What happened?

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Dean dialed Stiles' number for the third time that day. He should have heard from him by now. The oldest Winchester paced Bobby's living room with an intensity Sam knew only meant one thing, Dean was about to snap.

"He's not answering, Derek's not answering, and Cas isn't answering," Dean growled out as he hung up the unanswered phone.

"They might be on a hunt," Sam was trying to be the voice of reason, but even he couldn't deny that he was getting worried.

"For seven hours?" Dean snapped. He'd called Stiles that morning and then several hours later, now almost exactly seven hours later he still hadn't heard anything from his youngest brother. He tried calling Derek and Cas neither one answered either and Dean was getting pissed. He didn't like to not be able to contact his brothers.

"I'll see if I can pull the GPS on Stiles' phone," Sam sighed. He knew comforting Dean was useless.

Dean nodded before stalking out the front door. Sam didn't bother asking where he was going.

Dean let the door slam behind him as he made his way towards the impala. He wanted to get in and go find Stiles, but he didn't have the slightest idea of where to start.

Dean placed his hands on the trunk of the impala gripping at the cool metal, desperate for something to ground him. He bowed his head and closed his eyes.

"Cas, I need you to answer me. I need to know my brother's okay," Dean's tone was desperate and pleading, but he didn't care, not when it came to Stiles.

Dean waited earnestly for an answer, but nothing happened.

"Cas, please, I can't get ahold of him or Derek. I have to know he's not..." Dean trailed off. As the older brother he felt responsible for Sam and Stiles, he always had, and he wouldn't be able to live with himself if something happened to Stiles, especially because Stiles was only trying to protect Sam and Dean.

"Dean," Cas' voice spoke causing Dean to whirl around.

The normally put together angel looked haggard and ruffled.

"Cas," Dean's worry spiked at the sight of Cas' normally pristine coat which was stained with what could only be blood.

"Stiles is fine," Cas said with a heavy breath.

Dean visibly deflated with relief.

"What happened?" Dean stepped towards the angel.

"Stiles and Derek were in trouble, I intervened. The angels had been watching Stiles so when I showed they could ambush me," Cas explained.

"In trouble how?" Dean's protective brother side came to the surface.

"Witches, It's okay, they're safe now," Cas assured the hunter.

"The angels, what did they do to you?" Dean touched the blood stains on Cas' side.

"They were going to kill me," Cas answered.

"I've been cut off from heaven, so my grace is low, and it takes me longer to heal," Cas pulled back his coat to reveal the white shirt underneath torn and bloody as well. Through the tear Dean could see a nasty wound. It looked deep and raw.

"Cas," Dean breathed out in concern.

"Stiles told me to tell you, his phone was broken in the fight. He'll call you with a new number. He said you'll know the drill," Cas spoke as if the information was the most important thing that needed to be said.

"Let's get you inside," Dean wrapped his arm around Cas' careful to avoid the gash.

Sam looked up to see Dean leading a weak looking Cas through the front door.

"Cas?" Sam stood, his tone as concerned as he looked.

"Stiles is okay," Dean said as he helped Cas sit on the bench in front of Bobby's window.

"What happened?"

"Angels," Dean growled out.

"But Stiles and Derek are alright?" Sam asked with a frown.

"Yes, the angels weren't after them," Cas nodded leaning back against the pillow Dean had placed behind him.

"I couldn't locate them on GPS," Sam glanced at the laptop on Bobby's desk.

As if on cue Dean's phone rang.

Dean pulled it out to see an unknown number. After the second ring it fell silent before the number called again.

"It's stiles," Dean said as he pressed the answer button. It was their way of knowing who was on the other end if they were calling from an unknown number. Let it ring twice, hang up, then call again.

"Dean, is Cas okay? He's not answering my prayers," Stiles asked urgently as soon as he heard Dean's voice.

"He's here, he was answering mine. I couldn't get ahold of you," Dean responded.

"Is he okay?" Stiles asked again.

"He's hurt, but I think he's okay, he just needs time to heal," Dean nodded looking at Cas with a worried expression.

"Tell him I'm sorry, I didn't know they were watching us, I never would have called for him," Stiles' tone was full of guilt.

"What happened?" Dean asked. He was met with silence.

Dean knew what that meant.

"Stiles, what did you do?" Dean demanded.

"I went to a witch for help," Stiles answered with a sigh. He knew Dean would be pissed.

"You what?" Dean barked into the phone.

"I know, I'm sorry, but I got her to make hex bags for us to help hide us from angels, just temporarily until we can find Gabriel," Stiles explained quickly.

"A witch wouldn't just help a hunter, Stiles," Dean growled. What had his brother done?

"I know, so I struck a deal," Stiles' sounded like a scolded child admitting to eating the last cookie, only this wasn't a cookie it was a witch and he made a deal.

"You what?" Dean shouted.

"I didn't follow through, she wanted a vile of my blood, I gave it to her, she gave me the hex bags and then I killed her," Stiles said, as if that made it all better.

"Stiles, if she was strong enough to create hex bags then she had a coven, which means they'll come for you," Dean pinched the bridge of his nose. Stiles was known for being reckless, but this was bad, even for him.

"I'm not worried about that, Dean," Stiles huffed. Dean could practically feel Stiles rolling his eyes on the other end.

"You should be," Dean snapped. Leave it to stiles to poke a hornet's nest and not care about the repercussions. 

Sorry it's been so long, but I'm back now!

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