Sensation: Tamaki Amajiki

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Your quirk is Earth Manipulation

The eyes. That's all you could remember, the shine in the eyes of your dreams and the warmness that came with them. It felt almost like a sensation you'd felt before but it was too far to grasp, every time you reached out to them it was like you were a foot apart, just enough to cause your chest to tighten and lust for more.

Then you woke up.

The ringing of your alarm was both helpful and excruciating, knowing that you'd be joining the everyday hustle of life was terrifying as always but at least you could be acknowledged as a living human and nothing else.

You started your routine as per usual, walking outside right on schedule with your bag slung over your shoulder, the sun beaming down your back as you step farther and farther away from your apartment. Listening to your surroundings carefully hearing, children happily running down the street change into screams of terror almost instantly. You open your eyes quickly and start rushing in the opposite way not even knowing what the screams were for, you could feel your chest tighten as you ran quickly tripping over your feet in fear of whatever the sudden change was for then everything went black.

You ran into something, someone but you couldn't tell the difference all you could feel was warmth wrapping around you, your eyes shut tightly in fear of what you had to face eventually. You took a deep breath trying to raise your courage to face whatever was holding you in place until you heard a soft quiet voice start to speak.

"Y-you shouldn't be running down the street like that..." The voice trailed off

You opened your eyes quickly to face whoever it was. You were facing a pale, Indigo-haired boy who didn't dare to meet your gaze, you looked down to see his arms were complete jello, it took a moment but you panicked asking the stranger if he was okay and overwhelming him with both comments of gratitude and of worry if he was okay. The boy kept getting shyer and shyer not saying a word while you were frantic but as you calmed he spoke. "M-My quirk is manifest, I can eat things and make that into my body part... I wanted a somewhat safe landing for you..." The boy was shy above everything else and he still wouldn't look at you. You took a deep breath, slowly slipping yourself out of the jello. You looked up at the boy with a smile. "My name is (F/N) (L/N), I apologize for causing a problem." You bowed your head, covering your face which was now bright peach. You couldn't let it show that you were completely embarrassed that you basically made a fool of yourself in front of a guy then ran into his arms. As you were waiting for his quiet speech you heard the ringing of the bells of your school in the distance, you bolted up scaring the boy but you just smiled and started running away screaming "SORRY IM LATE FOR SCHOOL!" while frantically waving.

You made it just in time, standing in front of the UA building out of breath and sweaty wasn't the ideal look but you were on time and that's all that mattered, you just didn't want to be stuck with class duty. Time passed with each class and your stomach growled louder and louder the longer you waited for the bell to ring and it was a godsend when it did. You cautiously sneaked up to the roof ensuring you weren't caught again this year, you just couldn't stop yourself from going up to the peace and quiet of nature and the beautiful views that the roof provided of the vast school lands of UA itself. You cracked open the door and scanned the roof carefully to ensure no teachers were on their smoke breaks or just up there in general when the coast was clear you happily took a seat front and center watching the environment from the fences that separated you. You dug into your bag and felt right at home as you pulled out the small bento you made for yourself with whatever you threw together the night before.

You took large bites of your bento before slowing yourself due to an eerie feeling... Almost as if someone was watching you... You turned around and scanned the area again with nobody to be seen, you stood up and started stumbling around searching everywhere you could until you found a small, shaded and secluded area behind the heater. Your eyes widened as you knew exactly who it was, the indigo haired boy, his back to you.

"Hi?" You questioned with a giggle as the boy slowly turned to face you. Yet again he wouldn't look you in the eyes but he just quietly nodded, you smiled as you went right back to your area and grabbed all your things bringing them over to where the boy was. Silence enveloped the two of you as you quietly ate and starred up at the sky. "What was your name again?" You questioned still not looking at the boy. It took a moment before "Tamaki Amakiji" was said from the boy's lips, You sat up and looked over at him, Tamaki was awkwardly fumbling with his thumbs still not looking at you. You put your bento down for a second, sliding it over to him with a smile. Tamaki looked up at you almost how a mutt looks at you when you give them food for the first time, you nodded with a laugh as he ate your food carefully but skeptically. There was something about this boy that you couldn't stop fascinating over, maybe it was his awkwardness or the way he looked happy when he ate your food ever so slowly but something drew you to him.

After that day, the two of you started eating lunch up there together, taking in nature and slowly getting to know one another, you watched slowly each day as Tamaki's awkwardness melted away bit by bit. You waited for the day you'd be able to see his eyes fully because all you were really getting was a few quick glances.

"Tamaki-kun?" You said as you passed him your Bento, Tamaki simply nodded as he ate. "Why do you never look at me completely?" The silence between you two grew longer than usual before Tamaki put you bento off to the side. "No...Reason in particular" Tamaki's voice was quieter, almost like the two of you took steps back in your friendship and the pause in Tamaki's sentence almost pushed you to act on your curiosity. You took a deep breath looking at Tamaki determined, frightening him slightly, you started slowly crawling towards him like how a street cat chooses an owner. Tamaki was backed into a corner, his back was against the heater that hid the two of you and you inched closer faster and faster. You carefully placed your hands as you crawled on top of the boy, who shut his eyes quickly.

"Why are you so..." You trailed off not finishing your sentence in frustration, you slowly backed away causing Tamaki's fear to disappear but you weren't going to give up that easily. You simply sat beside him instead of moving all the way back to your original place. "Tamaki? Are you scared of me?" You asked to gain no response. You watched the side view of the boy, his pale skin and chiseled jaw seemed almost too delicate to touch, you could feel yourself wanting to reach out and graze against it being as gentle as you could. It was almost like a trance you had put yourself under ever so carefully, you crawled back on top of the boy's thin frame ultimately surprising him. "Are you scared Tamaki?" The boy didn't answer again but he didn't close his eyes. You starred intensely into Tamaki's eyes drawing you to him more. They carried the same kind of warmth that you had felt in your dream from the night before the two of you met. Your body seemed to move on its own as your face moved closer to his, kissing him deeply but you were pushed away by Tamaki himself knocking you out of your trance.

You blinked a few times to wipe away the ecstasy when you fully focused there Tamaki was just looking at the floor, his face out of your view and his arms holding you away from him.

The two of you just sat there for a moment as if the world had ultimately stopped moving just for the two of you.

When Tamaki looked up at you, tears were streaming down his face.

Hey Peoples! How's it hanging, after announcing the end of my hiatus a sudden wave of inspiration hit me so here's this chapter.

If you would like me to continue the story just tell me and I'll do it because personally I dislike cliffhangers myself but aren't they so entertaining.

Btw, I apologise to those who wanted a lemon. I promise I'll make one soon lol

Hope ya'll enjoyed and I hope you keep reading my work!

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