Midoriya Izuku x Reader : Memory

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Your quirk is Time Manipulation

You screamed just wishing for something to happen but you knew it was hopeless. You were trapped, tied against a rough and rusted metal pole which was cutting your arms making a pond of blood underneath, you were too weak to even activate your quirk. You thought you were going to die at the hands of the enemy, you watched him carefully and scanned the room not noticing anything out of place until you noticed a tuft of curly green hair peek over the high window in front of you. You instantly knew who it was, you rejoiced silently hoping you wouldn't notify the enemy.

It was like a beacon of hope relit in you, you could feel your energy revive as you watched the green tuft sneak from place to place, you even saw Izuku's face with a giant grin which calmed your nerves. He motioned for you to look up and you followed to see Kirishima, Jiro, Momo and Tsu standing there in positioned, you were ecstatic to see that someone had come for you.  You looked over at Izuku who seemed to be counting from five. You closed your eyes and counted down with them.







You knew it would happen but it was such a loud noise it still frightened you. You opened your eyes slowly to see Midoriya taking on the villian using his newly discovered "end game" fighting abilities with Kirishima at his side and Momo as support. "Don't worry (F/N) we got you." Jiro said as she quickly tried to untie you. "Come with me" Jiro grabbed your hand and pulled causing a sharp pain to go up your arm, you let out a sharp moan of pain as you noticed Jiro's grip slightly loosen. You followed after her quickly not worrying about the chaos happening behind you. 

You and Jiro disappear behind an alleyway, she plugs herself in to the floor using her quirk, you watch her concentrate. Her expressions change rapidly but she's finally settled on one. Pain. "I'll be back" She rapidly says as she runs off back into the fight. You look down at your hands, they're covered in blood. You can feel yourself weaken slowly as you stare down at them, the world becomes hazy as you feel yourself lean against a wall. It's just black after that.

When you open your eyes, you're in Recovery Girl's office and your arms are bandages into casts. You watch the curtains in front of you ruffle and pull back showing Recovery Girl's short body walk over to your bed. "Oh you're awake now." Is all she says as she kisses you on the cheek and gets on the bed so she can sit down in front of you. "Apparently, the pole that you were tied to was lined with poison but your immune system fought it off until you had relaxed, you shouldn't even be alive right now! But.. I digress, you're alive and well." You look down at your hands again. "You're able to take those off now but be careful when using your quirk." She begins to saw off the remaining of the casts. Your arms looked brand new besides the scars of the cuts on the bottom of them. You quickly jump up and start heading over to class to ensure that everyone is okay but you notice Midoriya sleeping in the hospital bed besides you.

"Is he going to be okay?" You asked Recovery Girl as you still stared at the sleeping boy.

"Perfectly fine, now go to class" She was harsh meaning she REALLY wanted you to leave but before you did you kissed Izuku on the cheek and whispered in his ear, "Please get better soon." You exited quickly trying not to annoy Recovery Girl and heading to class 1-A everyone was in their seats and when you walked in all eyes were on you, even Sensei Aizawa's. Everyone quickly huddled around you worrying and bombarding you with questions, you tried to answer them as quick as possible and you were starting to get over whelmed until Sensei easily got control. His voice was harsh so everyone knew to get back to their seats.

Class started and ended, it felt like it lasted for just seconds. You draw your attention to the door which, a soft knock came from. Standing behind it is Midoriya, pretty badly bruised but no broken bones, by his side is Recovery Girl, who immediately whispers to Aizawa. "Students, this is Midoriya Izuku. He has been hit with a quirk for memory loss, please assist him." Aizawa's voice echos as Midoriya shyly walks into class. He sits in front of you like usual, you tap him on the shoulder and instinctively ask if he's okay. "I- I'm F-F-Fine" He stutters, he's definitely back to his old self. He is no longer the confident  person you knew he grew into. 

Weeks passed and you still tried to re jog his memory with that had happened. You had mild success to say the least. He started to grow stronger and stronger just by exercising and his memory was getting there simply by using remembered names and such but you still couldn't get him to remember anything else this year and he still wouldn't remember you. 

That was until you finally had enough. You couldn't baby him anymore. You took a page from Bakugou's book.  

You brought Midoriya to the training field with permission from Aizawa and fought Midoriya. He ran away from you until you landed a hit. "FIGHT ME!" You yelled trying to get him to have some kind of recall. You had him right beneath you, he hadn't laid a single hit. You stared into his eyes, there was only fear. You couldn't help but feel responsible for causing this, you leaned in and kissed him. It was supposed to be soft and quick but Izuku kissed back running his hands through your hair. The two of you seperated and you looked into his eyes, the fire there once was, was back and better than ever. 

"(F/N)?" He asked as he smiled at you, his freckles creasing with his smile lines. You looked down at him  "YOU REMEMBER?!" You said cheerfully as you hugged him. 

"I could never forget you but can you please get off of me? I can't breath." 

Hey Guys,

 I literally finished writing this chapter so it's a little rushed but still I hope you guys liked it.

See ya next week! 

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