The Park Date: Shouto Todoroki Lemon

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"Would you like to go on a date again?" Shouto asked while he pinned you against your bedroom door. You nodded biting you lip as you went in once again to kiss him. 

It was the day of your date with Todoroki, the two of you were going to the movies and promised to meet outside. You got there a little early to ensure that you could get tickets. You waited in the shade watching happy couples hold hands, walking side by side, and kids chase after one another. You couldn't help but start to zone out slightly until you heard someone call your name, there he was staring at you with a soft smile. "Hey (F/N)" He said grabbing your hand and entwining your fingers between his. 

You nuzzled close to him feeling your whole body relax when you're near him.  The two of you walked into the movie, picked out popcorn and such and your proper seats. The movie was an action, you'd seen it but you knew Todoroki didn't so you tried to watch Todoroki's expressions more than the movie. You leaned close to him and snuggled your face into his shoulder. You kissed his neck lightly, you noticed how everytime you did Todoroki would slide his hand on your thigh and squeeze lightly almost to tell you to stop but you just couldn't. You began to lean more against him, pressing against him. You bit his ear and moved down kissing and biting his neck. You moved away and began laughing as you noticed that he was relaxing and staring at you with a slightly annoyed expression.

The movie finished an hour after. You walked together, holding hands under the night stars, you could feel his calluses against your hands but it was almost fun. He leaned close to you, you could feel his heated breath on your ear. "Can we please go somewhere? Please?" He said, almost begging. You felt yourself nodding gently almost immediately. He pulled you to a park, the two of you walked for about half an hour and it was getting darker and darker but the moonlight and stars shown your path. 

He brought you to a small secluded area, the view was almost unbelievable, it seemed to look over the world in your mind. You could feel your heels beginning to hurt so you sat back on the bench that sat under the blossoming cherry blossom tree.  Todoroki sat on the opposite side of the bench, you looked over at him. He looked so stoic and his jawline was so sharp you feared it would cut you. 

He looked over at you, his heterochromic eyes shining in the moonlight. He smiled warmly coming closer to you closing the gap. you could smell his faint cologne, you were so enticed by the smell you couldn't help but want to take it in more. The two of you watched the sky change from a light orange to a deep musky yet relaxing blue. "I should probably bring you home." He gently stated still staring up at the sky. You were intrigued by him. You couldn't help but want to be with him more. You mischievously looked over at him with a smile. "Or... I could stay at yours, I doubt they'd care if I came back anyways." You watched as a small breathless smile crossed Todoroki's peach-like lips.  

He turned to face you, his eyes ablaze with passion. He kissed you catching you off guard but you couldn't help but give in. "How about we start now and finish later?" He put his lip on your neck and you couldn't help but let out a small moan. He trailed down your body unbuttoning your shirt, you felt your body lean back against the blanket. You could feel your bodies move in sync as your hands grazed the top of his pants. You couldn't handle being overly submissive anymore. You pushed him down so you would be able to straddle him. A sadistic look was all Todoroki could see before you went down unbuttoning his pants to let the hard dick out of its cage. You toyed with him pressing your lips against his dick but only letting the tip in your mouth. You looked up at him to see him embarrassed, he would twitch every time you would put the tip in your mouth. You carefully watched as you fit the whole thing in your mouth. You listened to his low and sexy moans. You gently went faster and faster, you tasted the sweet  precum touch your lips.  

He grabbed your (H/C) Hair and pulled you up so you would face him. You seemed to have a begging sense to you as he pinned you down with his body and roughly took your panties off, slamming himself inside of you the instant he did. You could feel the warmness of him as you couldn't help but tighten around him. He took your hands and held them at your sides, you could feel his rough calluses against your hands. You looked at him moaning, you couldn't handle anymore. "P-P-Please c-cum" You begged but he just smirked at you and pulled out, letting go of your hands. He was breathless and he looked so good to you. "We're not done." He said sitting down on the blanket you two had set out. He grabbed your body and sat you on top of him so his dick would be inside you. He placed his rough hands on your waist, he could feel every move you made as he started to lift you up and down. You could hear his rough moans as you bounced, you could feel yourself tighten again as you came all over him. You were slowed down as he came inside of you, you could feel the warmth fill you. You got off of him slowly breathlessly, you laid back putting your head on Todoroki's chest. You both stared up at the stars, they looked so close yet so far away from you. 

"Hey (F/N)?" 


"I love you"


Hope ya liked o3o

See ya next weekend!

Btw, I know it's late. I had a day today, I apologise if next week is late too o3o

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