Stuck: Bakugou Katsuki 🍋

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Stuck, undeniably you were stuck in a closet with Bakugou Katsuki, a blonde hedgehog of a boy that you called your boyfriend. 

The two of you tried everything. Blasting the door, knocking, yelling for help and even using your telekinesis to unlock the door but nothing worked and it seemed like everyone had already gone home. The two of you had been forced to go look for some bandages for Midoriya to bring home with him, only to have the door slam and lock you two in when Bakugou pushed you against the wall trying to be cute. 

The two of you slunk down on the floor basically giving up at trying to get out. Bakugou simply looked at you with a smirk. "What the fuck are you smirking at?" You questioned frustrated but the blonde just laughed at you then proceeding to crawl towards you then on top of you without warning, leaning in and whispering. "We get to finish what we started." Bakugou kissed your neck softly before you pushed him off. 

"We got stuck in here because of you dumbass." "Technically, it's your fault for looking too damn good so fuck me" You rolled your eyes at the boy who just relaxed, whereas you were a mess.  You stressed yourself out trying to figure out how you'd explain to everyone why you and Bakugou were gone all night, especially past dorm checks. Bakugou noticed your panic and didn't even try to calm you, he just sat near you and waited for you to relax and give up on your anxieties. 

When you calmed you just looked over at Bakugou who was waiting on you with his head leaned against the wall. "Bakugou, we are all alone right?" you said feeling a rush of adrenaline over you, you were going to be stuck with your boyfriend in a closet for who knows how long, you couldn't let this sudden moment of undisrupted loneliness go to waste. Your boyfriend slowly nodded still not understanding what you meant until you crawled over slowly stopping right in front of him then reaching over and undoing his shirt. (Yup that works) You inched closer moving his head to show his neck, you left small purple marks in your path. Of course, Katsuki couldn't sit only being played with like a ragdoll, he pounced when you left yourself unguarded grabbing your wrists and pinning you against the floor. "I'm perfectly fine with this" you giggled as the blonde traced down your button-up and unbuttoned just enough to show off your breasts trapped in their underwire demon-cage of a bra, slight lace but nothing too special. His hands cupped them, you could feel the rough callouses on them against your stomach, Katsuki's grip was rough but almost soft in a way of interest. Bakugou didn't stop at your button-up, his eyes slid down your body with his hands not far behind, stopping at the hem of your navy blue skirt, tugging at it ever so gently before tugging at it so hard that it split at the side. 

You squirmed for a minute and yanked at your skirt to see the damage, everything was silent for a moment until Bakugou pointed something out... "You can tell the insta-amazon chick to make you a new skirt." You thought about it for a minute but you were cut off by Bakugou kissing you, you fell into the kiss forgetting all about the skirt. You moaned lightly as you could feel Bakugou's hand trail down into you underwear, The blonde showed no mercy as he made sure to keep you connected in the kiss as he played with you ever so carefully almost like you were china. 

You pushed him away slightly looking irritated at him. "Take off your pants." You said with a blush across your face but not bashful at all. Bakugou starred at you confused but followed orders. You watched as the blonde sexily removed his pants and his underwear swiftly, releasing his dick from its cloth cage. You instantly put your mouth around it, your hand on its shaft moving up and down as your tongue played with the tip, Bakugou grabbed your hair tightly, keeping it out of your face and almost guiding you with each little tug. You heard small moans as you moved your hand faster but were tugged away before you could finish, slammed on the floor Bakugou instantly got on top of you sliding your panties to the side and immediately slid his dick inside of you without warning. You moaned loudly at the surprise and looked blushingly at your boyfriend who had passion in his deep red eyes as he easily slammed into you making you moan with every thrash until the two of you heard a slam outside the door but the two of you didn't stop. Bakugou continued with a smirk on his face, covered your mouth which muffled your harsh moans as he sadistically watching your expression slowly grow more seductive with your breath becoming more scattered, you looked at the sadist with begging eyes. Bakugou leaned close to your ear and whispered, "You're mine now. You don't get to start something you can't finish. I would cum now, you might not be able to later." 

  He warned you. The two of you didn't stop until sunrise, any position you could think of was done by the two of you, a rope was even used at one point. Bakugou's hands found every single spot he wanted to touch and you didn't hold back either. 

When you woke up, both of you were naked and being stared at by most of Class 1-A, Some blushing and others laughing but Bakugou showed no embarrassment unlike yourself. He starred at the ones watching and yelled "Are you perverts going to keep watching or give us clothes?! Yeah? We're not virgins. Fuck off." The blonde's attitude caused everyone to scramble looking for clothes until they realized Momo, who was blushing too intensely to work could create clothes. 

By the time the bell rang, the two of you had uniforms and Bakugou was sitting next to you with his arm around your waist, looking over at everyone who gave you a look like the angry chihuahua that he was. 

Proving to everyone, that you were his and nobody else's even though everyone knew that based on the giant hickeys and other marks all over your exposed body.


What's up, guys?

it's been a minute but I PROVIDE SEX CHAPTER and its been a long time since I posted one of these. Also, I know it's kinky all of my lemon chapters usually are. That's all lol 

If you want to suggest something just comment something or DM me if you want, I'll see you guys later 

PS it's also 1:19 am so I apologize 


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