Smile: Midoriya Izuku

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Your quirk is telekinesis, you can control things with your mind.

Silence is all you ever knew. Ever since your quirk manifested, silence became your best friend being the only thing that you would always carry with you. You were supposed to be the new student transfer to UA, one of the most prestigious hero education facilities in the world. Yet here you are, stuck at the front gates while a talking mouse disciplines you even though you don't have a clue what it's saying. You simply smiled calmly and pointed at your ears trying to explain in the best way you could, however to no avail the mouse continued to seemingly scold you as you stared and smiled. In the corner of your eye, you could see a student walking behind the mouse holding a notepad in their hand. While you attempted your hardest at calling over the student while not seeming rude, you confused the mouse long enough that he forgot his train of thought. Though you successfully called over the student, a girl with long raven black hair pulled up into a bun smiled at you with a somewhat confused look. At her side was a girl with frog-like features and long silky hair flowing down her back. You attempted to sign at the girls hoping that one of them would somewhat understand but your actions were simply met with confused sympathy, you reached out for the notebook, grabbing it quickly. Sketching out "I am deaf. I am a new student here, please help me :)" out on the pad and showing it to the three who's eyes widened with apology soon realizing their mistake.

The mouse was the principal, who had believed that you were an intruder, apologies were shared immediately as he bowed at you scribbling "Sorry!!!" out on the sheet of paper, attempting his hardest to make amends. The two girls were actually going to be in your class, their names were Momo and Tsuyu simply giggling at the mistake pretending nothing had happened shortly after. You smiled at them happily as they introduced you to your classmates however one boy seemed to stand out. His hair was similar to the color of broccoli and a big smile cascaded over his cheeks as he attempted to awkwardly introduce himself using a light blue notebook that seemed to never leave his side, he constantly scribbled in it especially when quirks were being showcased.

You curiously watched the boy as he studied each student carefully even adding detailed drawings and descriptions to whichever section he needed. When examinations neared their end, you sat next to the boy carrying a smile similar to the one he gave you when you first met. You tried to communicate but your flails became useless, but that didn't seem to intimidate him, he simply nodded with a smile as you passed your notebook back and forth with little notes from each other.

The next day, you sat next to the boy who instantly slid you a note, which was simply a drawing of the boy smiling similarly to All Might, holding the ends of his mouth with his fingers into a smile. You laughed causing the boy to scribble more notes into his small journal. You tried to peek at what the boy was writing but he snatched the notebook away from your view and used it to cover his face which was bright red. You pouted jokingly signing to him that you were playfully hurt but the boy just looked at you confused before shuffling around in his backpack, pulling out a thin, hard-cover book with the words "Learning Japanese Sign-Language: For Beginners and Dummies". The boy looked at you with a smile that went cheek from cheek as he watched your eyes brighten up. You grabbed the book and scanned each page before landing on the word "Thank you", flipping the book for him to see then signing the word yourself. The two of you spent the entire class fumbling through signs enough to gather the attention of the other students. Before you had noticed, the entire class was around the two of you wanting to learn what the hell the two of you were doing. Even Bakugou joined in, simply learning swears but at least it was some sort of progress.

You and the green haired boy, whose name you learned was Midoriya Izuku, spent all day together eventually having to separate when the end of the day came around but you felt your heart flutter, happily waiting for the next day. Basically rushing to class, swinging open the door only to realize that Midoriya wasn't there. He stopped coming to school the next few days, you remembered his happy smile and how he welcomed you the class without misunderstanding.

You heart became heavy as you wondered. "Where could he have gone?"

Hey Guys, 

I know its been a while but school just started up so I hope I can keep up with both of these. 
If you like my work or want to leave a suggestion or maybe even want a part two just leave me a comment or DM me directly. I've actually been writing more chapters of these but I haven't posted them because I turn them in for class so if you want to see those chapters just tell me. 

Hopefully, I'll see you next week!

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