The Backpack (Bakugo x Reader)

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Bakugo Katsuki x Reader

"Run!" Mina yelled throwing a bag towards you as you ran from the outside lunch area to your next class. You caught it not having time to look at who's bag it was until you finally got into your next class, of course it had to be the bag of 'Lord Explosions' himself. He was probably pissed and looking everywhere for his bag. You raised your hand hoping to go to the lunch area to find him. As soon as the teacher permitted you, you rushed to where your class ate together hoping he would be there angrily looking for his belongings but nobody was there besides a few kids trying to skip, You couldn't text him because you didn't have his number. You tried texting everyone in your homeroom like Mina and Izuku but nobody knew where Bakugo was or even the slightest idea of his schedule.
You began to panic worrying about what he would do to you if you didn't hurry up and give him his bag. It suddenly hit you that he had french later that day so you ran down the hall only to find out that the class was cancelled. You went to the other French classes crossing your fingers, you walked in casually holding his bag to your chest. The other teacher tried her best to help you and realised the panic on your face trying to calm you. You went to every class of his "friends"just hoping someone would have a small idea of where he could be or what class he has.
You had been up and down the school. You were starting to lose hope and needed a break. You sat on the stairs and held the bag to your chest digging your face into it gently. It obviously smelt like him. He always wore a heavy cologne but this time the smell was nice and soft almost sweet. You took a deep breath and felt tears rolling down your cheeks. You heard running and explosions down the hall behind you. "I KNOW YOU TOOK IT SHIT HEAD!" That voice seemed oddly familiar, you tried to piece it together listening to the rushing footsteps get closer. You heard the door behind you swing open along with heavy breathing. "FACE ME" The voice screamed from behind you. You turned slowly looking up at the voice. It was Bakugo in a full fury. His expression seemed to soften when he looked at you.
He took a deep breath and slumped down next to you. "You're a pain in the ass." He said calmly staring off. "If you need a hug or something do it now while I'm offering." You couldn't resist the temptation and wrapped your arms around his warm body. He wrapped his muscular arms around you, reluctantly but gently stroking your hair. You could feel your tears dry up as you relaxed.
You looked up at Bakugo and smiled. He looked away quickly, covering his face to hide the redness of his face. There was an awkwardness between the two of you, you looked down noticing the bag in your lap. "Sorry that I took your bag." You laughed putting the bag in his lap. "I don't care about the damn bag idiot!" Bakugo said roughly still covering his face. "Let me see your face." He said quickly grabbing your face, squishing your cheeks with his fingers. You looked into his bold blood red eyes and noticed how calming they looked. You couldn't help but get lost in them. Bakugo relaxed his hand so your face was resting in his hand. You felt him softly graze his thumb against your cheek. He slowly inched closer to you. You closed (E/C) eyes to feel his soft lips against yours. At first his kiss was sweet and slow but as you continued you felt his tongue press against your teeth begging for an entrance creating a more lustful kiss. You were about to let him in until you heard a crash from behind you. The two of you separated quickly surprised by the sound. You looked in the direction to see Mina and Denki holding their phones up taking pictures of the two of you. Wasting no time at all you laughed while Bakugo shot up and slung his bag over his shoulder, his hands full of explosive sweat. The two trespassers ran quickly hoping not to get caught. Before speeding after them Bakugo stopped at the door and winked at you. "Let's finish this later" Was the last thing he said before chasing the other two.

Hey Guys, hope you enjoyed ^=^

I actually liked writing this chapter because it took me down memory lane. (This actually happened to me just a little different)
But I hope you guys keep reading my work!

Also I'm going to start posting on wednesdays after I get out of school so, the new schedule is Saturdays and Wednesdays. 

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