Shut Up: Dabi (Lemon)

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"Shigaraki can eat my ass, all he does is act like he's a leader when we both know that he's an attention whore." You say to Toga who's sharpening her knives. "Just because you're upset doesn't mean you have to complain about but did you see Midoriya?! Wasn't he dreamy!" Toga squeals while you roll your eyes and start to walk around the bar to make a drink when all the boys come in. Twice argues with himself contemplating whether he wants a drink, Dabi disappears after a few minutes and Shigaraki creepily stares over at an old television screen almost clawing at it until he stands and starts throwing things. 'Shigaraki is in one of his fits, it's best if I leave" You think to yourself as you drop what you were doing and scurry into a random room to hide away from all the crazy. 

You look around and spot Dabi laying on a bed reading a book that looks like a romance novel. "Since when do you read?" You call to him but he doesn't answer, focusing on the book. "This is your room right?" You say as you look around touching everything and anything. After a few more times of trying to make quick conversation you give up and lean against a wall waiting for Shigaraki's tantrums to finish. That was until Dabi finally spoke. "This is my room. Get out. I don't need parasites like you in here." You look at him in both disgust and surprise, laughing at his comment. The two of you start talking but as you thought Dabi's answers are dry and completely unentertained but you still push through and keep asking questions. "Are you related to Endeavor?" You ask laughing at Dabi's sudden look over at you, he just throws a knife at the side of your head almost telling you to shut up completely. You take a deep breath and just let everything out.

"Do you realise how annoying you are? You never listen to me! Nobody does! All I ever try and do is help but it always end up like I'm talking to a wall!" You shout, Dabi pops up from his bed. An angered look in his eye, he chuckles softly trying to look creepy. "You don't scare me with your shit." You say obviously annoyed, Dabi walks toward you and you instantly take a step back. Dabi comes closer and closer backing you into the wall. You watch as a mischievous smile crawls across his face. 'I can't back down'  You think to yourself before paying your full attention to Dabi. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do this. Just to shut you up." You close your eyes bracing yourself to get punched but instead Dabi takes you by surprise kissing you once. Your eyes open quickly when he moves, wide in surprise. Dabi looks away and laughs lightly, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment hiding his bright pink blush that is. Instinctively without thinking you grab the boy's face and kissing him instantly backing off after you realised what happened. You laughed. It was like the two of you were playing a game of back and forth until Dabi finally kisses you forcefully and  You kiss back with the same amount of force with a small smile showing on your lips. Dabi slides his tongue in between your lips when he gets the chance, your tongues glide together perfectly. The kiss lasts for a while before the two of you seperating to seperating to catch your breaths, a small trail of spit in between the two of you. Dabi chuckles "So.." The raven haired boy falls back on his bed just to stare up at the ceiling. "So.." You respond awkwardly going towards the bed, watching Dabi cover his face. You try to act normal while the boy seems embarrassed at the thought of what he just did and you couldn't help but admit that it was incredibly cute. You purposely fall, landing on top of him with a big grin on your face. "Aw.. Is the cutie embarrassed?" You chastised tracing his bruised skin lines. "Shut up." Dabi groans but you don't let up. "Why? Are you pouty now?" You joke but Dabi cuts you off with another kiss, this time it's more lustful. 

You feel Dabi's rough hands slide against your shirt and eventually going under it. Dabi bites your lip as he squeezes your boob roughly making you moan. Dabi instantly stops looking at your face which has completely gone red. "Seems like you enjoyed that." He laughs viciously sadistically taking in the look on your face. "Shut up" You quickly say mushing the words together. Dabi laughs once again before going back to kissing you. His lips slide down to kiss your neck and collarbone as you try to unbutton his pants, You get his pants loose, your hands sliding down and rubbing against his dick eventually grinding against him. A soft moan escapes Dabi's lips, you laugh lightly before sliding off his underwear and fitting his hard dick in your mouth, playing with the tip with your tongue. Dabi roughly your hair forcing you away from his dick and making you look at him. To him you look so messy but in a sexy way, Dabi couldn't wait to fuck the shit out of you, he chuckles throwing you on the bed. You watch him biting your lip roughly. You watch him come closer taking off his clothes off, Dabi smirks before climbing on top of you only to kiss your stomach and slide down more, Dabi starts to lick your pussy slowly first before using the tip of his tongue to play with your clit. You moan out of surprise as Dabi goes faster and faster. Eventually the moans become a normal thing in between every rough pant. Dabi stops for a minute, you look at him gasping for air to fill your lungs, ecstasy flows in the air as Dabi slowly climbs on top of you putting his huge dick in you. You moan loudly from the sudden insertion of his dick into your tight pussy. "You like that don't you?" Dabi teases thrusting into you slowly and eventually getting rougher and rougher. You wrap your arms around his neck, closing your eyes and feeling him move inside of you making you moan more and more. You feel your body tighten around him but Dabi still thrusts harshly into you making you almost scream, a sound you've never heard from yourself. 

After a few more thrusts, Dabi cums inside of you tiredly heading to start lying besides you. Before the two of you doze off, you notice a small grin on Dabi's face as he wraps his arm around you and pulls you closer. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that." Dabi mumbles before the two of you pass out cuddling. The rest of the team found the two of you together and you two can't live it down but you don't regret it. 

Hey Guys!

Hope you enjoyed,

 I know I'm really rusty on my lemon writing skills but that just means I'll have to start writing more lemons!

If ya have a suggestion or something hmu or write it down below and I'll write a chapter       -u- 

See ya next week!

P.S I know I posted this a little early 

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