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Stiles was glad Derek wasn't in the car with him on the ride to Missouri. He was sure he'd hear the obvious way his heart skittered in his chest when asked if he was nervous. He tried to hide his nerves to keep the tension low.

"I'm fine," Stiles answered dismissively. The car ride had been painfully quiet until now.

"You're very much like Dean, you know that?" Cas asked, turning to look at Stiles in the backseat. Sam had ridden with Bobby.

"Sam tells me that all the time," Stiles gave a small smile. He didn't mind being compared to Dean. He always looked up to his older brother.

Dean drove passed the sign for Carthage, sending Stiles' heart into overdrive. This was it, this was the big moment. He couldn't mess this up.

"You've got this," Dean glanced in the rearview mirror catching Stiles' eye. It was as if he'd read Stiles' mind.

"Yeah," Stiles averted his eyes then. He couldn't imagine how upset everyone would be if he screwed up.

The group of hunters climbed out of the cars and glanced around the town. It was oddly barren.

"The farm is just up the there," Bobby gestured towards the empty road.

"We should split up," Sam pulled his duffle over his shoulder towards Dean. "You and Cas go east. Stiles and Bobby west. I'll come in the front, go straight for him."

"Sam," Dean sighed, not liking the sound of that.

"You've got my back and he won't do anything to me. He needs me alive," Sam reminded Dean.

Dean only nodded. He knew Sam was right. Stiles had to be the priority.

"Cas should go with Stiles and Bobby."

"We can handle a few demons, Dean," Stiles interjected.

"But you need to avoid getting hurt. Any injuries can lower your chances of surviving this."

"Dean is right, and in the chance that Lucifer senses Gabriel's grace he might assume it's mine if we're together," Cas piped in.

Stiles agreed reluctantly. He didn't like Dean being alone, but they were all taking risks on this. "When should I inject this?" He asked, pulling out the syringe he had tucked in his jacket.

"Probably sooner than later. Don't wanna risk it getting busted in a scuffle with a demon," Bobby answered, scanning the barren streets. It was an unsettling sight.

Dean's jaw clenched and Sam's brows furrowed worriedly.

"What if it kills him before he gets to Lucifer?" Dean's tone was tight. No one liked the thought of it but was a valid question.

"We'll need to move fast," Cas glanced around as if expecting trouble. But there was none. And it didn't look like any would be coming.

"It's fifteen til midnight," Sam said, checking his watch.

Stiles tied a tourniquet he'd pulled from his bag around his arm and lined the needle of the syringe up.

Dean stepped forward when he noticed Stiles' hesitation, "Let me."

Stiles would never tell Dean, but he was thankful for the help. He didn't do needles. He just hoped he didn't pass out. That would be more than embarrassing. He couldn't miss out on his chance by being unconscious.

Dean gently pressed the needle into Stiles' arm and pushed the glowing liquid into him.

Stiles grit his teeth and let out a hiss. It stung.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now