The Crush: Shigaraki Tomura🍋

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Hey Shout out to @DawnLight_inu for suggesting this x3


You were a robber, a bandit, a mastermind, even a thief. That's what people called you at least. Ever since you were young, people said you were a genius with your IQ ranking at 155. Everyone always tried to use it against you but of course, they failed. You would just watch sadistically as their plans disastrously blew up in their own faces. The constant cat and mouse game between yourself and others, pushing you more into your villainous life.

When you were 19, you were approached by a group of villains in its early stages, in need of your assistance. Taking control was one of the easiest things for you until they were all taken in by All Might while you watched from the sidelines. At 22, you were approached by the infamous "League of Villians" controlled by Shigaraki Tomura. You nurtured Tomura to do what he couldn't and lead him to the idea of taking down All Might, the two of you seemed to rule the villain world and nobody was going to stop you anytime soon. Except for yourself.

Tomura had accepted you as his assistant and mentor in a way. You spent day and night with him unable to notice you were falling in love with him until it was too late. Shigaraki introduced you to All for One, also known as Father, who instantly approved of you and it felt like a girlfriend meeting their boyfriend's parents for the first time, awkward questions and all, but obviously, Shigaraki didn't feel that way. As time went on, the two of you expanded your group and went on ventures to defeat the new generation, yet you still stood by Shigaraki's side. Dabi and Toga quickly caught onto the fact that you had feelings for Shigaraki and that he was too dense to know it, quickly trying to corner the two of you together or trying to force you to confess but you still did what you always did. Outsmart the ones who were after you.

One day, you were with Tomura in his room, which was plastered in posters of All Might with his face cut out, metal bands and bandages in rolls. "We need to come up with a plan soon enough," Shigaraki said as he paced around the room with his face bare so he could look at you. "Relax, if you talk too much your lips will fall off" You teased as you tried to relax on his bed, laying back and staring at the ceiling. The two of you contemplated your best course of action and when you two can to the idea of "laying low" it soon became apparent that wasn't what was bothering Tomura. You looked over, watching meticulously as Tomura started to throw a fit about how he couldn't impress his father but you paid no mind, slowly closing your eyes until you felt someone hover over you. "Whatever you want Tomura, stop looking to me to indulge you." Your voice was as bitter as ever when you responded only to get him to start climbing over you and laying down next to you. "Do you ever know then to stop acting like a kid?" You mumbled as Tomura starred at you. The tension between you two just silently grows.

"(F/N)? Why did we never try anything?" He asked as you feel his gaze burn into the side of your head, almost forcing you to look at him. "I mean... We've known each other for a few years now and you're like..." Shigaraki stops and clears his throat. "We just haven't. You never showed interest I guess." You respond bluntly as Tomura's brows furrow. "It's not like you would try something anyway, Tomura. Be my guest if you want to," You face towards the ceiling and close your eyes again, listening to the rustling on the bed and feel someone over you again. You open your eyes and take a deep breath looking calm on the outside but freaking out inside, of course, he couldn't know that. Shigaraki's aura was unbelievable, an assertive dominance towered over you and you just sat there quietly waiting for his next move. Tomura noticed how calm you were, almost accepting that he was on top of you prepared to take advantage. Tomura's face went from dominant and controlling to almost confused, eventually bursting out into laughter. "You're so stupid, so fucking stupid. Why are you so okay with this? Did you sleep around so much or something-" You cut him off by pushing yourself upward and kissing him, Tomura's lips were cracked to pieces but surprisingly it wasn't as unsettling as you would've thought. You separated from the man, out of breath with an annoyed look on your face.

"N... Never fucking say I slept around. I accepted your shit because I have a crush, I'm so sorry if it's a problem Tomura Shigaraki." You pushed him off of you and left through the door flustered and annoyed. You slammed it behind you, making Toga and Dabi look up at you. Your face heated as you made your way through the hall forcing the front door open, not even looking at the two who were both holding back laughs and confusion until you slammed the door behind you, disappearing into the Japanese streets.

