451 :Midoriya Izuku

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Hey guys, before this chapter starts I want to point out that this is a suggestion (My first) from @OtakuCrazeMass

Hope ya'll like it!

"I'm telling you man, She's my soulmate or something." Midoriya told Kirishima who happily laughed as he spotted Midoriya who benching more than he should've. "I'm glad you're happy at least, seems like she must've made a mark on you." The two of them talked about the girl Midoriya had just met. She seemed so unique to Izuku, it was like an angel had fallen from the sky.... Well... In a way.

The two of them met when Izuku had rushed to the scene of a 451 (Arson, which is how Farenheit 451 got it's name). It seemed that it was just an apartment building mostly for students and singles. Izuku raced around each corner using his quirk with a pen and one of his notebooks in hand prepared to gather information on which hero would come on scene.

When Midoriya had finally gotten to the scene he saw Backdraft who was helping the firefighters to tame the wild fire. "HELP!" Someone from the building screaming causing Izuku's attention to shift to a small child who was stuck on the top floor which looked like it was seconds away from crumbling. Izuku immediately sprung into action launching towards the boy being careful not to touch the walls of the building. (He has his license so he can do whatever a young hero boi pleases) Midoriya carefully grabs the boy swiftly pulling the boy by his arm to land him to a bridal style. When Izuku got the ground he heard a deep rumble coming from the trash shoot. Curiously he stepped closer and closer until he saw a girl drop from inside of it with a loud crash. 

Izuku quickly went to help the girl carefully making sure not to step on anything that might be important. When he got a good look at her he thought she was an angel. The girl was in a ball so she could brace for impact. She seemed to be holding something very closely to her chest, her (H/C) hair flowing messily and covering part of her face. The girl opened her carefully and coughed a few times looking around before catching Izuku's eye contact. The girl had big and beautiful (E/C) eyes, her cheeks were covered in sutt and it seemed like the world had stopped when Izuku looked at her. Izuku shook his head not letting himself get distracted by her beauty. "Are you alright ma'am?" He asked trying to get to her side incase she needed help up. The girl nodded and quickly looked down at her hands which were at her chest looking like she was holding something. "Ma'am we have to get you to safety, so I hope you don't mind" Izuku said before swiftly hoisting her into a easy way for him to carry her. 

The flames on the building were growing. Izuku knew that the building would collapse any minute so he rapidly brought the girl to the paramedic ensuring she was okay.  When the two were safe and sound both Izuku and the girl took a breath of relief, the girl looked down at her closed hands and moved them from her chest. She separated them showing a small baby ferret (I named him Kyle but idk if that's the name) softly sleeping in her hands. Izuku looked up and the girl and laughed out of happiness gently. 

At that minute he knew she had to be the one that he was going to be with forever. 

Hey guys, 

What's up. Hope ya'll enjoyed, again this is a suggestion from @OtakuCrazeMass so I hope you enjoyed my take on it. ^-^

See ya'll next week!

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