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Dean stepped forward. Stiles had dropped his head, like he'd just gotten bad news. "What's going on?"

Cas was the one to drop his head now, avoiding Dean's eyes.

Stiles turned to the rest of the room, "I did a lot of reading about grace and souls when I found out about my grace and..." he paused, looking at Dean. "Angels can't have a soul, it's what makes them angels. The human soul is one of the most powerful things. They're what run heaven and hell. That's why they want them so bad. Cas took a piece of your soul to make his grace more powerful, but it didn't just jump start his grace. It burned it out."

Dean's heart dropped. He didn't like where this was going.

"What does that mean?" Sam asked.

"He's human," Bobby answered.

"Cas," Dean breathed out the once angel's name in a whisper.

"I couldn't let you lose Stiles, sacrificing Derek would have guaranteed that," Cas finally met Dean's eyes.

"You were gonna sacrifice Derek?" Stiles snapped at his oldest brother.

"To save your life, yes," Dean snapped back. "I regret letting them talk me out of it." He gestured to Sam and Cas.

Stiles clenched his jaw before standing to his feet.

"Stiles," Sam sighed when the youngest Winchester stomped out of the room.

Derek stood silent and unmoving in the corner.

"Cas, why'd you do this to yourself?" Dean turned back to the once angel.

"For you, Dean," Cas answered weakly.

Dean closed his eyes and let out a sigh before reaching for Cas' hands as he took a seat next to him. "Are you gonna be okay?"

"It will take time for me to adjust, but I will live," Cas nodded.

"I can't believe you did this," Dean leaned forward, his head resting on Cas'.

"I'm afraid I will no longer be useful to you, but I hope that doesn't change how you feel about me."

Dean pulled back harshly, "Why would you say that? I don't love you because you're useful. I love you because of who you are. Angel or not, I'm yours."

Cas seemed to deflate with relief. "I'm relieved to hear that," Cas smiled. His eyes were heavy.

"You should rest," Dean stood, allowing Cas to lie down.

He closed his eyes and was almost instantly asleep.

Dean made eye contact with Derek then, who suddenly wished the ground would swallow him up.

Dean gestured towards the door with his eyes. Derek swallowed hard before stepping out the front with Dean on his heels.

"Oh lord, here we go," Bobby huffed, going to find Sam and Stiles.


"He was going to sacrifice Derek to save me?" Stiles asked when he heard Sam follow him into the kitchen.

"Are you really surprised?" Sam asked in a tired tone.

"I had hoped that after all Derek has done for us..." Stiles trailed off. He was hurt. He wanted Dean to trust Derek.

"I know..." Sam nodded. He had also hoped Dean would come around.

"I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news, but Dean just took Derek out the front door," Bobby said walking into the room them.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now