Of course, Dean

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Dean paced the room in frustration. He'd just gotten off the phone with Stiles and he was pissed.

"Did you know?" Dean demanded looking at the wounded angel a few feet away.

"I was aware of his plan, yes," Cas nodded.

"And you didn't tell me?" Dean barked. Cas was supposed to look after Stiles.

"I don't tell you everything, Dean. He's a hunter, he does risky things every day. I don't tell you the details of his every hunt, why would this be any different?" Cas asked, looking at the oldest Winchester with a pointed look.

Dean faltered for a moment. He had been ready to yell at the angel, but Cas had a point.

"I don't like witches," Dean growled out as if that explained everything.

"You don't like werewolves, or demons, or vampires either," Cas once again had a point.

"Well I hate witches more," Dean huffed. He wanted to be angry at someone other than himself, but it wasn't Cas' fault. It was his. He'd been the one to jumpstart the apocalypse and he was the one to let Stiles run off on his own.

"In the future, I'll be sure to warn you of any witch interactions," Cas conceded. He had a feeling that Dean wouldn't relax until Cas gave him a peace of mind.

"Thank you, and thank you for stepping in when you did," Dean took a step towards the angel, "Are you sure there isn't something I can do?"

"I'm sure, Dean," Cas nodded, but Dean sat on the edge of the widow seat where Cas was lying down.

"Can I see?" Dean asked, his eyes on the blood-soaked clothes.

Cas sat up slightly and allowed Dean to pull his trench coat off and then his suit jacket. The red stains of the white undershirt were worse without the other layers to hide them.

"Cas," Dean breathed out as Cas removed his shirt next. The wound was long and deep. The rawness caused Dean to bite into his bottom lip.

"It's healing, just slowly," Cas assured the hunter.

"I can stitch it up for you, I've done it hundreds of times," Dean offered, "It might help it to heal faster." Dean didn't know anything about angel grace but he wanted to help.

"Okay," Cas nodded. He knew it probably wouldn't help him heal any faster but he could see the concern in Dean's eyes and Cas knew it would put Dean at ease.

Dean fetched the first aid kit from one of his bags nearby, "So if Stiles has angel grace why can't he heal?"

"He does, just at a much slower rate than an angel. You as human's wouldn't be able to notice it. But if you have ever looked at any of Stiles' scars they are more noticeable and meaner looking then a normal scar would be. It is because the wound heals faster than the body can process," Cas explained as Dean knelt next to him.

"What else can his grace do?"

"He is probably more in tune with his feelings. He can sense when someone can be trusted or not if he pays attention to it."

Images of Gordon Walker, the hunter that tried to kill Sam, flashed through Dean's head. He recalled the way Stiles was weary of him and how Dean dismissed it.

"He can hear angel radio, obviously. He can be detected by angels, of course. And he could probably at least ease someone's pain with his grace, kind of how I can heal someone. He would have to learn how to manipulate his grace though. I doubt he's ever done it before, not on purpose at least," Cas winced as Dean cleaned the wound.

"Yeah, it's gonna sting, sorry," Dean apologized.

"He's afraid you'll look at him differently," Cas said, looking down at the hunter.

"Because of his angel grace?" Dean frowned but didn't look away from Cas' injury.

"The angels put doubt in his mind, they were trying to convince him to give you up."

"Did they hurt him?" Dean asked through clenched teeth.

"No, they only spoke with him. That was why he chose to find the witch for a temporary fix, until they could find Gabriel," Cas explained gently.

Dean nodded but didn't say anything else.

"I was there, don't worry," Cas could sense Dean's unease at the idea of Stiles being cornered by angels.

"Thank you," Dean looked up, his eyes meeting Cas' for a long moment.

"Of course, Dean."

Dean drug his eyes away from the ocean blue ones and started to sew up Cas' wound.

The angel winced slightly at each pinch of the needle, but he didn't complain. A comfortable silence fell between the pair as Dean finished patching him up. There was an odd understanding between them. A mutual respect that allowed them the comfort of that silence.

"There, done," Dean pulled back to inspect his handiwork.

"Thank you, Dean," Cas smiled slightly at the hunter.

"Are you gonna leave again?" Dean's tone came out more disappointed sounding than he'd intended.

"I have to," Cas nodded much to Dean's dismay.

"Can it at least wait until tomorrow? To give that time to heal?" Dean didn't want to admit he wanted to angel to stay.

"Of course, Dean," Cas agreed. He felt Dean's longing, he didn't want Cas to go. It made Cas curious. He wasn't alone, he had Sam and Bobby, so why did Dean want him to stay. Perhaps he was simply worried for the angel. Dean had a habit of worrying about everyone around him, why should Cas be any different? Just because he was an angel?

"Why are you so nice to me, Dean?" Cas asked then causing Dean to pause.

"Do you remember our conversation in the junk yard a few days back?" Dean asked continuing to put the supplies away.

"Yes," Cas nodded.

"You're important to us Cas, and you've stayed by our side even when you were doubting us. You never sided with the angels. And you constantly risk your life for Stiles. You're practically family, man," Dean looked up then.

Cas gave a small smile, their gazes lingering longer than necessary. Cas had never felt close to a human like this before. He'd interacted with them on occasion but now that he was submerged in them, he found them kind and complicated and worth fighting for, but with Dean, it was more. Dean accepted him and trusted him. It stirred something in Cas he'd never experienced. An emotion of sorts. Sure, he'd heard that angels who spent too much time with humans could develop human emotions but he'd never witnessed it. But Dean did something to him, something that he couldn't explain.

Next chapter is going to be a good one! 😁

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