Kitsune: Shouto Todoroki

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I wrote this with the help of @OtakuCrazeMass again, hit them up and send them much love.

Your breath was shaking with fear, you were surrounded by nothing but the deep green forests. Your clothes had been torn to shreds because of the loose branches and sandburs  that decorated the earth. When your body had been reduced a weak mess you finally decided to sit down, finding a small clearing with a large stump that looked like a tree. 

'This is great.'  You thought to yourself as you examined the rips on your jeans and a small cut that laid under it. You needed to relax then you could find your way. You looked up at the light blue of the sky which was slightly covered by a layer of trees and took a deep breath. 'I'll be fine.' You thought, you knew you might be lying to yourself. You leaned back feeling the rough wood of the stump against your back, your eyes not wavering from the sky. 

"Yip" You heard from the side of you, you lazily looked over to see a small fox barking at you. You felt a small smile glide across your face. "Hey buddy" You cooed gently as you slowly inch towards the young fox. The fox was overly suspicious, but everytime he got closer you noticed his front paw limp. "Are you okay?" You asked trying to check what happened. "Can I see your paw?" The fox stops when you two are inches apart. 'You lean towards the fox to examine its paw, it's bleeding. "Does it hurt?" You ask but the fox just looks up at you curiously. 'As if a fox can understand me...'  You think to yourself as you look closer at the paw, there seems to be a small splinter lodged in it. You brush against it and the fox yelps out in pain. "Ah! I'm sorry! I'll be more careful I promise!" You say noticing the fox looking up at you, you smile gently. "Will you be able to be strong and handle it while I pull out the splinter?" The fox seems to nod as you brace yourself to be bit if you didn't pull out the splinter fast enough. '3, 2, 1'  You think quickly when at one you pull it out successfully but the fox jumps away from you as soon as you do. 

It starts to walk away quickly but stops before the fox reaches the brush where it would disappear in front of you and looks back at you. It's almost like the fox wants you to follow. Your curiosity gets the best of you and you end up following the tiny creature into the forest. "Ya know fox, I think we'll be good friends.." You say happily as you march behind him. The fox looks back at you quickly. You follow the fox for a little longer making a few turns and before the forest clears and standing before you is your house, you look at the fox surprised. You start walking up to your door feeling the fox's eyes follow you, you pause when you get at the door and look back at fox, he seems to nod at you  before he leaves as you smile and make your way inside. 

Later that night, you were just coming out of the shower, your hair even still dripping when you hear tapping on your window. Holding your towel around you closely you slowly inch towards the window. The tapping doesn't stop so you quickly grab the metal bat that you keep close to your bed. The window door pushes itself in and you see legs climbing in. That's when you start swinging. You have one arm trying to hold your towel and the other swinging the bat, it was heavy but you couldn't give up. The  boy who came through seemed to be moving around the bat almost knowing where'd you try to swing, you didn't have time to look at who he was but you had a familiar feeling about him.

You started to get more and more confident in your swings but that's when the towel started slipping.

It was like an slow motion horror movie. Your aimless attacks still continued even with the towel on the floor, you closed your eyes hoping that it'd all be a dream. You moved forward with your eyes still closed, not knowing that you'd slip on the towel that had once been on your body. You felt yourself almost freefall in the air towards the ground not opening your eyes out of fear. All you could hear in that moment was the bat taking flight and landing with a loud bang against something and the feeling on yourself handing on something surprisingly soft underneath you. You opened your eyes to see the boy staring at you, a dash of red scurrying across his cheeks and blood dripping from a cut that you gave him, he squirmed trying to push you off of him quickly and you bounced up grabbing the towel that wasn't too far away. 

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