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Stiles squinted at the man he and Derek were talking to, fighting to keep his expression neutral.

"Then there was a shark," The man shuddered as he spoke.

"A shark was in your office?" Derek asked raising a brow.

"I told you, you wouldn't believe me. It was like I was on an island surrounded by water." The man shook his head, dropping his eyes to the floor between them.

"The island being your desk," Derek was now fighting to hold back a smirk.

"And then it just went away?" Stiles piped in then, hoping to keep Derek from losing it completely.

"Like it never happened. The mayor says people are being roofied and that we're hallucinating but I swear it was real."

Stiles felt bad for the guy; he was obviously traumatized.

"We're here to catch the guy who did it," Stiles gave a reassuring smile. "Thank you for your time."

Derek and Stiles turned and walked out holding back their smirks.

Once the pair were safely out of the building, Stiles erupted into laughter. "Did you see how terrified he was?"

Derek chuckled slightly, "Definitely the work of a trickster."

Stiles straightened himself and fought to put a serious face back on. "You get anything from his co-workers?" he asked around a giggle.

"Yeah, apparently he was the office bully. Used to brag about all his many vacations. Evidentially he's known for exaggerating his stories. One of them about being circled by a great white on a fishing trip once." Derek read from his notepad he had scribbled on.

"It's not just a story now," Stiles snorted. He pulled open the car door of the Camaro.

"I definitely think we're in the right place," Derek flipped through his notepad at all the people they'd talked to that day. All of them with the same type of story; traumatic hallucinations that reflected some aspect of their life. Each person was an asshole in some way, whether it was a cheating wife, a money hungry CEO, or a desk jockey who had a knack for telling lies.

"Unless we're just dealing with a regular trickster," Stiles let out a huff as he put the car in drive.

"You can't think like that. It'll eat you up. I know you're worried about your brothers, especially now after what happened with Cas and Jimmy," Derek reached out for Stiles but paused. He and Stiles had been getting along more but he was afraid to push it.

"Before I found out, I was sure I'd keep it from them if we found him, but now I'm not so sure," Stiles sighed; his eyes trained on the red light in front of him.

Derek decided to throw caution to the wind and laid a hand gently on Stiles' knee. "It's okay. Whatever you decide I'll support it."

Stiles looked over at Derek with his caramel brown eyes. He looked sad. Like he was dooming Derek to the worst of fates. "But we'll still be linked, and Dean..." Stiles trailed off, dragging his eyes back to the road in front of him.

"I'll be fine," Derek spoke reassuringly. The fact that Stiles was even concerned for Derek's well being was such an improvement, Derek almost didn't care what happened to him. Stiles was the one he cared about winning over and if he was able to win over Sam and Dean in the process well that was just icing on the cake.

"I want you to know something," Stiles spoke stiffly. He stared straight ahead, not daring to look at Derek.

Derek waited patiently for him to continue.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now