The Trainer: Eijiro Kirishima

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*Cough Cough* We have angst in this chapter dw bout it

Being Toshinori Yagi's daughter had its challenges. For those who didn't know Mr. Yagi was also known as All-Might the number one hero and you happened to be (F/N) Yagi, with the quirk of telekinesis which had its perks and disadvantages.

Being All-Might's daughter, you knew all the heroes that taught at UA, also landing you a spot in class 1-A easily but you were watched very carefully by everyone with some kind of intention. If you were completely honest, your quirk was the problem. You had great mental power and self-control but because your quirk took so much energy and power, your physical strength took a toll.

One day, you were in Aizawa's class resting before physical training which you were supposed to go to right after the bell rang but the raven-haired man started to bring up some good points. "(F/N)?" He asked drawing your attention immediately to the yellow sleeping bag on the floor. "Why don't you get a trainer? It would help your body have some sort of idea for strength." You giggled at his comment thinking he was joking but Mr.Aizawa was completely and utterly serious making you stare at him in disbelief. "Who would want to help me? I'm competition" The sleeping bag flipped so that Mr.Aizawa could look at you with his usual bloodshot eyes. "If I ask the class I'm sure you'll be able to find someone. After all, it would get those brats in good with the legendary All-Might." He scoffed knowing that you'd have to agree, he was right. It was a pretty good idea but you couldn't let him win. Aizawa knew exactly what was going through your mind. "I'll excuse you from this training and the next ones if you get a trainer" Your eyes lit up as soon as he said that, you really hated showing off your physical strength when you didn't have any. You looked at Aizawa and rolled your eyes giving in to the offer.

The two of you spent the whole time talking and relaxing, with interruptions from Present Mic occasionally. When the bell rang, Aizawa waited for everyone to be relaxed in their seats before finally asking with you at his side. "Alright. I need a trainer for (F/N), physical trainer obviously." Aizawa's voice was demanding and echoed through the class leaving a silence until a Kirishima raised his hand with a huge grin going ear to ear across his face. "I'll be glad to take her in and teach her, sir," The fake redhead said excitedly thinking about the idea of having a new workout partner. "Then it's decided. Kirishima, (F/N) and I will talk to you after class." You made your way to your seat as Aizawa directed the class to the next topic about the scores from the training. Just as it was said after class Kirishima was waiting for you happily at Mr. Aizawa's desk. The two of you worked out a small schedule for when you could work out just so you could provide some heads up to your father even though you both lived in the dorms.

The schedule:

(Gym Runs means Cable Pully Machine, Treadmill, Stationary Bikes, and Aerobic Steps plus Elliptical)

Monday: 5 AM- GYM RUNS + 7:30 PM POOL LAPS


Wednesday: NO WORKOUTS

Thursday: 5 AM- GYM RUNS + 7:40 PM TRACK LAPS

Friday: 8 AM- BOXING



Kirishima was strict about his schedule, you knew it would be hard the first day when he pulled you out of bed dragging you to the gym to do the full nine yards, anything he thought you could do, he had you do. Kirishima did acknowledge your limit, he always knew when to stop or gave you breaks whenever you needed to catch your breath. It showed you more of his sweet and compassionate side, even if it was always on show. Every morning when you had to wake up to train with Kirishima always had breakfast laid out for you when you woke up, one of your favorites he would make were the pancakes, they're always slightly burnt but you couldn't help but happily eat them while the two of you chatted about anything and everything that you could. You learned about his insecurities and why he dyed his hair and he learned the small thinks that made you come together and why you skip physical activities. Every day you couldn't help but feel closer to him even when you didn't work out, Kirishima was starting to become what some call "eye-candy" to you but as if he would ever notice you. You stuffed your feelings down hoping they'd never come up.

You were on break from working on the elliptical, your chest tight from the labored breathes. "Remember to drink water," Kirishima says from beside you as he hands you a plastic water bottle with a smiley face stuck on the lid (😄). You drink from it, the cold liquid going down your throat feels nice. You notice how sweaty Kirishima is and laugh, his shirt is soaked showing off his chest, which wasn't a problem but he wasn't breathing heavily like how you were, he had a smile on his face. You put down the bottle and sighed, immediately getting Kirishima's attention. "Why the long face? Do we need to stop for today?" The redhead questioned but you just shook your head. "I won't match the class anytime soon." You mumbled trying not to cause a scene but Kirishima looked at you in disbelief. "So? You have loads of other qualities that make you perfect bro. Just be you." Kirishima's pep talk was like talking to a wall, you didn't want to hear any of it, you felt like all your hard work was being wasted and you'd never compare to the other students, you would never even be good enough for Kirishima. Knowing that you just couldn't sit there anymore wasting your time. You took a deep breath and stood up, starting to walk out. Kirishima called after you but you didn't turn around, you just kept walking until you found yourself at your father's apartment door. You knocked, hearing rushed rustles going towards the door and the door handle jiggle until it opened to show your father in his "All-Might" form. You look directly at him watching his body shrink to a what resembled a green bean. "Dad.." You said as you went to hug him, tears streaming down your face. Shocked the blonde hugged you with his boney body, trying to soothe you.

Your father invited you inside you obliged, your cheeks tear-stained and your eyes puffy as you sat on the couch. "(F/N), what's wrong? You're my little hero, you can't be sad" Toshinori said as he headed to the kitchen starting to make you tea. "I just... can't match up to them can I? I'll never be good enough." Toshinori's eyes grow wide. "What are you talking about? You'll always be my little hero. Who cares if you're not able to catch up with the top students. You're (F/N) Yagi, you're good enough for me." You notice your dad look at his watch "Weren't you supposed to meet Kirishima?" The blonde questions making you awkwardly chuckle. "I walked out on him. I'll talk to him tomorrow I promise." You dad nods as the two of you have a long conversation. When the next day came you didn't fill your promise. You ignored Kirishima thinking that he would hate you.

When the day was finally over you were ready to just go to bed, you relaxed swinging the front door open to see Kirishima sitting on your bed. You're unsure of what to do so you just close the door again hoping you're asleep already and its a bad dream. "Come on (F/N)" Kirishima says deflated through the door. You give in and face the redhead. "Hey.." You mumble awkwardly "Hey, so what happened to you? I thought you were doing great.." Kirishima is obviously upset about what happened but you didn't know how to explain it to him, you sit there awkwardly beside him on the bed. "I.. Don't know. It has nothing to do with you, believe me, you're perfect! I mean.. You're great. I mean you're both perfect and great and-" You ramble only to get cut off by Kirishima kissing you passionately. You feel your eyes grow wide and your face heats up as he separates from you. "Sorry. I just couldn't help myself anymore. If you don't want me to be your trainer because of it I get it." You kiss him the same way he kissed you. The two of you now knew each other's feelings but were unsure how to really act. "So.." You quietly said with a small couple of giggles. "So..." Kirishima mocked.

"I guess this starts something.." Kirishima nodded in response. The two of you talked for hours on end until you had to go to the gym together and you ensured you weren't late. The harder you worked, the more time you spent with Kirishima eventually leading you to both becoming equal with the rest of the 1-A class and starting your relationship with Kirishima, or the idea of it at least.

Hey Guys!~

So I hope you enjoyed and could deal with the angst a little. This was a suggestion by @noodle_hayes_nelson and I hope I did their suggestion justice to some extent -u-'

So, if you have a suggestion just tell me and thanks for enjoying my writing!

See ya next week!

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