Ignored- Part 1: Bakugou Katsuki

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Your quirk is Energy wave, meaning you can take any source of energy no matter what it is and use it as defense or offense.

I know I write a lot of Bakugou and Todoroki and Aizawa but those are the ones who get in my head the most, write a comment if you want me to write about someone else. o3o

"I don't think it was on purpose (F/N)" Mina said as she brushed your hair gently. "He's just too hard headed to realise things" Ochako chimed in. The two girls tried to make you feel better after what had happened, it wasn't working. "He wanted to protect you and he did the wrong thing that's all it is, you can't keep ignoring him like this."

You looked down at your buzzing phone which were full of half sincere, half passive aggressive messages from Bakugou Katsuki who you were furious at and had been ignoring for days. The two of you had butted heads ever since you met, your constant teasing due to your sassy nature seemed to get under his skin which you enjoyed to watch but due to that you two grew closer and closer even so much as him to be your boyfriend. To other he was cold and crass but after you two were close he never seemed to act that way to you.

"Are you zoning out on us?" Mina said waving a hand in front of your face. You blinked a few times before realising that you did. "Listen, you can't be so angry at him" Ochako got up from the floor. She pushed back the long bangs covering your eyes. You couldn't help but keep zoning out thinking about what made you so mad.

Not the best transition but I couldn't think of anything else for here

You remembered what happened vividly a few days ago, the class had been doing an exercise where you had to save lost or injured civilians. You were doing your hardest until an attack from The League of Villains happened, you remember watching the smug looks on the faces of the criminals as they stepped out of the purple portal who you remember seeing at the USJ attack. You were skillfully hidden in the water covering yourself with some large nearby rocks, immediately your training kicked in. you looked around hoping to create a plan, Todoroki was on your left with Midoriya at his side and Tsu on your right. You stared at them with purpose, nodding waiting for them to understand. Todoroki started moving his hands to explain the plan quickly.

You were going to make the first shot, you could touch the ground and hold your breath just enough so you could send an energy pulse to alert everyone else of your location and to knock down the villains. Midoriya would be next using his speed to move quickly behind the enemy putting them on guard just enough for them to stand in their stances and for Todoroki to be able to trap them with his ice, you would be able to knock them out with a big enough energy wave while Tsu went for help. The plan was all prepared and about to commence until you heard. "DIE YOU BASTARDS! YOU CAN'T GET ME THIS TIME!" You instantly knew who the casualty was and it wasn't going to be easy to go around. You looked over the rock to see Bakugou going full charge at the enemy with his blasts following. You looked over at Midoriya to see that he disappeared to help Bakugou. "KACCHAN" You heard the green boy yell as he tried to get the firecracker under control. It had become a free for all.

You looked over at Tsu and motioned for her to go get help as you put your hands on the rock, which was molded into the ground, and sent out a large charge of energy from the movement of the ground back up at the group of villains. Todoroki bolted out of the water joining the other two boys who seemed to have it under control, you were their back up. You got closer going into the fight sending out waves through your hands, so strong that they knocked out most of your opponents. It was fine, help had to be coming soon but most of the enemies were getting subdued it was free fight practice to you. You weaved in between villains watching them go down but you guessed one of you got too close and you got hit with one of Bakugou's explosions. It was such a surprise that you couldn't hold your ground long enough to counter it. You were sent flying through the air hitting the floor so hard you knocked out. When you came to you just saw your whole class around you and sensei Aizawa checking your vitals.

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