What Dean didn't know...

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Stiles' fingers thrummed against the side of his leg as Derek drove them to their hotel.

Derek could smell the anxiety and anticipation on Stiles. He also heard the way his heart was hammering in his chest.

"What is wrong?" Derek finally snapped, unable to ignore it anymore.

"What? Nothing." Stiles frowned, shaking his head. He really wasn't in the mood to talk to Derek about what he was thinking.

"As a werewolf I can smell your emotions. You're anxious about something. Plus, I can hear your heart beat and it's pounding," Derek practically growled. He knew Stiles didn't know he could read him, but it was still insulting that he thought he could lie to Derek like that. It was obvious Stiles was dwelling on something.

"You can smell my emotions?" Stiles asked, his eyes widening. That was almost as bad as being able to read his thoughts. Almost.

"Yes. Ever heard of chemosignals?" Derek glanced at Stiles then.

"I'm just thinking," Stiles bit down on lower lip, his eyes dropping to his lap.

Derek parked the Camero in front of the hotel they'd booked earlier.

Stiles climbed out before Derek could press the issue.

"Stiles," Derek followed the Winchester into their shared room.

"What?" Stiles snapped. He didn't like how he was warming up to the idea of Derek not being such a bad guy.

"We have to talk about this eventually," Derek sighed, dropping his bag on one of the beds.

"You barely know me Derek, how can you possibly..." Stiles trailed off unable to say it. He turned away, not wanting to look at the werewolf.

"Love you?" Derek finished for Stiles. He'd hoped to avoid the topic, but he knew they had to talk about it sometime. Better to get it over with.

Stiles ran a hand through his hair.

"I've spent every waking moment with you for weeks on end, can you blame me?" Derek's tone was quiet, like he was afraid to admit it.

"That's just it, Derek, I do blame you," Stiles turned back around, "I blame you for lying to me, and for me trusting you. I wanted to put a bullet in you and yet still you claim to..." Stiles trailed off again, scoffing as he did so.

"Wanted?" Derek frowned slightly. Did that mean Stiles didn't still want to put a bullet in him?

"All I want to do right now is kiss you," Stiles huffed, not looking away from Derek.

Derek's heart leapt at Stiles confession. He took a step towards the hunter, "What's stopping you?"

"You're not who I thought," Stiles for the first time looked hurt instead of pissed off talking about Derek being a werewolf.

"I'm the same person," Derek took another step forward, only a foot between them now.

"I want that to be true so bad, but I don't trust you. How do I know this isn't all some ruse?" Stiles spoke quietly, like admitting this was painful for him.

"How can I prove it to you?" Derek asked taking another small step.

Stiles' eyes dropped to Derek's mouth.

Derek could smell the want Stiles was feeling. He wanted to lean it, but he refused to make the first move. Stiles would have to be the one to initiate it.

"Monsters aren't supposed to be good," Stiles eyes met Derek's again.

"Not all monsters do monstrous things," Derek wanted to touch Stiles, but he was afraid to push the hunter away.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now