You disappeared for two weeks, not bringing any attention to yourself and sleeping in a few friend's houses. When you finally came back it was like nothing changed. Toga and Dabi didn't say anything to you, Twice kept his mouth shut for once and Kurogiri just sat there taking care of the bar. You instantly went to your room only to see Tomura sitting there just laying on your bed like nothing, he looked over at you and happiness glowed on his face. You couldn't believe it. Shigaraki Tomura, wanting to actually see you. You chuckled at the face that Tomura looked exactly like a kid, especially when he started apologizing but you stopped him with a kiss. "Shut up." Was all you said when you moved, going back to kiss him and falling deeper into it.

You pushed Tomura down onto the bed with you on top of him, starting to unbutton his shirt while you could. His chest was almost too perfect, some scars here and there but it wasn't cracked from his quirk surprisingly. Tomura put his hand on yours, making you stop when his shirt was unbuttoned and you were about to mess with his black jeans. "Fair is fair. Shirt off." Tomura said through his teeth, holding himself back. You laughed lightly as you pulled off your t-shirt, having your boobs exposed to Shigaraki because you didn't wear a bra. You blushed, trying to cover them but Tomura grabbed both of your wrists and forced your arms above your head. Tomura smiles lustfully as he moves down and starts to put your boobs into his mouth, his tongue sliding against your nipple and his light sucking eventually leaving a mark. Moans escaped you everytime he played with you nipple making him excited to see how else you were sensitive. Tomura looks at you deviously as he lets go of your wrists only to pull down your jeans showing off your very thin panties. Tomura chuckles as he pushes them aside and slides one finger into you making you moan as he just watches your expressions. This goes on for a while, him gradually going up in how many fingers to put in and the speeds, you get sick and tired of it and jump up surprising him and making him lay back.

"HAVE YOU NEVER FUCKED A GIRL?!" You shout with a blush locked on your face. "STOP THE FOREPLAY AND FUCK ME!" You shout as you mess with Tomura's jeans, pulling them off forcefully with his underwear coming down with them showing off his dick, nice and ready for you. You look up at Tomura and laugh noticing his surprised expression. "What? Scared of me?" You laugh as you go for another kiss but Tomura pushes you down and gets on top immediately putting his dick inside of you. full force and wrapping his hand around your neck. You moan out of surprise but soon it becomes constant to you as Tomura just slams into you almost enjoying it too much, each time was different and a new surprising moan came out of your mouth.

The two of you tried position to position for hours. Cowgirl, Doggystyle, and Reverse Cowgirl were some of your favorites but the two of you were always stopping occasionally to hydrate but still going back,  loving the feel of him against you. Each thrust he'd find a new way to excite you as if he'd thought about your body before, the lust you had continued to grow until finally the two of you were out of stamina. Out of breath from the constant movements and sore from the heavy bruises Tomura left. Tomura lays beside you, basically asleep, a small chuckle escapes as you settle to rest, the moment your body hits the pillow you feel your eyelids weigh on themselves. You kiss his cheek before passing out with your head resting on his bare chest.

The next morning, you're forced awake by Toga and Dabi who cover your mouth trying to get you to be quiet. You notice Tomura still beside you resting peacefully. "Get some clothes on, let's talk," Dabi whispers as he and Toga leave you to change. Meeting them in the main room when you're ready. Toga enthusiastically pats the seat next to her, you follow her motion and look at Dabi confused until he opens his mouth.

"So... Is Tomura's dick wrinkled?"

Hey Guys -u-'

How's it going, I'm glad I was requested to do this actually but it took me a good 2 weeks to get an idea x3

But shout out to @DawnLight_inu for suggesting it <3

Hope you enjoyed ^-^

See ya next week!

PS I'm still accepting requests and questions -u-'

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