Attention: Shouta Aizawa 🍋

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Your quirk is Blood Manipulation but your drawback is that you get rather anemic so you often faint but to stop that you eat often and take iron supplements.

"Shouta Daaaaaaarling" You playfully groaned as you looked over at the raven haired man who casually looked up from his book. Shouta had obviously been irritated by your grumbling but dealt with it anyways. "What do you want?" Shouta said looking over the top of his book. You pretended to act shocked and hurt by his comments as you slowly inched closer.

*Short Break*

Shouta Aizawa also known as Eraser Head, a well known teacher at the hero school of UA and a "hero of the night" was completely yours no matter how much he was annoyed with you. OH! And you work with him as a teacher as well so... Isn't that fun. Currently you were trying your absolute best to get his attention anyway you could. (Inserting this so we don't catch a caseeee)

*Let's get back*

Your attempt with faking being hurt had completely failed... You looked over at the clock which read '2:15 am' and playfully smiled over at your boyfriend who went back to his book while just laying on the couch. "Bbbbbbaaaaabyyy" You groan loudly still trying your very hardest but no avail. Aizawa knew exactly what you were after and didn't want you to win, he ignored you again but this time you noticed a small grin grow on his face. "You're treating me like Hizashi. This is unfair!" You pouted as you plotted your next move. That's when it hit you. You got up and acted like you were giving up and started to walk away but made sure Aizawa could see you. As you walked away you started to take off your clothes, starting first with your shirt then your shorts. You walked away from Aizawa knowing just taking off your clothes would peak his interest but not get you what you wanted. You giggled as you disappeared into your room in just your matching bra and panty set instantly going into your closet grabbing a small box that contained a pair of cat ears and a tail. You knew this would get the attention you wanted as you put them on ensuring that it was lined up perfectly. You peeked over the wall to see Aizawa still reading his book but when he heard your footsteps he looked up briefly only to take another look. You stood right in front of him and twirled watching Aizawa grow a huge peach blush across his face and you giggled at the flustered man. "Oh, you evil woman.." He said lustfully, closing the book and patting right next to him. The second you sat down Aizawa couldn't leave his hands off of you kissing down your neck making you moan lightly.

You felt great, the mood was perfect, everything was going as you planned until Hizashi busted in. "AIZAWA! (F/N)!" The blonde yelled not noticing the two of you until a few seconds later. The two of you froze. It was the most awkward moment of your life, Aizawa was on top of you, his hand literally sliding down to pull down his boxers while you sat underneath him in a matching bra and underwear set. Your face instantly turned a bright red and Aizawa had the same expression on his face, not even looking at Hizashi. The two of you stayed there frozen for what felt like 200 years. Hizashi walked out, closing the door and busted out laughing loudly as Aizawa hurried to pull up his black jeans and shirt on as you rushed to the bedroom to throw on clothes which consisted of just some sweats and a t-shirt. "ThIs iS oNe oF ThE fUnNiESt ThINgs WhAT ZE fUcK" Hizashi managed to get out as he basically choked on his own laughter. When you were ready Aizawa lazily opened the door for the blonde who was still dying. Everything settled down for a second and Hizashi finally calmed for a second before panicking out of nowhere. "I CAME HERE BECAUSE YOUR CLASSES ARE DUKING IT OUT!" Hizashi yelled as the two of you looked at each other annoyed, both of you knew this would happen eventually. "Those kids are going to get it." You said through your teeth as you knew your students were only fighting because they wanted to top Aizawa's class. Aizawa rested his hand on your head and brushed through your hair as he sighed getting up and heading to the door.

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