Valentines' Day: Hitoshi Shinsou

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Your quirk is Mind Reading but you have to at least have introduced yourself or said hello to your target.

Valentine's Day, a day of love, a day of passion and of course you were completely ready to celebrate it with your boyfriend, Shinsou. Even though, when you first met he came across crass and had "no intention of making friends" you got to his heart pretty easily. It all started when Shinsou found you in the dorms one night outside laying on the floor with a cat on your chest, looking at the stars preparing for a meteor shower, that night he forced you to go inside so you wouldn't get cold. From that day forward, Shinsou always seemed to watch over and take care of you, eventually falling in love with your weirdness and the small things. It was like a love story.

Everyone in your class knew about you and Shinsou before the two of you did so whenever a holiday came around, such as Valentines' everyone was on top of the two of you. Just like now.

The whole class had their lunch hour, allowing them to entertain each other with mindless gossip or just chatter. You were sitting across Ibara and Itsuka who were both going on about how it seemed like class 1-A always got into trouble for some reason. You laughed causing their eyes to land exactly on you, you blushed noticing their stares which lead to your more enticing conversation. "So... What's Shinsou going to do with you on Valentines' Day?" Itsuka pried "Actually... I don't have any idea. It's supposed to be a surprise and it's not like I really want to know." You commented trying to get onto another topic quickly but bring shut down by Itsuka's questions. "Today is Valentines' Day and you have no idea what your plans are?" You nodded quickly pressing the two to move onto a different topic.You felt horrible that you probably weren't going to do anything that day, The girls had filled your head with millions of ideas and what could go on afterwards but you couldn't lose any sort of hope and you're lucky you didnt.

When you got back to your dorm room you saw a small red notecard on your bed that read:

"Meet me at our place at 11 pm, wear a dress." -S

You knew exactly where he was talking about. You took a deep breath and squealed excitedly, you knew Shinsou wouldn't forget Valentines' Day. You did as the note said, going to where the first time you truly met Shinsou at, your spot.

Shinsou was standing right where you laid the first time you two "met", the moonlight was dawning on him perfectly like Shinsou was dripping in soft white light. Shinsou was dressed in a black button down and slacks to match with a belt and a red tie, you could tell he really tried, he matched your blood red scalloped red dress. When Shinsou saw you his eyes widened and a small blush graced his face. "W-Wow..." Was all that escaped the purple haired boy until he cleared his throat and put out his hand with a small smirk. "You look beautiful" Shinsou stated confidently as you grabbed his hand. "So... Where are we going?" You asked as the two of you started to walk towards the street leading to the busy roads of Japan, his hand holding yours tightly with occasional happy glances towards you seemed to tie the beginning of the night together. Shinsou had you close your eyes as you reached your destination when you finally opened them showing that you were standing in front of your favorite restaurant, Olive Garden. You couldn't hold back your excitement as the two of you walked into the small Italian place, the waiters smiled at you in their full black outfits instantly guiding you to your table happily. When you got to the table, a small pink bag was resting on the bench with a plate of fresh breadsticks sitting on the table waiting for you.

Shinsou smiled at you softly as he watched you sit down, a smile gracing your face ear to ear, he couldn't believe how beautiful you looked. "Open it" Shinsou instructed looking at the bag, you obliged happily rummaging through the soft pink tissue paper that blocked you from your gift. Under the mess was a small box being held together with a thick purple bow, inside was a small necklace with a brain on it. "It's because we both can read minds..." Shinsou coughed as you looked at him happily and an overly cheerful waitress welcomed the two of you. As soon as the waitress took your orders you smiled happily at him, "I love it" You said softly as you leaned over to kiss him on the lips really quickly.

After dinner, the two of you decided a nice long walk under the stars would be a good idea so you could let your food settle. The two of you ended up in a park, resting on the jungle gyms, inches separated the two of you until Shinsou rested his hand on your thigh. He coughed lightly trying to push it off but you couldn't help but blush. The hand laid there for a while before slowly going upwards more and more eventually reaching the skirt underneath your dress, your body tensed but you forced yourself to kiss him. Your tongues mixed flawlessly together, Shinsou tasted like strawberries and his cologne dances in the air as he moved so his lips gently caressed your neck, leaving red marks as they came across later becoming a deep purple shade. You leaned your head back a little bit but Shinsou forced your head forward by gently pushing your head when he ran his hand through your hair. Everything started slowly until Shinsou started to unzip the back of your dress, slipping it off of you carefully with his roughly calloused hands. You placed your hand on his and took a deep breath in. "I-I'm sorry" you shuddered as Shinsou stopped and looked at you confused but started laughing. You were both confused and concerned until he started talking.
"I'm glad you stopped me." Shinsou kissed you cheek. "Valentines' isn't just about sex... Let's just go back to the dorms and watch Netflix. I'll be happy doing anything as long as I'm with you." Shinsou smiled awkwardly and looked down, a blush covering his cheeks and his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

And that's what the two of you did. A night in with your perfect valentine, Hitoshi Shinsou.

Hey guys, I know this chapter seemed a little rushed -u-" I just have a lot going on but I always have fun making theses stories.

Thank you for reading, I'll see you next week 💕

If you have any suggestions done be scared to tell me them~

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