Derek Hale

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Stiles climbed into the backseat of the impala as Sam and Dean slid into the front seat. Stiles could tell by the silent exchange between his older brothers that a ‘heart to heart’ was coming.

“I noticed you didn’t sleep well last night,” Dean finally spoke up.

“Not really,” Stiles shrugged, he couldn’t lie about that, Dean had been up when he got back from his walk.

“Where’d you go last night?” Dean asked trying not to sound accusing.

“Just for a walk. I needed to burn off some energy,” Stiles answered.

“Did you take too much Adderall?” Sam asked glancing back at his younger brother with concern. It wasn’t out of the norm for Stiles to take an extra dose or two when he was feeling extra spastic.

“No, uh actually, I haven’t had any in a few days,” Stiles frowned realizing he hadn’t actually felt like he needed it.

“A few days?” Dean frowned at Stiles in the rearview mirror, “Usually you’re all over the place if you go more than two days without it.”

Stiles shrugged, “I feel okay.”

“Are you sure?” Sam asked. Dean was getting more suspicious, he could tell.

“Yeah, I just felt a little on edge last night, so I went for a walk, it’s not a big deal,” Stiles shrugged.

“Not a big deal? Stiles, you haven’t taken your meds in several days and you’re not sleeping. If something is wrong, talk to us,” Dean demanded gently. He was always more gentle with Stiles, perhaps it was cause he was the youngest or perhaps it was cause of how harsh dad treated him. Stiles had always clashed with John the most, and they fought constantly because of it.

“It’s been a few days since we’ve been on a hunt, maybe I’m just getting antsy,” Stiles shrugged again.

Dean only nodded, it wasn’t unlike Stiles to get bored between hunts. The last one had been a vamp nest a week prior.

“I’ll call bobby, see if he’s got anything for us,” Sam offered pulling out his phone.

Stiles didn’t respond. Maybe a hunt would do him some good. It always helped clear his head. He and Dean were alike in that way. Sam had always been the odd man out when it came to the family business.


As Stiles grabbed his bag from the back seat Dean turned back from the drivers seat, “Call us when you wrap up here, we’ll be in the next town over.”

Stiles nodded.

“You sure you’re good?” Dean asked. It wasn’t uncommon for one of the boys to do a quick hunt by themselves. This was a simple haunting, bobby already knew the ghost and where the person was buried, as far as cases went, they didn’t get much simpler.

“Yeah, I’ll only be a few hours,” Stiles nodded. He had an hour to kill until sundown, he preferred to dig up graves at night, he was less likely to get caught.

“Alright, be careful,” Sam nodded before Dean could object, it was clear he was still worried about Stiles.

Stiles walked into the local bar and took a seat next to a tall dark haired man. They’re were only a few seats not taken at the bar, “Mind if I sit?” Stiles asked.

“Yeah, go ahead,” The guy nodded turning to face Stiles. Stiles gave a small smile, this guy was gorgeous.

“Just passing through?” The guy asked glancing at the bag hooked on Stiles’ shoulder.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now