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Cas stepped in between Dean and Crowley. He wouldn't let Dean make this mistake. He couldn't sit by when there was something he could do.

"Dean, wait," Cas voice was quiet, like he was ashamed to be speaking.

"Cas, I'll deal with Stiles when-"

"I can heal them," Cas interrupted.

Dean frowned, looking taken aback. "What?"

"I..." Cas refused to meet Dean's eyes.

"You could help him this whole time and you didn't say anything?" Dean's chest squeezed at the betrayal. The one person he didn't expect it from.

"It's...complicated," Cas remained as vague as possible. The less Dean and Sam knew the better.

"Why didn't you say something before?" Dean snapped.

"I'm sorry, Dean."

Sam frowned. Something about the way Cas was avoiding eye contact and the way he wasn't trying to defend himself didn't sit right with him. He stepped forward then.

"Cas, how complicated?"

Cas glanced up at Sam with an even stare. "It doesn't matter, I know it'll work."

"Then I'm guessing my services won't be needed," Crowley huffed before disappearing.

Cas made his way towards the car ignoring the betrayed look from Dean.

"Dean-" Sam started but Dean cut in.

"Come on," Dean growled as he followed after Cas.


When Dean parked the car in Bobby's driveway he turned to Cas.

"Why didn't you do something before?"

Cas stared straight out the window as he answered, "I was being selfish."

Dean opened his mouth to question what he meant by that, but the angel was already getting out of the car.

"Dean, I don't like this," Sam frowned after the angel.

"It was either this or Derek's life and you didn't like that either," Dean snapped before getting out of the car.

Bobby was waiting on them at the door.

"Any changes?" Sam asked hopefully.

Bobby only shook his head.

"I'm guessing that demon wasn't willing to play ball?"

"His price was too high," Cas answered stiffly.

"I didn't think so," Dean scoffed.

"What'd he want?"

"Derek's life," Sam answered.

Bobby whistled, "That wouldn't have gone over well with Stiles. Probably best you didn't make that call."

Dean's jaw clenched. "I was ready to but they wouldn't let me," he gestured towards Cas and his brother.

"There'd be no forgiving you, boy. Stiles loves that man and you trading his life wouldn't be fixing anything," Bobby nodded to where Derek was lying on his couch.

"It's okay, I can fix them," Cas spoke up then, his eyes also on Derek.

"Then why the hell haven't you already?" Bobby snapped.

"It's complicated." The angel turned to Dean then, "I will need a boost. Your soul can give it to me, but it's...intrusive."

"Okay..." Dean frowned. Cas was being awfully vague.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now