Sleepy (Aizawa x Reader)

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Shouta Aizawa x Reader

This is going to take place when we had Baby Aizawa happening so you're all teens and this is before Deku and all that. 

"You're going to be late. Get up." You heard an annoyed tone hover above you as you covered your head with you pillow. You knew who this voice belonged to because you had heard it every morning of your life. It was the one and only Shouta Aizawa who sneaks into your room on the daily just because of your cat. You swung at him hoping something would hit without you looking but he just grabbed your hand and pulled you out of bed, you guessed he underestimated his strength because he pulled you so hard you landed on your feet but inches from his face. You stared at the raven haired boy and laughed as you could see a small blush cascade across his cheeks. "You know you can just steal Scenic (the cat) and leave ya know. You really don't have to wake me up, you could just leave me here in my cave." You said walking over to your closet taking off your shirt on the way. "You would never come to school leaving me with Yamada, Mr.Amazing (All Might), The sadist (Midnight, her real name is Kayama Nemuri) and the angry one (Endeavor). They're all irritating. Plus, it would cause me to lose sleep if you didn't go because I would have to bring you your schoolwork because I live the closest." Aizawa said playing with Scenic "Yes, because you have so much to do." You said sarcastically "Excuse me. I sleep. That's all I ever need to do." You couldn't help but laugh as you stepped out in your school uniform. Aizawa looked dead laying with your cat on his lap playing with his scarf like usual. You looked over at him and he reluctantly picked up your cat and moved it besides him. You raced down the stairs the the kitchen where you saw Toshinori and Yamada eating food with your parents. "Finally, you come downstairs" Toshinori said  throwing you a piece of toast. "YEAH WE THOUGHT YOU WEREN'T GONNA COME!" Yamada said, his speakers plugged in. "Sorry, sorry I forgot they were plugged in." Yamada smiles. You look over at the clock to see you only have about five minutes. You grabbed onto Aizawa who grabbed on to Yamada because he was eating. "I have cleaning duty.." You said regrettingly as you pulled the three boys out of your house. You ran activating your quirk (Earth Manipulation and Water Manipulation) to get you to the school as fast as you could. You barely looked behind you but from what you could see Aizawa was hopping building to building, Toshinori was just running using his quirk to enhance what he had, and poor Yamada was being thrown through the waves you made so he could catch up. 

You had two minutes to spare but you finally made it with the boys in tow you breathlessly ran to class. Gran Torino was staring at you disapprovingly as you opened the door. "Class has started (F/N). I'm guessing you have the other three with you as per usual." You nervously smiled as you moved to your seat. Students giggled lightly as the three others trailed behind you sitting in their seats. Class resumes and you look around at the other girls staring at you and the boys around you giggling like hyenas. You just brushed it off and paid close attention to the lesson, it seemed like it was going to be fine until lunch. 

Two girls approached you while you were walking over to the table with Toshinori, Enji (Endeavor), Emi (Ms.Joke), Aizawa and the rest of your friends. The girls who stopped you both had flowing long hair and deep eyes. "We heard you hang out with a lot of boys." One said laughing "We especially heard that you like to bring them home." The other said. You laughed trying to not show how anxious you were being cornered in a room where no student ever went. You try to outmaneuver them to try and leave but they end up trapping you, one using her quirk of clone manipulation and the other charging them electrically so if you moved using your water quirk you could die. You couldn't use your earth quirk either because you couldn't dream of paying for the damages or hurting someone. The cloning girl had one of her grab your wrists above your head. You tried getting away but the other would simply zap you causing you to feel powerless. The girls began to tug at your clothes starting to slowly pull down your skirt. You couldn't help but look over at the table of your friends hoping one of them would notice you disappeared and were now in the corner. The two girls cackled ripping your skirt. "Look at you. One of the strongest quirks of the school gone to waste.." The girls looked at you with lustful looks as they continued torturing you now by just zapping you and creating burn marks on your skin. "I wonder what those boys find so interesting of you. You're so weak." You closed your eyes giving into the fact that nobody would get you "I bet boys say the same of you, though you don't really look like girls" an unidentified voice said from behind the girls. You open your eyes quickly to see Aizawa standing there calmly. "Step away from her." He says looking you dead in the eyes. "Or what?" Aizawa looks at the girl with the clones and activates his quirk surprising the two girls and giving you enough time to get away moving besides Aizawa. "Thanks." You say quickly noticing you basically had no top and a badly ripped skirt on. "Go tell the others that you're here. Have Emi go get a teacher. I'll take care of the trash." You rush over to the table where all your friends begin to bombard you with questions. "No time." Is all you say as you begin telling your friends Aizawa's instructions. They do as instructed as you lead Toshinori and Enji to where Aizawa is. By the time you get there Aizawa looks out of breath and at his end while the girls are full of energy. "Aizawa. We have this." Toshinori says confidently.  Aizawa looks over at them and nods only to be thrown a charged punch straight to the face. This throws him against the wall knocking him out. You rush over to him while the other two take over for him blocking the two girl's punches. You start to call his name but no response, panicked you move his head to your thighs trying to add support. "Shouta, come on answer me" You say worryingly. You place your finger under his nose to find his breathing gone horse. You hear people running towards the room and there stands Emi, Gran Torino, Recovery girl and another teacher staring horrified by the scene. "STOP ALL STUDENTS" Gran Torino yells. His voice bellowing through the compact room. Everyone halts and Recovery girl makes her way over to You and Aizawa. "He's breathing it's just very horse." You say holding the messy haired boy closely. The students who aren't hurt are taken to the principal while those who are, are brought to the nurse. You watch as Aizawa is gently carried out by two other teachers. You start to feel tears well up in your eyes as Gran Torino kneels to you. "Those two girls hurt me because I was too weak. Aizawa saved me but if only I were strong enough I wouldn't have been cornered in the first place." You say tears now streaming down your face. All Gran Torino does is give you his cape to cover up your ripped clothes and burns and comforts you by rubbing your back. 

A couple hours later you stay next to Aizawa's bed  all bandaged and fixed to the best of Recovery girl's ability. You look at the calm raven haired boy stabilize, his chest moving up and down. "Please wake up soon Shouta" You end up staying there all night resting in a chair, your head on his bed. 

As you slowly begin to wake up all you hear is "Wake up Stupid, you'll be late" Your eyes begin to open wider as you recognise the voice. You lift your head up to see Aizawa looking at you happily. You can't seem to hold in your joy and you instinctively grab his face and kiss him. You seperate not yet having processed what you have just done and say "You scared me so bad." Aizawa puts his hand on your cheek and kisses you passionately. "I'll do whatever I need to protect you. I'm sorry for the worry."



Hope you enjoyed another chapter of this one shot. I'm going to start making a schedule so I post on Saturday like today so it's easier to manage.

Thanks for reading my work!

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