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When Cas woke, he wasn't alone. Dean was leaned back against the side of the couch, Bobby's lore books surrounding the floor around him and piled on the small coffee table in front of him.

"Dean?" Cas frowned, sitting up. He felt much better having slept.

"Cas," Dean turned to the once angel with a concerned smile. "How are you feeling?"

"What are you doing?" Cas asked, instead of answering Dean's question.

"Trying to find a way to restore your grace," Dean sighed at the many books around him. "Stiles and Bobby are in the other room looking as well. I think Sam took Derek to get dinner for us," Dean answered, his eyes scanning Cas for any evidence of him not doing well.

"Derek?" Cas raised a brow.

"Yes," Dean sighed. "It seems he'll be sticking around."

Cas gave a soft smile, "I'm glad to hear that."

"How are you feeling?" Dean asked again, eager to change the subject.

"Dean," Cas slid to the floor so he was next to the hunter. "There's no restoring my grace."

"I don't believe that. I can't. You shouldn't have had to give that up. It's who you are. You're not...human. You're better than that," Dean's tone was desperate, like it hurt him to say these things.

Cas took Dean's hands in his, "Angels are no better than humans. Look at what they tried to do. I rebelled, that's not very angel like. Maybe this is what my father intended for me. I'm not an angel anymore. I wasn't the moment I spoke with you and your brothers. I want you to know that...this won't be easy for me, but I don't regret it."

Dean bowed his head as if in shame. "I'm so sorry, Cas. If I'd known-"

"That's why I didn't tell you," Cas lifted Dean's chin.

Dean surged forward, connecting their lips.

A surge shot through Cas and he pulled away smiling.

"What?" Dean frowned in confusion.

"Being human kind of changes things. Emotions and stuff. I thought I knew what love was before, but now..." Cas traced his thumb along Dean's bottom lip. "It's so much stronger."

Dean's heart leapt into his throat, rendering him speechless.

Stiles cleared his voice from the doorway then, "Sorry to interrupt. Sam and Derek are back with dinner."

Dean and Cas stood to follow Stiles to the kitchen.

"Cas, can I talk to you for a second?" Stiles asked, grabbing the angel's arm gently as he walked by.

Dean went on ahead, leaving Cas and Stiles alone.

"Is everything alright?" Cas wasn't used to the amount of worry he was feeling for the younger hunter. These human emotions were going to take some getting used to.

"I want to say thank you. You not only saved my life, but Derek's too, and my relationship with Dean. I would never have been able to forgive him..." Stiles' eyes fell to the floor between them.

"Like I said, it's what family does."

"You are family, Cas and I hope you truly believe it. I've never seen Dean so happy. I feel terrible that you gave up your grace to save me and Derek, and I want you to know that I will always be in your debt," Stiles looked as though he might cry but the tears never fell.

"Just promise me you'll allow yourself to love Derek with everything you have. You're all he's got," Cas touched Stiles' cheek gently.

Stiles only nodded.

Cas stepped by the hunter and towards the kitchen where everyone else was. He went straight for Derek and pulled him into a hug.

"Oh," Derek hugged back awkwardly; his eyes darting to Stiles in confusion.

Dean's jaw set but he said nothing.

"I'm glad you're here," Cas smiled, pulling back. He was overwhelmed with the emotions he wasn't quite used to.

"How you doing, Cas?" Bobby asked handing the ex angel a glass of scotch.

"I'll be okay," Cas smiled sadly, "But I'd like for you all to stop looking for a way to fix this. I'm not an angel anymore, haven't been for a long time. It's going to be an adjustment but I'm okay with that."

"We're here for you, Cas. You don't have to adjust alone," Sam pat Cas' shoulder affectionately.

Dean stepped in close and snaked an arm around Cas' waist. Cas bent forward and pressed a chaste kiss to the hunter's lips.

Stiles glanced at Derek who was watching him fondly. They owed Cas everything. If it weren't for the once angel, Derek might be dead, and Stiles would have lost the one person he's ever truly loved.

"You okay?" Derek mouthed.

"I couldn't be better," Stiles answered quietly knowing Derek would hear him.

The two kept their distance when around Dean. They didn't imagine Dean would be too keen on seeing his baby brother making out with a werewolf. They kept their pda minimal. Simple brushes of the hand or brief touches as they passed. Dean would come around, but until then they would be careful. They didn't want to ruin this, not now that they were all together, as a family.

Endings are the worst, I truly hate them, I never know how to do it. Anyway, that's it! It's officially over! It's been a looong ride and I thank you all for your sweet comments and votes and such!
I have two other Sterek stories you're welcome to check out 'For the love of chaos' and 'Flirt Responsibly'.
I will also be starting a new Destiel story in the next few days, called 'My kind of angel' if you want to check it out I'd appreciate it!
Thank you all!!❤❤

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