Kitsune-Pt 2: Todoroki Shouto

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ALSO: Just a note, the chapter image was created by jolly.bum (on insta) she's a good friend, go send her love. <3

Just a little recap to the last chapter: 

You come close enough to be able to see Todoroki on his knees in front of a woman. Todoroki had something different though, he had two tails, one seemed weaker than the other, and he had ears that were hovering above him. You tried to call out to him but nothing came out of your throat, it was like someone was forcing you to be silent.

That's when the woman figure spoke.

"Todoroki Shouto, my dependable kitsune." 


You couldn't believe it. If what the figure was saying was true then she would have to be Tamamo-no-Mae, queen of the kitsunes. You felt your chest tighten at the sudden revelation and paid closer attention to what was happening. 

"Speak my dear" Tamamo said, her voice sounding more heavenly with each word. Todoroki cleared his throat lightly before speaking. "My lady, I have sinned against you." He pauses for a moment. "I think I have fallen in love with a human." Your eyes widen in shock, you look up at the figure who steps closer to Todoroki. Tamamo's true form is gorgeous, she wore a long flowing red kimono that trailed behind her as she stepped closer to her pet. She had eight fox like tails following her, Tamamo placed her hand on Todoroki's chin causing him to look up at her instead of down in shame. "Loyal child, we kitsune can not stay long with humans. They age differently than we do and humans give into temptations very easily." Tamamo looks over the the side where two giant kitsunes, one which was pure white and slightly bruised with a shy demeanor and the other who seemed proud, his bright red fur shining powerfully. "Your parents have taught you well" Tamamo smiled at them. "You are one of my strongest, you are one of the most loyal as well. I will give you a test to see if you and this human are really supposed to be together." Tamamo said sweetly still looking at the other two kitsune but then looked at their son who nods almost like he's preparing for something. "Your test is to find where your love is hiding." Tamamo said with a sadistic flare, she looked over at you in the corner of your eye and raised her hand. Everything went black. 

That's when you woke up, jumping up from your bed almost panicked. "Are you okay, honey?" Your mother said sweetly as she peaked in. "That seemed like a nightmare" She said, walking towards you. You shake your head, you were back in your old house with your parents. "Mom?" You questioned looking at her with a confused look. She laughed "Yes honey? What's wrong?" Your mom sat next to where you were laying. "Was I not in my house?" You questioned "What are you talking about? This is your house. Now, hurry up or you'll be late." Your mom checked her watch "Anddd I'll be late. You must've had one weird dream to be acting so out of it. Now, get up and get dressed. I want you downstairs and ready to leave in ten." Your mother got up and walked out, but you got a word in before she left. "For what?" "School" she called but you were one hundred percent certain you had graduated. 'This is weird'  you thought to yourself as you examined your body carefully, everything seemed normal so you just had to believe it was all a dream or something in your head. You blinked a few times before getting up and doing your mom's orders. You noticed you had a necklace of a fox around you when you stared at it, it seemed to glisten even more but you didn't have time to think about a necklace. You hurried and got changed, waiting in the car for you mom when you finished. You swore something seemed, strange about today. You leaned back and closed your eyes slowly drifting off. 

"Please find me"  You heard someone softly whisper in your ear causing you to jump forward. 

You opened your eyes and looked around. Nobody was there. You had to wait a bit longer for your mom but didn't dare close your eyes. "Sorry sorry. Let's get going." Your mom said as she got into the car, a cup of coffee in her hand. The car ride was longer than you remembered it had ever been. You looked out the window to see loads of ocean, it didn't seem like it'd end. "Mom?" You looked over to see your mother overly focused on the road. "Is today weird?" You asked curious of how she'd answer. "I  don't know what you mean. Look we're here." Your eyes widened as the vast oceans suddenly turned into your high school. "H-How?!" You exclaimed but before you had any other time your mother forced you out of the car, driving off and waving until you couldn't see her. You looked around to see piles of classmates filing into the school doors, none of which looked familiar. You could feel your chest tighten as you tried to get in the school hoping that eventually you'd see someone you knew. It wasn't until you got into the classroom you noticed your friends Uraraka and Midoriya chatting with each other. You approached them throwing your bag down "Hey Guys, I have no idea what's going on. I had the weirdest dream last night plus my mom-" Midoriya cut off your rambling with a smile "I'm sorry, do we know you?" You stared at the two wide eyed but they seemed to have no idea who you were. "This must be a joke." You said not processing what was happening. "I'm (F/N), come on guys, stop playing." Your voice was quivering. "Hi (F/N)!, I'm Midoriya. Nice to meet you" The green haired boy smiled as he extended his arm to you for a handshake. You looked over at Ochako for some sort of help but she just awkwardly smiled at you. You slowly shook Midoriya's hand. "Sorry" You coughed as you picked up your things and moved over to a different seat.

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