The Somewhat Shy Boy: Tamaki Amajiki

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You were new to UA, your parents had finally let you move on your own and it was only because you got into the most pristine hero school. You were worried that you were just jumping in as a third year but Eraserhead, a family friend and teacher at UA, seemed to have enough faith that you'd be in the same level as the other students. It wasn't like you hadn't gone to a hero school before getting into UA, actually you went to Ketsubutsu Academy High School with Mrs.Joke as your teacher. You were somewhat confident.

You walked in cautiously, there were plenty of strange characters and they all were staring at you. You strutted to your seat trying to seem cool but you still felt like you were going to be a joke. Your seat was in the back next to a seemingly quiet boy with navy blue hair on your left and a very happy, simple blonde on your right. 'Quite the contrast' You thought to yourself as you tried to observe your classmates. You tried to introduce yourself first to the blue haired boy but he quickly rejected you by looking at you and looking away instantly. You were about to give up until you heard someone. "I'm Mirio" said the voice to your right. You looked over to see the boy smiling at you holding out his hand for a hand shake. You just gently smiled back and tried to respond simply and confidently but your social anxiety seemed to have other plans. "(F/N) (L/N)..." You said quietly, the blonde laughed at you causing you to feel like you did something wrong, he seemed to pick up on that quite quickly. "No, no, don't worry" He quickly responded "You just remind me of him" He pointed over to the boy to your left who instantly looked away from the two of you when you looked at him. Mirio leaned next to you. "That's Tamaki Amajiki, he's a shy sweetheart so he won't open up easily but if you keep trying you'll get him eventually."

You couldn't help but be curious about this Tamaki Amajiki. Ectoplasm, your new teacher and yet another family friend, walked in. His frightening appearance was completely different from his personality, it was funny to see some of the students that had never seen him with shocked faces and a little fear mixed in. "HELLO YOUNG HEROES!" He said full heartedly, his voice modifier made it sound slightly ominous causing a thick tension to build above the other students but you couldn't help but burst out laughing. You could feel everyone's eyes on you especially Ectoplasm, he was happy that you were there but you ruined the effect for sure. After your laughing fit stopped you just casually and embarrassingly looked up and Ectoplasm continued. "We will be going out to the field, get your gear on and meet me out there, of course if you're new follow the other students or come to me. Dismissed" The students instantly got up and started scattering but  as you started to leave you were stopped by one of Ectoplasm's clones. "(F/N)" He said trying act stern but failing.

You whipped around to face the original teacher, you ran up and hugged him. "Forgive me for laughing in the middle of your introduction" You smiled as you wrapped around him tightly. You heard his hearty laugh as he hugged you back. "Go get dressed, you've been here plenty of times to help teachers set up classrooms." You started to walk back but you noticed the blue haired boy standing by the classroom door, his eyes closed. You were still curious about him so you quietly stepped in front of him and leaned close to his ear just to scare him a bit. "Tamaki-kun, did you miss me?" You whispered quickly stepping back as he frantically shot up panicked looking side to side then relaxing. "It's just you right?" He asked with a small blush on his face. You nodded leaning against the wall next to him. There was a large silence, you couldn't think of anything to say without worrying yourself about it so he had to speak first.

"You're (F/N) right?" He started as he walked curiously asking questions as you two went. You nodded quickly surprised that he actually talked to you. "Your quirk is Mimic right?" "Yep" "How do you know all of the teachers?" "My parents used to be really popular heroes before they had me, heroes used to just show up and train me sometimes." "Who are you-" "Mime and Sun storm" You quickly answered as you watched as his expression changed, he knew who your parents were, everyone did. You awkwardly laughed starting to feel your barriers come down slowly. You started to notice small things as you two talked, Tamaki wasn't scare of you, he was scared of large crowds. "Tamaki, your quirk is a food absorbing kinda thing right?" He laughed at you trying to explain his quirk in the easiest way possible. "Manifest, I eat whatever and it shows up on my body." You instantly had a somewhat half baked but good idea, you fished into your pocket and pulled out a piece of taffy "Eat" You happily commanded handing him the taffy. He awkwardly took it from you and put it into his mouth, a few seconds later his arm being the same taffy. You touched his arm allowing your arm to be the same. You laughed trying to show off by bouncing around and fighting him with it but you two got stuck really quickly.  Your hand was stuck on his shirt, Tamaki tried to pull you off him but that only made it worse. You two ended up being pressed against a wall, your hand was still stuck on his chest and his was stuck on your forearm. The way the two of you got stuck to the wall was you two walked backwards and touched a wall pretty much.

"So.." You said awkwardly laughing. Tamaki had a small blush on his face, his pointed ears were basically red. "I apologise" You said laughing but you got suddenly really serious. "Tamaki, are you scared of me?" "No, I don't like loads of people. I can talk to you because it seems Mirio likes you so you're a good person. I think this is the most i've talked to a beautiful girl" He said taking a moment to realise what he just said. You both had red faces by that comment. "T-T-Thank you" You mumbled not looking at him. He started talking rapidly. "I mean you are incredibly beautiful and I am nothing compared to you and I'm sorry that I'm being an idiot and I can't-" You cut him off with a kiss on the lips.

The second you seperated you started talking rapidly.  "Sorry I don't know what came over me and I don't know wh-" then you were cut off by Tamaki kissing you. At first it was a soft kiss but then you felt him press against you roughly. Your tongues tangled with each other, you started to get drunk on the smell of his cologne and you could feel his hand slide down your back.

"Cough" You heard loudly from the left of you. You instantly separated looking down, your cheeks blush red. "Ah, it's just you Mirio" You heard Tamaki's voice quiver awkwardly. You looked up to see the simple boy staring at the two of you. "Tamaki, how bold of you" Mirio laughed "Do you two actually need help?" You both awkwardly nodded as he got close to you. "(L/N) Give me your arm right since it's not made of taffy." You ended up slipping out from under Tamaki. "Just try and relax to not activate your quirk (L/N)" You follow Mirio's instructions and just like he said, your arm turns back to normal. "Quickly run and get dressed you two, Ectoplasm is looking for you." You knew that if you took too long ectoplasm wouldn't take long to embarrass you. You touch Mirio's arm and take his quirk for a spin, you end up warping to the gym dressing room and quickly run out, Mirio's next to ectoplasm and Tamaki's nowhere to be seen.

Mirio winks at you and mouths

"Your secret is safe"


what up guys I hope ya'll liked this chapter I just had to make a chapter about the shy baby boi.

I don't know a lot about him but I like to think that Tamaki opens up when it's just him and another person because I know he has social anxiety with large crowds but still.

The part 2 of Ignored is still being worked on so it might take a bit, Sorry if you were waiting on that.

Anyways o3o

See ya next week

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