like the bridge between the two of you was slowly mending itself together.  Every single time you still felt in debt to him for being so cold yet Tamaki would never take an apology or gift from you. Every day was the same after that, the two of you would eat lunch together and chat, sometimes you'd get a bit too close but it was blown over easily. 

Tamaki was rushed into the school one day completely on a stretcher, being strapped down by the teachers. That was the rumor going around school a week later, you couldn't help but worry especially when you were called out from class to the nurse's room to see Tamaki being forced down, it was like nothing you'd ever seen before, especially coming from the shy boy Tamaki was. "He was hit with some kind of quirk and currently we're going off of whims to see what he reacts to. Knowing that you're one of our best bets in seeing if lust is a way to go" Mirio said from behind you, patting you on the back as he slowly pushed you closer towards Tamaki. "Wh-Why am I the best bet for lust exactly?" You shuddered as you tried to prepare yourself for the raven-haired boy. "Tamaki likes you" was the last thing Mirio said with a smile before you were pushed completely into the sight of Tamaki who was trying to be released from his shackles. 

You walked closer carefully calling Tamaki's attention to you when Tamaki locked onto you, your heart fluttered. Tamaki's normal shy gaze turned into a confident strong lustful stare. "Hey, Tamaki," You said bashfully as you felt your face heat up but the boy remained perfectly still until you got close enough to touch him, his body thrashed around wanting to hold you alerting the nurse. You nodded to them, ensuring them everything was fine but the room was still tense, you reached for the straps holding Tamaki down, slowly undoing them. When the restraints were off it seemed like Tamaki couldn't stop himself from putting his hands on you and then suddenly you were under him. Tamaki was no longer the shy boy you knew he had turned into a lustful beast, you couldn't recognize him anymore, you looked for help but it almost seemed like everyone disappeared at the moment, Tamaki's lips smashed with yours as he ran his fingers through your hair before the two of you were ripped apart. Tamaki was held back just barely, not going down without a fight as he strained against the people trying to hold him back, the nurse ran quickly to Tamaki's side injecting him with a bright green fluid that seemed to calm him down but you couldn't get over the tingling still on your lips from the kiss. It felt as if you were still kissing Tamaki, the intense pressure and the lust professed to be stuck on your lips clinging as if you were the only source of passion left. 

The sensitivity lingered with you for days even when Tamaki was all better. You couldn't look him in the eye out of embarrassment, every time he talked to you your face burned brightly until the raven-haired boy finally cornered you. Your two classes were exercising together in the gym, forcing the two of you to standoff with one another. Tamaki's shy mentality seemed to fade onto you as you hid most of the time focusing on defense until Tamaki suddenly just stopped looking to be at his breaking point. He walked straight up to you with a forced face of confidence and said "This isn't the (F/N) that I know. What's wrong?" Towards the end, you could feel the sentiment in his voice. You took a deep breath knowing that you'd have to tell the boy how you felt. You grabbed Tamaki by the arm, quickly rushing him over to under the bleachers to not be noticed by the teacher.

Awkwardness fell over the two of you but you had to tell him. "Ok." You took a deep breath before continuing "I know something and-" You looked over at Tamaki who's eyes were on you ever so seriously, the purity in his eyes drew you in like the day the two of you shared a kiss. You leaned closer to him but stopped yourself from touching his lips even though that would've been easier than explaining to him how you feel (That's how I did it). "(F/N)?" Tamaki asked causing you to refocus your attention on him and start a random mumble of studders before giving up and just saying "I LIKE YOUR FACE AND SHIT" with a massive blush across your face. You looked at Tamaki who had the same expression and just kissed him on the cheek because you weren't sure how he felt, it looked like Tamaki had broken down like a computer (I feel like Tamaki would have like a kindergarten relationship where he's just confused constantly) "I... like you too?" Tamaki muttered looking slightly confused "So.. Are we dating?" (Every Highschool relationship)

"I guess we are," You said with a giggle. The two of you were then caught and punished with clean up after gym was over

So Hi,

Took me a minute (month) but here it is. 

Hope ya'll like it and be sure to eat loads cuz its good for you. 

Anyways, Any suggestions just hit me upp and yeah, byeeeee

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