Halloween: Dabi

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Your quirk is Blood Manipulation. You can control blood in anyway but if you use it too much you can become anemic.

You were dressed as a vampire because of ya quirk, Get it? Yep HMMMM

It was finally halloween, the whole class of 1-A had decorated the dorms like a haunted house open for the public to get them back on our good side. Of course, rooms were closed but all the  classes had loads of space. 

The haunted house opened at 7:30 pm just so little kids could join in. Your job was to deal with all the people coming in to sell them tickets with Momo, it was about 8:45 pm and you two had already sold about 250 tickets. You had seen tons of cool costumes but one guy caught you eye. He looked so familiar but you weren't sure where from, he seemingly had burn marks all over his face and parts of his arms  it was almost like it was stretched apart and only thick staples holding everything together. His hair was as dark as Tokayami's feathers, he seemed so stoic it was interesting. Your eyes followed him from the time he walked up to the ticket booth to him walking inside. He obviously realised you had been staring at just him because before he walked to where you couldn't see him, he pointed behind the haunted house and winked at you.

Momo had realised that you hadn't been paying attention for a while after an annoyed customer had brought it to your attention. "(F/N)" She called sternly but you didn't respond. She tried calling your name again but after you not responding again she grabbed your hair and pulled it lightly. You instantly looked at her, your eyes were wide staring at her with surprise petting your hair gently where she had pulled. "Please pay attention, your missing selling tickets" She says sternly looking at the long crowd we have. You get back to selling tickets with a smile plastered across your face but you can't help feel something pulling at you to follow the raven haired man. 

You checked your watch reading 9:15 and still felt antsy. You waved over Momo and put on your best puppy dog eyes on. "Pwease Momo~ Can I leave for a five minute break for the bathroom" You begged watching her finally give in. "10 minutes and you better be back and on our game. You still have three more hours before you can sleep, and come back with some food." She sternly says as she gives you twenty dollars made from her quirk. You nodded vigorously as you ran behind the haunted house and there he was waiting for you. Dabi stood there in the darkness with his eyes closed. He looked so relaxed.

You watched his eyes open slowly showing his piercing blue eyes. The man smirked and laughed getting close to you. "So are you going to tell on me, Blood Rose?" He said while you stood in place, you could feel your quirk almost activating on its own, slightly hardening your blood because of the hair standing on the back of your neck. (Your quirk can activate if you feel strange in anyway). Dabi walked towards you carefully, examining your body like how a predator watches its prey, the seemingly broken man got close enough so you can smell the soft scent of his sweet cologne. "Why would I tell on you? You're harmless on your own." You laughed breathlessly slowly letting your guard down, deactivating your quirk allowing the burnt man to step close enough to corner you. 

You look at Dabi for a second before he starts to kiss your neck, letting a sensation build in your chest, he bites you in between kisses causing you to moan softly. He starts to move up to your lips but you stop him squeezing his cheeks leaving a small space between the two of you. "What are you doing here Dabi?" You say slightly laughing at his squished face and the difference of his rough skin on your soft hands. "I wansshed to seee chu" He says mumbling trying to make you laugh a little more. You released his cheeks and smile up at him (You're shorter because WHY NOT). He presses you against the wall and smirks at you showing his ocean blue eyes. "You do realise if someone sees us I'll be KILLED on the spot." You say as you flick Dabi's forehead. "Yes but aren't I just a bit more fun than this "hero time", after all you like a bit of the dark side don't you?" Dabi puts quotations on hero but when he finishes he presses against you softly slamming his lips on yours. 

The two of you start to get deeper and deeper into the kiss. Dabi's hand starts sliding up your fishnet tights, the silk cape fall against your leg behind his finger trail. His rough hand squeezes your thigh causing you to moan softly, your body was pleading and you could feel Dabi's fingertips trail above the line of your tights. He starts to slide hand underneath them tracing your panties. 

"AHEM" A voice obviously annoyed behind the two of you. The two of you instantly stop, Dabi slides his hands up getting out of your tights before the two of you slowly turning towards the voice showing a irritated Mineta tapping his foot. His face conveyed surprised when Dabi turned around but  he tapped his wrist like it was a watch and had a perverted look on his face. "Yaoyorozu would be disappointed in you (F/N), using your break like this to run off with a boy. (I would do it tbh, everyone needs a little "Refresher") You rolled your eyes at the grape haired boy and got down to his level (You crouched) "What do you want to not tell Momo, Mineta?" Mineta had a smirk on his face, he obviously had an idea. 

"Squeezes right now.... For two minutes."  He said staring down at your boobs, his eyes huge with greed. You looked over at Dabi for a plea of help and he obviously looked mad but he nodded telling you it was fine. "Two seconds, both hands on each boob that's all." You had a stern voice and Mineta nodded and put his hands on your boobs and then let go, skipping away from the two of you. You sighed, getting up and looking at Dabi. "I'm surprised you didn't hurt that little shit while you could've." You say brushing the dirt from your costume, leaning against the wall when you finished. 

You stared at Dabi's figure, he was just staring into space next to you. You look down at your watch showing that you only had two minutes left. When you looked up Dabi was staring at you with a fire in his eyes, he kisses you passionately surprising you.  Dabi instantly grabs your boob roughly making you moan lightly in his ear. He grabs harder as he slides his tongue with yours, his hand moves from above your shirt to under it, the farther the two of you go the faster time seems to go. 

The only thing that stops the two of you is your watch telling you that your break was over. You pressed against Dabi's chest giving you space to look up at him. "I guess I have to go." You chuckle looking down at his chest snuggling slightly close to him as he plays with your (H/C) hair. "Yeah I guess so. What time will you be off?" Dabi asks seeing you awkwardly snuggling as adorable. "I won't, I get a break in a few hours for lunch and then we completely shut this down around twelve." You laugh. 

"Then I'll be back later, Be ready for your touch with the dark side." Dabi says separates from you and leaves into the darkness.

Hey Guys, 

How's it going, I know this chapter is early but it's cuz it's halloween and I wanted to do something. Sorry that the movie isn't spooky but whatever. *Fake whip* Yep so 

PS Im inserting this during halloween I just enjoyed halloweeeeenn

Hope you enjoyed! 

See ya next week O3O

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