Busy Work: Shouta Aizawa🍋

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"shota aizawa x teacher reader lemon? plz :) uwu" -bbsxsenpai

I'm starting off easy so I can get back into writing more, and I haven't written a lemon in a while so if it's lackluster blame quarantine.   PLUS. I will be going through the suggestions of the last chapter first most likely. 

You were woken by shakes, almost like an earthquake only to realize it was Aizawa-sensei and All-Might sensei trying to wake you before class started. You were completely behind on paperwork so decided to stay in the office a little later, only to fall asleep at your desk. You wiped your lip of drool as you regained your senses, apologizing to the two teachers.

All-might laughed at you as Aizawa handed you a cup of coffee, "Seems like you need a pick up" he chuckled as you sipped the chocolate-colored beverage. It was bitter and black just like how Aizawa liked his, your face scrunched with disgust as the liquid slid to the back of your throat like hot sludge. "You really need better taste," You said, handing the cup back to Aizawa as you fished for packets of sugar out of your drawer. He watched you carefully pull out a box of sugar almost like how he watched his enemies when on his street watches. "You don't need to drink it" The raven-haired teacher groaned as you ripped open three packets of brown sugar at once, almost desperately before grabbing the cup and drinking it. 

"I like drinking coffee, but not black. Don't you want to try?" You said teasingly as you leaned in faking that you were going to kiss Aizawa so he could taste the coffee through your lips but pulling back before smiling jokingly and sipping at the coffee. Aizawa's face was lightly blushed with pink and shock dressed in his eyes, shuffling away quickly before you could catch another glance at the embarrassed man. You laughed looking back at your desk, noticing the stack of student's papers in the corner that you hadn't even made a dent in the night before. Forcing you to be so focused on your students' work that you didn't even notice the first bell, Aizawa flicked your forehead causing you to come back to reality. 

"Come on, if you're going to be late just don't show up at all." His monotone voice called at to you as he shuffled away in his yellow sleeping bag jumpsuit. 

You looked at your watch '8:03 am', you had 15 minutes before your class. Just enough time for you to set up a bullshit lesson of busywork for your children. 

You rushed over to your classroom, pulled down the projector screen and looked up "Best hero takedowns" on Viewtube. You found a perfect video, three hours long with questions about the video already set up at the end. All you had to do would act like you were actually paying attention by occasionally pausing the video and telling your kids to 'look forward and pay attention' even though you'd give them all ten points for just being in class.

By the time everything was set up, kids started filing in as you started your half-hearted lesson. Allowing you to conquer the gigantic pile of students papers but that still wasn't enough and you yet again had to stay later but this time you had an assistant. Aizawa-sensei so kindly suggested he help you grade the papers as you gifted him with ten bucks and said that you'd take over his class for a day out of desperation for assistance. 

An hour in, you already wanted to die and hated yourself for assigning kids any type of homework. You were going to die of boredom. 

"Aizawa...How about we make this more fun?" You moaned as you pulled down your hair, letting it drop down to your shoulders. Aizawa looked at you curiously. "What do you want to do?" The raven-haired man watched you stand up and walk over behind his chair before taking his shoulders and hurling him into the floor, you climbed on top of him ensuring to pin him down so he wouldn't move but he completely overpowered you flipping you. You squirmed under him as tension grew over the two of you. You starred up at Aizawa, his long hair creating a shell-like structure over you, simply allowing you to graze at how pretty he was. 

"Aizawa... You know you're pretty" You said in wonder as your eyes traced each crease in the man's face, a small peach blush grazed over his cheeks as you reached up and kissed him softly. The man tasted like black coffee but this time you could manage the taste, you felt his hand run through your hair gently as the two of you fell deeper into the kiss. 

You pulled away, your body heated and your breathing soft. 

"Shouta, are there any teachers still here..." You trailed off looking at the door of the office to make sure only darkness stood in its frame. Your concerns were met with neck kisses as Shouta trailed down your neck with his lips and you couldn't help but melt under his spell. 

"Sh-Shouta-san" You moaned quietly as the man looked at you deviously. "I'm serious, what if someone catches us..." You worried as Aizawa just looked at you slightly annoyed that you were right. He got off of you and helped you up before walking away without saying anything, you followed curiously as you ended up in his classroom, the lights off and the door closed behind you. 

Aizawa turned on the lights before sitting in his desk chair, his feet resting on the desk. You walked over to him jokingly and hit his legs lightly as if instructing him to take his legs down. 

"What are you going to do?" He teased hoping to get on your nerves. You went behind his chair but instead of tipping him out of it like before you simply massaged his shoulders eventually sliding your hands down his shirt, feeling his smooth chest, going over scars and trying to sexily unbutton his shirt but end up struggling before he stops you. 

"Are you trying to seduce me (L/N)-sensei" The man laughs as he gets up and faces you cornering you against a wall. "So what if I am?" You respond before he kisses you yet again running his hands through your hair. His lips slip down to your neck along with his hands trailing down your body, one unbuttoning your shirt and the going against your body. As he showed your bra from your shirt you quietly moaned feeling his lips against your trapped breast.

"Are you gonna be so slow?" You teased as you pushed him off and put him against his own desk. You kiss him and pull off your shirt leaving you in just your bra and your pencil skirt, Shouta stares at you again before grabbing you, putting you on top of his desk and pulling off his shirt before slipping off your skirt leaving you in your lacy underwear and bra. You look down at Aizawa who smirks before he slides off your underwear and teasingly sliding in one finger, allowing you to let out a moan in surprise. You hear Aizawa tease you as he slides in more fingers stopping you from responding. 

"Wouldn't you rather try with something other than your fingers." You say while staring deviously as you watch Aizawa undo his belt unleashing his member. You hear a soft chuckle before he grabs your hips and slides you towards him, allowing him to slide his dick inside you without warning. Unable to hold your moans back you let them out with every slam into you before you hear footsteps coming closer and Aizawa covers your mouth, leans towards you and whispers "You don't want to get caught," before slamming into you again. You feel his hand slide up to your breasts. He aggressively grabs them, before realizing that your bra was still on and sliding under it being finally able to grab at your soft skin. 

You can feel yourself tighten as he continues harshly, you grabbed the edge of the table as you heard his harsh moan escape his lips. Aizawa pulls out of you unleashing his cum all over your stomach. He lays next to you for a minute whispering sweet nothings into your ear. "You don't know how long I've been wishing to do that," Aizawa whispers before trying to kiss you only to be stopped by your hand on his chest. "Let's do it again sometime but how am I going to get cleaned up?" You whisper in the same sexy tone, mocking him with a smile. 

Aizawa grabs his shirt off the floor and throws it at you before kissing you and leaving a mark on your neck. 

"When we do this again, I'll make sure you're mine" 


A written sorta messy lemon. 

Leave your suggestions down below!

If you really want something "out of the ordinary" you'll probably have to explain it to me or leave me a link ;). 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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