Too Many: Sick

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There are too many bois in here. I apologise if it's crappy, I can't write for shit.

You had finally gotten the cold that had been making everyone drop like flies. First Mina got it, then Denki, then Sero, Midoriya, Kirishima, Bakugou and finally you got it. The news had spread pretty quickly that you were basically to be quarantined from the others. Everyone had made sure to bring you essentials when you needed it but it seemed to feel lonely without the others anywhere near you.

You were staring up at the ceiling wondering what you could do with your life besides sleep when you heard a soft knock on the door. Excited, you immediately tried answering but your voice was hoarse from all of the coughing. You'd tried to use the energy you had to get up and open the door but you had no luck, you had guessed that the world or whatever force that controlled you just didn't want you to answer the door. You sighed as you looked over at the door. 

"I'm coming in!" A voice eagerly but cautiously said from behind the door. You watched attentively as you saw Midoriya's curly forest green hair peek through. Midoriya clumsily peeked in holding a wooden tray with a few small bowls and a glass of lemonade. His eyes meet with yours, a nervous laugh escapes him. "I thought you'd like food, I'm one of the few who can actually be near you." He sets the tray down on your side table, the smell of porridge is heavy and slightly sweet almost like a lavender. "The porridge was made by Kacchan, he felt bad for giving you the disease... I think...He mostly just yelled and screamed at me when I would go in and called me an idiot when I came to get the food and bring it to you." Midoriya said as you watched as a drop of sweat graced his forehead. He put his hand on the back of his neck cautiously rubbing it. "I hope you like it, I -" He was cut off by another knock on the door. "(F/N) I'm coming in." The voice said, it was soft and had a coldness edged with it. 

In entered Todoroki, who's heterochromia eyes seemed to be filled with joy as he cautiously stepped in your room with a mask decorated to look like a cat. He caught your eye and smiled gently at you, then at Midoriya. "I thought you might want to be warm so I was going to put my hand on your head." Todoroki says showing you his icy hand. You looked down and saw that your clothes were sticking to your body because of the sweat covering you. You laughed barely smiling at him. "Yeah, actually I would. Would one of you please get me clothes? and maybe a towel?" Your voice still sounded like a cat being dragged into a blender but it was the best you could do. Todoroki nodded quickly and left to go find proper clothes for you to wear. Deku grabbed the glass of lemonade. "This should help with your voice, it has honey and mint. Kacchan had Mina and Ochako look up what was good for your throat." You could tell that Midoriya tried his best to stay out of their way to help you get better. You smiled as you drank down the whole glass. 

It felt nice and sweet going down with the coldness filling your body, you could feel yourself relax. You smiled at Midoriya happily. "ARE YOU DONE YET DEKU?!" You heard a rough yell come from behind the door. It was obvious who it was so you laughed trying to signal Midoriya to let him in your room. Midoriya laughed with you casually but nervously walked over to get Bakugou to your room and standing here is Bakugou with a black hoodie and Todoroki holding a towel and one of his hoodies and Bakugou's old basketball shorts. "I didn't know how you dressed, I apologise." Todoroki says bowing and handing you the towel. You couldn't help but laugh as you took it and straightened him, then you hugged Bakugou. He was obviously not happy about getting hugged but he seemed to let you. You rushed to the showers and enjoyed the warm water was over your body, it was almost as if the illness was washing away with the the dirt from you. You pondered if you would be able to train, after all you had been quarantined for a few days now, you had to be behind the others. You stepped out when you were finished looking at your body in the mirror, it obviously wasn't as perfect as some of the girls at UA and your skin was pale because of the illness but you were happy with it (BODY POSITIVITY PEOPLE) you grabbed Todoroki's hoodie and the shorts, you looked like a little kid but it was the best you could do, you were just going to do a little training and then sleep it off. 

You waddled to the door and slid it open to see Todoroki, Bakugou, Midoriya and Kirishima waiting at the door. With a curious look you gently tried to pass the boys but you were stopped by Eijiro. "Hey hey" He said smiling at you "We all knew as soon as you got out of the shower you would try to go train. Especially since you're away from everyone. So-" Kirishima wraps his arms around you almost like a hug, you can feel his abs against you. He grabs your waist lifting you up and throws you over his shoulder like a rag doll. "We apologise (F/N)" Midoriya says looking at you smiling truly apologetic. Bakugou pushes him "It's her fault, if the dumbass wasn't a workaholic we wouldn't need this shit!" He says angrily. Todoroki just stares at you calmly, the boys follow Kirishima as they start walking to your room. "You okay hanging there?" Kirishima laughs loosening his grip slightly "The blood isn't going too fast to your head is it?" You could tell he actually cared. You shook your head giving in to him. 

You could feel your face heat up thinking about how much the boys were taking care of you. They really, truly wanted to make sure you were okay and that you get well. You took a deep breath as you heard your door open and your room appear. Kirishima placed you gently on the bed and smiled, the other boys gathered around you and ensured you lied down before leaving but Todoroki stayed behind. He got close to you placing his hand on your forehead. "This should cool your fever." He said quietly, you closed your eyes and you could feel yourself slowly drifting to sleep. 



I'm better now, but like school's beating my ass soooo

Hope you enjoyed though 

See ya next Saturday!

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