Chick flick moments

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Dean was up earlier than normal and already had the car packed and ready to go by the time his brothers were up. Dean had always been the late sleeper of the three. Sam was usually the one up first, dragging Stiles and Dean out of bed.

"Did you get any sleep?" Sam asked his older brother as he tossed his bag into the trunk. He'd been asleep when Dean got back to the motel.

"Some," Dean shrugged, he was drinking a cup of coffee he'd gotten from a local vender. Sam guessed it was mostly sludge by the disgusted look on Dean's face.

"You alright?" Sam noted the tension his brother's shoulders.

"Yep," Dean's short tone did nothing to convince Sam.

Before he could press it though, Stiles and Derek stepped outside.

Dean barely tossed the pair a glance before climbing into the front seat of the impala.

"What's his deal?" Stiles asked glancing at Sam. Dean didn't even acknowledge him, which was unusual. He guessed he was pissed about their altercation from the night before.

"I don't think he got much sleep," Sam frowned, but Stiles noticed how unsure Sam was of his answer.

"Should I apologize?"

"Couldn't hurt."

Stiles let Sam and Derek check out of the motel while he slid into the back seat diagonal from Dean.

"I'm sorry about last night."

Dean's eyes met Stiles' in the rearview mirror.

"I was afraid you'd made another deal. I was upset and I lashed out. That wasn't fair."

Dean turned to face his youngest brother, his arm propped on the passenger side seat. "I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you and Sam. I should know better than to keep things from you two."

Stiles gave a half smile and a nod. That was as all the apology needed between them. Things were much more easily forgiven between Dean and Stiles than Dean and Sam. That tension ran too deep.

"You alright? Sam said you didn't sleep well," Stiles asked then.

Dean turned back to the front, but Stiles noticed the way his jaw clenched slightly.

"I'm good."

Stiles knew Dean well enough to know that pressing the matter wasn't going to get them anywhere so he nodded and let it go.

Sam however did not. Upon climbing into the car he was trying to get Dean to talk. He offered to drive so Dean could sleep. Dean turned down the offer. Sam asked if he had something on his mind. Dean said no. Sam asked if Dean was anxious about fighting Lucifer. Dean told Sam to stop trying to play therapist.

Stiles was glad when they arrived back at Bobby's. Dean however only seemed to tense up further.

When Sam and Derek grabbed their bags, Stiles handed Derek his and told him to go on ahead without him.

"You alright?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, just gonna talk to Dean really quick."

Dean, who was sitting on the hood of the impala, was staring off thoughtfully.

"You talked to Cas in a while?" Stiles asked, leaning next to his brother on the cool metal of the car.

"Last night," Dean nodded.

"Any luck on his treasure hunt?"

"He found the blade."

That was supposed to be good news to Stiles but instead it made his stomach knot.

"Is that why you're so quiet?" Stiles guessed that him risking his life wasn't exactly something Dean was looking forward to.

"Just tired," Dean gave Stiles a forced smile.

"I'll be alright," Stiles assured his brother, though he knew it wouldn't help.

"You better," Dean snorted pushing off the hood of the impala and heading inside.

Dean found Sam in his room.

"Can I uh...can I talk to you for a second?" Dean asked hesitantly. His hand raking over the back of his neck.

"Of course," Sam nodded eagerly.

"Look, I don't want to do the whole lovey dovey chick flick moment here but...I need to talk about this cause I'm kinda freaking out," Dean swallowed thickly, his hand now scrubbing over his mouth.

"Okay..." Sam frowned in confusion. Dean rarely freaked out, not outwardly anyway.

"Cas...uh...he uh...You were right," Dean mumbled.

"About what?"

"I think...I think I..." Dean couldn't get his mouth to form the words.

"Dean, It's okay. I know," Sam offered, trying to spare Dean having to say something he wasn't ready for.

"He kissed me," Dean blurted.

Sam's brows shot up. "He what?"

"Cas, kissed me. I'm freaking out, man. He told me he loved me, like really loved me." A wave of dizziness washed over Dean as the words tumbled from his mouth, like the reality of them were hitting him for the first time.

Sam gaped at his brother. He had guessed Cas would come realize his love for his brother sooner or later, but he didn't expect him to have figured it out already. And Dean didn't seem to be handling it well.

"Oh god. Sammy, I screwed it up," Dean's eyes widened then.

"What? How?"

Dean started to pace, which he never did. "I have been replaying what he said over and over all night and day, but I never processed my reaction. Sam, I got mad at him."

"Why would you get mad about that?" Sam could wring his brother's neck. His emotional constipation had finally screwed him.

"I thought he was just doing it for the sake of doing it. He said he knew how I felt. He felt my longing or some shit. I didn't get a chance to explain myself before he disappeared on me. He's supposed to meet us here; he has the blade. I may not get a chance to tell him. He was scouting Missouri. What if he ran into Lucifer? Fuck, Sam." Dean's hands gripped at his hair, harshly tugging at the short strands.

"Whoa, hey, calm down. You sound like Stiles," Sam laughed placing his hands on his older brother's shoulders.

"Have you tried praying to him? See if he'll answer?" Sam asked gently. Dean wasn't one to get worked up so easily, it was odd seeing it happen now.

Dean only shook his head.

"Why don't you try that before jumping to conclusions."

"What am I supposed to say to him?"

"Don't think about it so hard, just talk from the heart."

"What did I say about Chick flick moments, man?" Dean sneered at his brother's advice.

Sam only rolled his eyes as Dean headed towards the door.

"Let us know when he shows up so we can come up with a game plan for trapping Lucifer," Sam called after Dean who waved a dismissive hand.

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