Work out (Kirishima x Reader)

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Eijiro Kirishima x Reader

F/H = Favorite Hobby

You watched a muscular boy with spiky red hair from the window the gym. You were just passing by but couldn't help but look at the eye candy. The boy and your eyes met after a little bit, he smiled at you but you couldn't help but feel embarrassed quickly running away from the window.

A month later, you decided it might be a good idea to at least work out a little bit because you rarely step outside. You put weight after weight on the leg press taking large breaths every set. "If you work out too hard you'll hurt yourself." You heard a cheerful voice say behind you. You stopped and turned to see the red haired boy from a month ago, surprised you jump up and laugh nervously. "I thought it was you" He says laughing at your surprise. "I could never forget someone as beautiful as you." You were still guarded and confused laughing like a mad man. The boy extends his arm out to you. "My name's Eijiro Kirishima but you can call me Kirishima or Kirishi-san if you want." He smiled at you with full teeth. You awkwardly shook his hand, "My name's (F/N) (L/N), you can call me whatever you want." The boy named Kirishima sat at the leg press next to you. "It's better if you push yourself but not at your limit try a little lower" Kirishima says taking off two weights and putting them on his. He soon started to workout and so did you but you couldn't help but look over at his body. He laughed when he caught you staring and even gave you a little bit of a show taking off his shirt to show his perfectly stacked abs. You felt a blush grow on your face and you had to stop working out for a minute to calm down. You tried to play it off like you were stretching and you were starting to relax until you felt a pair of hands on your waist.

"You're not stretching out right" You instantly noticed the voice to be Kirishima. You felt his hands scoll your body moving and changing your stance certain ways to stretch properly. "You step too close." His hands slide between your hands between your legs to gently push your left leg out. You feel like you can barely breath but you finally get a couple words out. "Please give me space" You say weakly, too embarrassed to say anything else. Shocked Kirishima steps back with an apologetic look on his face. "I'm so sorry!" He bows in front of you. "It's okay" You say getting your voice back. He rubs the back of his neck. "I really am sorry, I guess I just zoned out a little bit thinking about the gym. How can I apologise?" You smile at his sincerity and notice that you're relaxing more around the boy. "How about I take you out to lunch?" He says sitting next to you. "That way I can get to know you and we can fill our bellies." You nod smiling gently at him.

The two of you soon left heading to a restaurant.On the way Eijiro started to ask questions. "Hey so what do you like to do?" "I like (F/H) and I'm more of a indoor person to be honest (If you aren't I'm sorry)" You looked over at him a second to catch him staring at you. He grabbed your waist and moved you away from the street. "Sorry, I didn't want something to happen to you." You giggled at him gradually getting closer to him. You both talked the whole way to the restaurant.

It was small and not very crowded but cute and it seemed to be family run. "My brother's friend runs this place. It's really good and it has a sort of manly vibe to it but I hope you like it." He says opening the door for you. You are greeted by a young man in a vest. "Welc-" HIs greeting stops when he sees Kirishima. "WELCOME GUYS!" The man says more excited. He guides you and Kirishima to a table, handing you the menus you notice the man winking at you. Kirishima awkwardly sits across from you. "Sorry that was... My brother's.. Friend... Sure..." You laugh at his strange answer. "I never thought I'd see you again" He says sincerely "When I saw you in that window I thought I saw an angel. It was so sudden when you ran I didn't run after you until you were long gone.. Sorry if that's weird" You couldn't help but blush. Eijiro must've noticed because he started to have a blush as well.

"To be completely honest. I really wanna see you more.. I just can't help myself."

(Ik I'm posting it a little early)
Hey Guys

what's up?

I know it's really short but it's 5;56am on the saturday that you got the last chapter

I had to finish it to keep my schedule T-T


Hope you enjoyed

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