Shouta Aizawa x Reader: The Photoshoot

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We're not going to catch cases so it's young Aizawa. Just so ya'll know Hizashi is Present Mic and I picture him as a very artsy child so he's a photographer.

"Pleeeasee" Hizashi begged holding his camera tightly.  "I need a new model, I promise it will be quick. It's for my photography club.." His voice seemed to tremble almost as if he was going to cry if you said no again.  

You felt bad watching his green eyes water behind his shades. You couldn't help but sigh finally giving up on denying the boy. "What do I need to do?" You questioned, your voice sounding obviously annoyed by the inconvenience. "You don't need to do anything!" He shouted with a toothy grin. "Just bring yourself to the park on Thursday! I'll have everything you'll need!" You rolled your eyes knowing that you could trust the loud blonde, he would never put any of his art work at risk. "I'll be there" was all you could say as you walked away to your home. 


It was finally Thursday, both you and Hizashi had the day off. You met the boy in the designated spot. He had a large backpack full of camera equipment  that he was setting up and a duffle bag but you couldn't tell what was inside.  "Y/N!" He called happily with a tripod in his hand as he waved you over. You waddled over to the blonde sitting in a patch of grass he had set for you. "Alright!" The blonde smiled at you giving you a thumbs up. "First let's start with basic poses." He walked over to you moving your body into a position resembling closely to a relax leg cross. Hizashi continuously looked over at the camera to see how it would look. "Oh by the way, Aizawa's going to be joining us." He said looking through the viewfinder. 

You almost laughed imagining the usually tired boy venture outside on his day off. You followed whatever instructions Hizashi gave you for the next thirty minutes. You enjoyed watching him seem more relaxed and slightly serious about his work. "Okay, take a break but I need you to come back in five minutes wearing something." The blonde quickly scrunched through his duffle bag pulling out a plain white bag similar to those that they sold at Forever 21. You took the bag running to the bathroom happy to finally get a break. You relaxed in the bathroom doing what you needed to do you looked at your phone noticing that you would have to be back to the "shoot" quickly, your eyes scanned over to the bag cautiously looking inside to see something you wish you hadn't. 

In horror you looked at a small, scandalous maid outfit, a small headband with cat ears connected to it and small bows supposingly supposed to go in your hair as pigtails. You thought about a way to kill Hizashi looking at the small outfit. You heard a harsh knock at the door surprised by it being Aizawa instead of Hizashi. "Are you done yet?" You heard the raven haired boy say beyond the door. "Hizashi said that you wouldn't regret it if you came out. He had me come in a suit so it can't be as bad as this." Aizawa's voice seemed to be calming to you. Hizashi would pay you back wouldn't he... You took a deep breath bearing what you had to do. 

You awkwardly stepped out of the bathroom completely embarrassed by the outfit. Neither of the boys noticed you until you sat back down on a blanket set out by Hizashi. The two boys looked at you, Aizawa had a small peach color on his cheeks but you let your eyes scroll down to see his slender body in a nice black, form fitting suit with a pinned bell on his left pocket. You couldn't take your eyes off him, his usually wild hair was slicked back slightly in a half ponytail. Hizashi noticed how the two of you watched each other so carefully he had to clear his throat to get the attention of both of you. He started calling out orders easily. 

"(F/N), you're going to lay on the blanket with your arm above your head." He said looking over at you. You followed instructions and had Hizashi move your body to how he wanted while he looked over at his screen. "Aizawa, hover over her lightly." in turn Aizawa moved so his face was not even inches away from yours. He was obviously uncomfortable based on his expression. "Sorry (F/N)" His breath was heated and smelt like bubblegum. His face was more pink than before and you could feel yours heat up due to him being so close to you. 

"Aizawa, put one knee between one of (F/N)'s leg and nuzzle your face slightly into her neck." Hizashi called out. Aizawa looked at you apologetically before following the instructions, it felt almost like he was about to leave a hickey on your neck. You heard the shutter of the camera before Hizashi started calling out more orders. "Question guys" Hizashi said during your second break. Both you and Aizawa looked up at the eccentric. "Can you guys kiss?" He said timidly preparing to be yelled at. "I'll do it" Aizawa said quickly brushing his hair back. Surprised you looked over at Hizashi and nervously nodded. Hizashi's face lit up as he prepared the camera to be aimed at the tree beside the two of you. 

"(F/N), lean against the tree and Aizawa get on top of her" You cautiously leaned against the oak tree worrying about what would happen next. Aizawa leaned over you, a small smirk gracing his face. "Don't worry" He laughed, his voice seemingly rough but a small amount of excitement was hidden in it. Hizashi started to count down hiding behind his camera beside you. When he gets to one Aizawa instantly kissed you pushing you roughly against the tree. Aizawa's tongue stopped at your teeth begging for an entrance, you separate your teeth slightly letting the two of your tongues intertwine. You couldn't pay attention to anything else as you started to get drunk on his scent. You tried to seperate for air but Aizawa wouldn't let you using his body to push you against the tree more. You ran your hands through his hair as you felt his hand creep up your booob, letting a small moan escape your lips. The two of you eventually separated having a small line of spit connecting the two of you. 

You breathlessly looked at Aizawa who was panting for air,  his face a holding a bright red shade against the bridge of his nose and his cheeks. "WHOOO HOOO! That was perfect!" You heard Hizashi yell behind you looking down at his camera. You lightly laughed as Aizawa got off from on top of you. "I'm glad you got your shots" You smiled brushing your (H/C) behind your ear. Hizashi ran over to you showing you his camera happily. The photo had the two of you kissing and it seemed like you and Aizawa were the only ones that existed. Hizashi started to run and pack up noticing the time. You looked over at Aizawa who was staring at your body. You teasingly bent over showing off your (F/C) panties for a minute as you grabbed your bag. You walked closely to Aizawa and whispered in his ear. 

"We should do this again sometime"    

Hey Guys, 

I hope you enjoyed my reading and I hope you stick around! 

See you on Wednesday!

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