Coffee Jelly: Tenya IIda

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Let's just pretend IIda's (Saiki) favorite food is Coffee Jelly, just saying.

You felt the nip of the new fall freeze bite your nose, you were wrapped head to toe in mountains of clothes but that still wouldn't stop Jack Frost. You were dying for some coffee and a small amount of interaction, you couldn't stay inside anymore. You decided to go to the local coffee shop which had the best coffee and dessert you could find anywhere. After the struggles of finding something warm to wear you stumbled out of your mess of a house (YOUR CAVE!) and charged onward to the small shop trying not to slip on ice that layered the roads like a small blanket.

After a small walk you stand in front of the small building made entirely out of wood, you stare at the small red sign with the words 'OPEN' on the front and push open the door. The atmosphere is completely calming with the smell of coffee and lavender wavering in the air, it's quiet and enjoyable with the bustle of new customers and their side conversations. You are greeted by a familiar face, IIda Tenya who is in a butler outfit with his hair slicked back. "WELC- Oh, hi (F/N)" He says noticing it's you, a small touch of red brushes on his cheeks. You giggle at his sudden change from treating you like a customer to a close friend especially when you have had a massive crush on him since the beginning of the year. The two of you awkwardly stand there for a second before IIda realises that you haven't been seated. "P-Please follow me!" IIda straightens as you follow him to a small booth with a window view of three kids playing in the snow. You smile and slide in, looking up at him as he hands you the small menu of the cafe, trying to seem as organised as usual. "Can I start you off with something?" IIda says trying to sound professional, you peer behind him to see his older brother smiling at him but still watching him closely. "A hot latte please, with vanilla flavoring and double espresso shots instead of just one."(This is actually my coffee order lmao) You beam up at him as he takes down what you said. "IIda, isn't it against school rules to have a job? What happened to always following the rules? Mr. Class President." You laugh as you watch IIda's expression change from professional to slightly shocked but you finally get and answer out of him. "I got permission from Aizawa to work for now until my family gets another hire, of course I am not getting any money for this." IIda sternly says as he turns away from your table, you laugh at his sternness and seriousness. While you wait you watch IIda scurry around and apologise weirdly whenever he does something wrong, soon enough IIda came back with your coffee. "I APOLOGISE FOR THE WAIT!" IIda exclaims making you giggle and slightly blush. You clear your throat when IIda asks if you need anything else. "Can I get two orders of the sweetened coffee jelly and a strawberry crepe?" You pause for a second "Also, can you get Tensei come over for a second pleeeeaaaasssse?" You say putting emphasis on the end word. You're completely determined to make a move on IIda. IIda looks at you curiously but quickly hurries to put in your order and whispers to his brother what you asked. Tensei looks directly at you table confused but seemingly prepared for a bad review. When Tensei makes it over to you he puts a stern look on his face but his kind eyes show he's trying his best to not be overly strict. "I heard you wanted to talk to me? You're a friend of IIda's right?" Tensei says trying to make a light move. "Yep, but listen no one is in trouble I was wondering if you could take IIda's shift for like ten minutes so I can eat with him." You look over at IIda who is carrying six orders on one tray and smile softly. "I really want to try and make a move..." You trail off but look at Tensei who has the biggest smile on his face, he nods happily before heading off to the kitchen.

Eventually IIda starts to carry over your order but Tensei stops him halfway, whispering something to him quickly. Before IIda can say anything Tensei runs of with a smile on his face, looking at you and winking when he thought IIda couldn't see him. "Two orders of coffee jelly and a strawberry crepe." IIda carefully sets down the plates and breathily laughs "I guess I have a break." He plainly says as he starts to walk off. You prepare for what is about to happen, he's a bit farther now so you'll have to speak up. "IIDA WHY DON'T YOU SIT WITH ME?" You shout causing all the other patrons to stare at you with dirty looks. IIda slowly walks back to you with a smile and slide into the other side of the booth. "I didn't know you could be that bold, (F/N)" IIda beams trying to cover up his pink cheeks (buttcheeks). You look at him with kind eyes and slide him the second coffee jelly. "I know it's your favourite so I hoped to get you to eat with me." You laugh, looking away from him to cover up your blush. You can't look him in the eye but you keep talking. "Look IIda, I don't know how you'll take this but I've had a crush on you and-" "I LIKE YOU TOO (F/N)!" IIda exclaims, cutting you off. You look at him in shock and can't believe it when you see IIda's entire face go red. He immediately tries to cover it with his hands and starts to stutter. "I-I-I I like you (F/N), I can't deny that. Would you like to..?" "YES" You eagerly respond not even letting him finish making him laugh.

"Then, how about we go out?" IIda says rubbing the back of his neck. You smile and nod, looking at Tensei who is watching the two of you from across the room. You give him a smile and a thumbs up and he instantly gets excited doing a little dance bring attention to himself. You laugh again but look over at IIda who's red face has slightly gone to a more pink. "Then let's get going" You stand up and wrap your scarf back, starting to leave but IIda stops you.

"Um.. (F/N), you forgot to pay." IIda laughs

Hey guys,

Hope you liked the chapter. I realised I hadn't made a IIda chapter in a while sssoooo here it is. If you get the coffee jelly reference from Saiki K then tell me down below.

I also wanted to thank you guys for the support and tell you that next week is a lemon week SOOOO... Hope ya'll like that.

If you guys want to make a suggestion then you know what to do!

See ya next week!

PS I'm going to start marking my lemons with 🍋 because writing out Lemon is tedious and I saw another writer do it and I thought it was a good idea o3o

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