New Recruit: Shigaraki Tomura

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Your quirk is Physical Manipulation, meaning you can into anything you want. You just need to see it.

You were the best of villains, in your opinion at least.

You could sneak by anyone at any time, make someone take the fall for you and you had never gotten caught. That was until you met him. Tomura Shigaraki. You didn't mean to get caught, you didn't mean to fall in love. Like everything in your life, it just happens.

It all started when you walked into the wrong ally.

  The cold air nipped at your nose as your wrapped your ripped scarf around your neck. You stared down at your coin bag tied to the inside of your scraps of jeans, you could feel it was running down thin so some stealing was in order. Just your luck that a villain had been spotted by a hero and had gathered quite the crowd. You were smart enough to realise that some people were sensitive to touches so you had to play your cards right.

You slid into the crowd making your clothes nicer than they originally were to ensure you wouldn't get gently patting people's back pockets grabbing anything you could. You almost had you pockets filled. You had slipped by the crowd easily not making anyone around you suspicious, or so you thought. You hadn't noticed until you far from the crowd that someone was following you. You didn't want to make it obvious that you knew incase it was a officer.

You took three lefts and counted to ten each time to ensure the figure was following you. You slipped alleyway to alleyway but you couldn't get him off of your tail, once you were far enough you hid matching the rough brick wall against your back. You counted waiting for the figure to show up so you could beat him or at least figure out what was happening. You took a deep breath as the hooded figure passed right by you at first, you ran behind the figure kneeing them in the back causing them to fall but just they didn't give up. Then stood up quickly forcefully kicking you against the wall, you fell letting out a  groan, you could tell they were holding back on you. "What do you want?" You questioned as you got up pressing against the wall behind yourself. "Nothing at all, just for you to join my team" The voice was rough and seemed to have pain in it. You couldn't help but be intrigued.
You stepped closer to the figure, they stiffened. You tried to gently brushed your fingers on the hood but the figure caught you with his hand. It was rough and cracked, callused every finger.
"Don't touch me." The figure said his voice seeming angered. You stepped back, shocked but you couldn't show that it phased you.
" So what is this team exactly? What do I get out of it?" You asked with your hands on your hip. The figure stepped close. "League of Villians, our goal is to take over and ruin those heroes" He put an emphasis on heroes, he was close enough that you could see his piercing eyes under his dark hood. "What do I get out of it?" You said grabbing the hood and pulling it down so you could see his face in all it's cracked glory. "You get this."
He stepped close to you and kissed you laughing as he stepped away. You touched your lips. "Not too bad" You cackled "But you're not smooth at all. I'll join your League of Villains but you pay me up front." You could tell he was shocked but he liked your personality more than anything. He nodded, his light blue hair shagging as he did. The two of you shook hands as you smiled at each other.
"(F/N) (L/N)" You said as you reached into his pocket to grab his phone. "Call me whenever you need me. I'll be in and out of call range of course but I'll be waiting." He smiled his creepy but somewhat attractive smile. "Shigaraki" He took the phone away from you and pressed another kiss on your lips. "I guess I'll be seeing you around you laughed giving him a wink as you disappeared into the darkness.
Hey guys, hope you enjoyed. I know it's unusual for me to post early or about a villain but I did.

See ya next week!

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