If she screws up

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The loud purr of the impala was soothing to Dean's ears. Sam was staring at his laptop in the passengers seat. They were heading a town a few miles outside of Sioux Falls. There had been some demon omens, or well there had been cattle mutilations, but nothing else. Normally they would have passed it off as a wild animal, but they were desperate for some sort of lead on anything related to the devil, so they packed a couple bags and set off to Madison South Dakota.

Cas had gone to check in on Stiles and then rejoin his hunt for God. Dean was growing to like the angel. He didn't cause trouble, he came whenever Dean called, and he was looking out for Stiles. All in all, he was turning out to be a good ally.

Dean pulled into the driveway of the old farm house. It was the last place to have reported their cattle being attacked.

An older man covered in mud and hay walked out to the car.

"What can I do you for?" The man asked in a rough voice.

"Mr. Harper?" Sam asked pulling out a badge, "I'm agent Ford, this is my partner agent Hamill from the US Wildlife Service. We're here about the attack claims you made about your cows."

"Yeah, yeah, they're right this way. It happened just last night. I had heard from a few others around here that they had that problem, I left one of my dogs out for the night and heard them go ballistic. I came out and saw someone run off into the woods that way," Mr. Harper said pointing at a large lining of trees.

"You ever have any attacks like this in the past?" Dean asked next. It seemed unlikely a demon would run off into the woods after mutilating a couple cows. Something didn't add up.

"We get the occasional coyote, but they usually go after the chickens. Nothing's never attacked none of our cows before," Mr. Harper shook his head.

Dean raised his brows and muttered, "That was an impressive use of a triple negative."

"What was that?" The man asked turning to Dean with a frown.

"My partner was wondering how many cows were hit," Sam stepped in, shooting his brother a glare. Since when did he become a grammar nazi?

"Oh, uh, only the one, I'm guessing they would have attacked more had I not come out."

Dean knelt next to the cow to examine the lifeless body. It looked unharmed besides the blood stains along its neck and side. Dean grabbed a nearby twig and poked at a small gash near the main artery of the neck.

"Not a lot of blood here," Dean noted continuing to poke the cow. An artery should have bled out, a lot.

"Nah, that's the weird part. All the attacks have left the cows drained dry. I never heard of such a thing," Mr. Harper asked rubbing the back of his neck in question.

"We're gonna take a look around and then we'll be off, thank you for your time, and if anything else comes up," Sam handed over a card, "Give us a call."

"Sure thing," Mr. Harper tilted his head in a farewell before walking off back towards the house.

"So not demons," Sam sighed. He was hoping they'd actually get a lead finally, guess that was too much to ask.

"No, look at the neck here," Dean said using his stick to point at the puncture wounds.

"That's reminiscent of a vampire," Sam frowned down at the cow's neck.

"But since when do they go after cows?" Dean tossed the stick aside and stood back up.

"Maybe it's vegan?" Sam offered jokingly.

Dean gave his brother and incredulous look, sometimes he wondered how he and Sam were even related.


Dean held the blade in his hand, ready for an attack at any moment. They had found a suspicious looking abandoned barn in the woods near Mr. Harper's property. The brothers had decided to wait until sundown to investigate it further. If it was a nest of vamps, they would be out. Dean and Sam could pick them off easier once they returned individually. They rarely hunted in groups.

The barn was oddly clean. There were a few bloodied rags and what looked to be a small duffle bag with clothes.

"I don't know that this is our place," Sam frowned. Normally there was more sign of activity and more bodies.

"Somebody's been here," Dean disagreed pointing to the bag that sat on an old bench.

"Who are you?" A female voice asked suddenly standing in the doorway of the barn.

Dean whirled, his blade up and ready to strike, "I think the question is who are you?"

"You're hunters, aren't you?" The girl asked, her eyes going wide at the sight of Dean's weapon. She couldn't have been older than twenty.

"You're a bloodsucker, aren't you?" Dean countered. He eyed the rest of the barn for any other exit, in case one was needed.

"I'm not like the others," She shook her head, "I feed off animals."

"Right, like we're gonna believe that," Dean scoffed. It did explain the drained cows, but that could just be a cover for the people she was likely attacking as well.

"I swear, I've been jumping from town to town for months, I usually only take one or two cows a night, but I've been hungry lately," The girl spoke in a desperate tone.

"Let me guess, cows aren't cutting it," Dean sneered. He just wanted to lop her head off already.

"It's hard, but I'm managing," She shrugged.

Dean rolled his eyes, "I'm sure," He took a step towards the woman.

"Dean," Sam said, not moving towards the vamp.

"Oh come on Sam, it's a vampire, we kill those remember?" Dean snapped. Was Sam really suggesting they let her go?

"She hasn't hurt anyone," Sam sighed.

Yes, yes he was suggesting that.

"Damn it, Sam, no. She dies, end of story," Dean snapped. What was with Sam and trusting the monsters lately?

"Please," The girl begged gently. She knew running was pointless. They would catch her.

"Dean-" Sam started but was immediately interrupted by his brother.

"She's a monster Sam," Dean turned to the vampire next, "You may not be killing people now, but how long do you think you're gonna be able to play vegetarian?"

"If she screws up, we take her out," Sam said, hoping to sway his brother.

"If she screws up, someone dies," Dean snapped, "And that's on us."

Sam knew Dean was right, but he wanted to give her a chance.

Dean saw the struggle on his brother's face. He knew he was just trying to spare a life, but it would cost one eventually.

He turned to the vampire, "Look, I get what you're trying to do, but what happens when you get caught before you get to that cow? And that farmer is looking awfully tempting, you really thing you'll be able to walk away?" Dean didn't know why he was even having this conversation, he didn't need to justify killing a vampire.

A tear escaped the girl's eyes as Dean took a step forward.

"Please," She whispered.

Dean refused to say sorry for what he was about to do.

Sam flinched as the sound of Dean's blade cut through flesh and bone. The thunk of the vampire's head hitting the floor made Sam's stomach churn. He had hoped Dean would be understanding, but that just wasn't Dean.

"There's no such thing as a good monster, I'm sorry, Sam," Dean stepped over the body wiping his blade on his jeans.

A small filler chapter for you. Let me know what you think!

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