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Dean's phone rang loudly, startling the hunter awake. He'd fallen asleep on the couch with a lore book in his lap. He'd been trying to find any info on the horsemen.

"Hello?" Dean answered groggily.

"Dean?" Cas' voice asked frantically.

"Cas?" Dean sat up upon hearing the angel's voice. He sounded alarmed, which concerned the hunter.

"Dean, the angels-" The line went dead then.

Worry washed over Dean, "Cas?" He prayed out to the angel.

After a few long moments of silence Dean called Cas on his phone.

No answer.

"Sam, I need you to track the GPS on Cas' phone," Dean called hurrying towards the dining room where he'd left Sam.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked reaching for his laptop.

"Cas just called. He sounded worried, he was saying something about the angels, but he got cut off. He's not answering his phone or my prayers."

"It says he's twenty minutes outside of town," Sam pointed at his laptop screen.

"What's he doing there?" Dean noted the angel was at an address for an old warehouse.

"Let's go find out," Sam stood up, grabbing his jacket.


Dean tapped anxiously on the steering wheel as he drove towards the address Sam had given him.

"I'm sure he's fine, Dean," Sam spoke reassuringly. He could tell Dean was worried.

"What if he's in trouble?" Dean objected, "He sounded like he was going to warn me about the angels. What if they got to him?"

Sam didn't respond, he didn't know how to. He couldn't know for sure if Cas was okay.

Dean threw the car in park and stepped out. The warehouse looked bare and was silent.

"You think he's still here?" Sam whispered.

"I dunno, come on," Dean gestured for Sam to follow him.

The brothers carefully pulled open the large metal door, careful not to make too much noise.

It was quiet, however it looked like a tornado had hit the inside. There were broken pallets and fallen beams.

"Dean," Sam rushed towards a figure lying on the ground behind a pile of broken beams.

Dean's breath caught in his throat at the sight of Cas skewered on one of the metal pipes.

"Cas," Dean dropped to his knees taking the angels' face in his hands. Blood pooled at the angel's mouth.

"He's...gone," Cas struggled to form the words.

Dean frowned, "Who's gone?"


"Jimmy," Sam spoke then.

A new wave of worry washed over Dean, "Where's Cas?"

"The angels," Jimmy sputtered.

"We have to get him to a hospital," Dean spoke urgently, inspecting the metal rod sticking through Jimmy.

"It's no use," Jimmy grabbed Dean's hand to stop him from removing the pipe, "I'm dead anyway."

"No," Dean shook his head. If Jimmy died, then Cas wouldn't have a vessel.

"Castiel did it to protect you," Jimmy sputtered some more.

"What?" Dean didn't like the sound of that, "Is he okay?"

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now