Art Class: Shoto Todoroki

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Art class. A rather creative subject for some and others a boring one, I considered it a boring one until I saw her. I'd never seen anyone so beautiful waltz into the studio before even though I'd only been in this class for a week. The girl was introduced as (F/N) (L/N), the daughter of the teacher and of course, we were told to pay no mind that she'd be working on a pottery project she had but I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

Being the rather "stoic type" to everyone who looked at me, nobody really noticed or acknowledged my elongated glances at the girl, especially when she started her work. I'd never seen anything more gorgeous than her focused trance on the way she molded into intricate shapes. Every so often, I noticed her looking over at me with a small smirk or so I thought when I left the girl was still working diligently on the project with her (H/C) hair pulled up into a bun.

The art class continued like clockwork. Assignment, Work, Done. However, I continued to stare at the girl, even meeting her focused gazes a few times. It seemed almost like it was a pain to leave the class but, I'd be back. Hoping the girl would be there molding her piece of clay gently, how I wished to be what she thought about so intensely. I ended up getting into a pattern, watching her make masterpieces, finishing the day with no progress then repeating every chance I could.

One day, she was gone. The clay pedestal she sat at was gone with her, my almost obsession had lost its hope, losing all interest until the teacher stopped me before leaving.

"You do realize I can see how you look at my daughter. Full of passion and curiosity. Does she interest you that much?" The instructor asked, interrogating every word I said as my reply came spilling out like a fountain. I was infatuated with a girl I'd never even spoken to and it wasn't scary to me at all. I just wanted to see her work again, that concentrated stare, the gliding of her hands against the clay which was doused with water. "She's holding an exhibition later tonight, showing off the pieces she made while she was here. It'll be here but be sure to come on time. It's at 9 pm." The teacher spoke watching my expression grow with slight excitement. 9 pm was only two hours away, just in time for me to shower and get dressed but nothing else, or so I thought until an elderly woman stood outside of the building confused as to why I was there. I held the bouquet of roses towards my chest as she told me that 9 pm was the time the exhibit closed. I stood there in sadness as she whispered to me the girl's address.

I rushed over to her house, knocking on the door and watching as the tired and disheveled girl opened the door. I kissed her, her lips tasting like strawberries and wine. Our faces separated and she started screaming, her scream morphing into the sound of my alarm. Knocking me out of the dream and realizing it.

It was only that, a dream.

I hope this shall suffice as I didn't put out a Halloween Chapter and I had planned to put this out sooner too but who cares? DOUBLE UPLOAD!

I attempted to do this chapter in Todoroki's point of view if you didn't notice but WHATEVER lol. I'll see ya'll soon! Don't forget to comment and like this chapter!

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