I hate him

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"I don't like this," Dean growled looking between his brothers.

"Cas is right, it's too dangerous for me to be here. Michael could be closing in right now," Stiles sighed.

Dean pursed his lips in displeasure.

Stile knew that meant Dean was about to give in.

"We'll find Gabriel and then I'll be right back under your microscope," Stiles quipped.

"Stiles," Sam gave his brother a look that said, 'don't instigate him'.

"Damn it, Stiles, I do it to protect you," Dean snapped. He hadn't appreciated that remark.

"No, you do it cause it's what dad did, and you strive to be just like him, for some damn reason," Stiles snapped back. He was getting really tired of being treated like a child.

Dean clenched his jaw but didn't respond.

"Cas, why don't you take them back," Sam piped in then. He knew the argument would only progress and usually it got taken too far.

Cas placed a hand on Derek and Stiles shoulder causing the three of them to vanish.

"Dean, he's just upset right now," Sam tried to comfort his older brother, though he doubted it would do much good.

"He called me sir, Sam," Dean snapped gesturing to where Stiles had previously been standing.

"You just reminded him of dad," Sam sighed. He knew that wasn't what Dean wanted to hear.

"I don't want to be like dad, not anymore," Dean ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

"I know, but some habits are harder to break than others." Sam spoke gently.

"You spent years doing what your father told you, that don't just go away," Bobby added.

Dean turned to face Sam and Bobby, "I hate him. I hate him for what he did to us, I hate him for the way he raised us, I hate him for leaving us....I hate him." Dean's expression was pulled into a sneer.

Sam would normally have assured Dean that he didn't mean that, but at this point he honestly felt the same way and seeing what John had done to Stiles and Dean, it frustrated Sam. He'd left no room for compassion for anyone that wasn't human. Hell, he'd told Dean that if the time came to put a bullet in Sam. Fortunately the years of forcing Dean to protect Sam had over ridden that order.


Stiles gripped at the hotel room wall once they landed back in the city they'd been hunting in. Cas' teleportation trick made Stiles want to hurl.

"I should get back, Dean will likely be angry still. I might be able to calm him," Cas spoke up, "Will you two be alright?"

Derek looked at Stiles who only nodded.

The room remained silent once Cas left.


"Don't," Stiles put his hand up to silence Derek.

"Please," Derek begged. He couldn't stand Stiles hating him the way he did.

"Please what?" Stiles snapped, "What could you possibly want from me?"

"I just want you to know I'm still the same person. Nothing has changed," Derek's expression was pleading.

"You lied to me. I trusted you, I cared about you and you lied," Stiles sadness was seeping into his tone. It hurt him to know that the guy he had let himself feel something for wasn't who he thought.

"Please, just give me a chance to prove to you that I'm not like every other monster," Derek didn't know how to convince Stiles, but he had to try.


"Because what we had was real," Derek took a step towards Stiles.

The youngest Winchester took a step back, "I'd rather get this spell broken and never see you again."

Derek dropped his head, "I thought you wanted to put a blade through me."

Stiles closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He had said that, "I don't want to, Derek, damn it I don't want to. But what choice do I have? And if I don't, Dean will," Stiles gestured to the door as if his brother were on the other side.

"You have a choice," Derek's eyes once again met Stiles'.

Stiles for the first time in his life, felt torn. He'd never hesitated to do what had to be done, but what if Sam had been right about his grace? What if Derek could be trusted?

Stiles shook his head, he couldn't think like that, "I can't, Derek. You're no different than the dog you put down earlier."

Derek's shoulders slumped. Stiles' anger was back, and his doubt gone. This was going to be harder than he thought.

"I'm gonna go wash this blood off of me. Don't...do anything," Stiles huffed before closing himself in the bathroom.

Derek dropped onto the bed, his elbows rested on his knees as his head fell in his hands. He was angry at himself for not falling for Stiles. He knew falling for a hunter was dangerous, yet he'd done it anyway. He shouldn't have even agreed to help Stiles. He should have stuck to hunting alone. But the cute Winchester was too tempting, and now he was screwed.

Derek's ears perked at the sound of quiet sobs coming from the shower.


Derek squeezed his eyes shut wishing he could ignore the sound, but he couldn't. It hurt too much, knowing he was the reason for Stiles' tears.

"I'm so sorry," Derek whispered though he knew Stiles couldn't hear. Not that it mattered, Stiles wasn't going to forgive Derek anyway, not right now at least.

Small update.🙂

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