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Stiles opened the door of the ratty hotel room he and Derek had booked for the night. They decided, after three hours of pointless driving, it was safe to stop and come up with a game plan. He was exhausted from the lack of sleep and headaches. He hoped that the dreams would at least stop.

"Please, Cas, don't haunt me with those dreams," Stiles whispered quietly as he rummaged through his bag for a charging cable for his phone.

"Of course, Stiles, there's no need for them any longer now that you know the truth," Castiel's voice spoke.

Within seconds, Derek and Stiles had their guns out before realizing it was Castiel.

"Damn it Cas," Stiles swore putting his gun back.

"I'm sorry, I heard your prayer," Castiel said with a glance around the room.

"My...prayer?" Stiles frowned in confusion. What was he talking about?

"Yes, you asked me not to send you those dreams," Castiel explained, his eyes settling back on the hunter.

"Oh, I wasn't...that was just..." Stiles hadn't realized Cas could hear him, "I didn't know..."

"You thought I wouldn't hear," Castiel nodded in understanding.

"It was kind of a silent plea, I talk to myself, it's a bad habit," Stiles shifted slightly.

"Well if you ever need to, you can simply add my name and I will hear it as a prayer," Castiel gave a small smile, turning to Derek, "That goes for both of you."

Suddenly he was gone.

"He's gonna give me whiplash," Stiles shook his head as he continued through his bag.

"Do we even have any idea where to find this Gabriel guy?" Derek asked taking a seat on the edge of his bed.

"No. All I know is we've crossed paths with him once before. We knew him as the trickster, but apparently he was just blending in," Stiles explained.

"Okay, so we look for activity that suggests a trickster," Derek nodded pulling his laptop from his bag.

"I guess, it's our best bet," Stiles shrugged.

"I'll start looking," Derek said opening his laptop.

"How about we start tomorrow, it's already late. Let's grab some dinner and I can buy you that drink I owe you," Stiles suggested, tossing a glance at Derek.

"Sure," Derek smiled.


The pair found a small grill and bar down the road from their hotel. Once they had ordered their food, Stiles shifted slightly in his seat and cleared his throat.

"So how did you...become a hunter?" Stiles always felt awkward asking that question. Every hunter he ever knew got into the life by losing someone dear to them. Bobby lost his wife to a demon. Martin had lost his sister to Vampires. It was just the way things happened.

Stiles noticed Derek visibly tense. He immediately felt bad for asking. He'd just been curious.

"My family was killed by werewolves. I was the only survivor," Derek answered staring down at his ice water as if it was the most interesting thing he'd seen all day.

"I'm sorry," Stiles bit his bottom lip as he dropped his eyes to his own ice water.

"You?" Derek asked looking up.

"My mother was killed by a demon when I was a baby. Sam's second birthday. My dad became obsessed with finding out what killed her. He became a hunter and he raised us in the life. I've never known anything else," Stiles shrugged.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now